Holy fuck, that's hilarious. scummy, but hilarious...
never heard of him till now, have to do a deeper dive later, thanks!
This is true... Think Twain wrote about this in "king arthur's court." Great book. Better than Sawyer or Finn. Nobody ever reads it...
... ... ... ...Yeah, I can see that, lol.
Well, the Sarasens are after the holy land again...
Glad somebody came up with the idea... >w>;;
Been saying it for a long time, "If General George Patton was reincarnated as a businessman, he'd be Donald John Trump..."
This is true... Samuel Clemens was notoriously witty on the printed page...
lol, it's cool, I've been on the internet more than long enough to take a joke at my own expense.
That has to be aggrivating...knowing the guy who's supposed to be the voice of god is a massive tool...
😂 you think that's bad, I have to live every waking moment with me!
For the record, I got no problem with catholics, though priest jokes are almost too good to pass up sometimes...
Goth subculture, mostly dark comedy stuff. Folk music style for the most part.
Not bad, really.
how the flaming fuck did I forget the previous reincarnation of Donald Trump!?!
shit...You ain't wrong....
ANybody specific stand out? lol
oh god, and the cheese wheel...and the fucking assassin... how did I miss jackson!?!
It does look like something a pothead or a smartass would come up with... (probably both)