...should have added a laughing emoji to indicate I was joking, lol.
that's a fair point, but there were other factors as well. I forget the term, but as an example, there's a concept where a dev/playtester plays the same part of the level over and over, so they can pass it with ease, never realizing that to a new player, that part is actually hard as balls. considering the relative youth of the industry, this wasn't properly known at the time, especially with so many new studios popping up all the time.
Honestly, I'm not even shitting on these old games. There were piles of lemons, put out by shovelware companies galore, but the games seen as classics became classics for a reason, even if the difficulty was borderline sadomasochistic.
That being said, there's something funny about people who look fondly back at games that make demon souls look like a cakewalk being called "whiny man-babies".
remember when game devs tortured gamers with brutally difficult gameplay rather than by forcing their broken politics down our throats?
Like I said; hipster bait.
It used to be that Apple products were the cream of the crop, high priced, but you were getting the best computer for graphic design, and a ton of other useful tasks, especially since everybody else finally caught up with the Amiga 4000, an ancient computer that was used in cgi for movies and tv for over a decade, lmao.
Then the Fire Nation came, and everything changed...
Sorry, couldn't resist.
jokes aside, with the iphone, they became glorified status symbols whose price was more a way for people with more money than good sense to show off how successful they were, rather than simply a top of the line product that served the needs of multiple industries.
Corporation gonna corporation, but at least samsung knows how to convey a message competently.
besides, we all know there's only one company that makes a phone that could double as tank armor, and that's nokia
yeah, I think they were trying to convey the idea that all these wonderful things were inside of such a tiny package (a trick used in more than one advertising campaign in the past), but the message was lost due to various factors.
I don't know if it was when wozniak left or when Jobs died, but there was a definite shift in the company. They went from geeks who wanted to make the best product possible to pure hipster bait, and their products have suffered ever since...
gotta hand it to samsung for the simplicity of their response. subtly artistic with a huge megadose of hope.
...I'm not even a content creator and that like/dislike ratio stung...
Just make sure you bring a BLM flag
I tried to play black flag, but it got to be such a grind fest that I just couldn't bring myself to finish it...
The fact that the only character I had any real interest in was killed one game earlier didn't really help, either..
imploded from within is my understanding...way too purist about only talking ethics in journalism...
hit me up when you guys hit kia69, I may have a joke or two...
Kia3 when? Lol
I can't remember exactly when it was, but it was featured on either this board or c/funny (probably both) at the time...he basically said something to the effect of "actually, there was a gay character in every metal gear game... you, the player"
gender minority
look up the official stats on men vs women, print them out, and show them to the owner, then get some popcorn and enjoy the mental gymnastics extravaganza.
...granted it's been a while, but this has to be the most tone-deaf political ad I've ever seen...
hey, if nothing else, at least the smell of your own bad breath is better than the smell of decaying civilization...
Weirdly reminds me of when Hideo Kojima shit talked a "fan" bitching about the lack of gay representation in the Metal Gear Series... that was fuckin hysterical...
...Not to mention the wide availability of anime proves that if what OP is suggesting were true, it would be failing spectacularly.
I vaguely remember someone named imp on another board, do you remember his actual handle?
There's been active efforts to track them down, and people have donated a lot of old episodes when they found them, but yeah, the current state is pretty bad.
Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky int he future, and some collector will have a shitton of the lost episodes, or not. either way, enjoy what we have, I suppose.
Sorry if I came off like a downer.
Good luck fren, a good chunk of the old series was lost when the BBC forgot who was supposed to be archiving it.
I actually gave up when I realized the series was effectively incomplete...too autistic to jump around like that...
Still, enjoy what there is. The series was pretty good from what I saw.
that too, lol
Well said.
Leftists really think that white Southerners are all conspiring to insult black people, that spiting black people is what white Southern life revolves around.
...Having lived in the North, and in the South for an extended period of time, I find it rather telling that I interact with Black Americans more here in Texas than when I lived in Iowa. Most of the time, people get along just fine. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever.
Of course, if you pay attention to the clothes a lot of these Leftists wear, the cars they drive, etc. you start to see what's really going on. Rich and upper-middle class brats mad at Mommy and Daddy with a romanticized/fetishised view of the Working Class, but too rich to actually interact with the Filthy Proles.
If you see a contradiction in that last statement, good. That's the point.
But because all their friends are "communists," they can't actually come out and say, "I don't really like poor people," so they project that contempt onto other issues and call us all racists so they look good.
Off-topic, but Hell, one of the reasons I like Donald Trump is that in spite of his wealth and life of comfort, he seems to actually like and respect working class people. He's totally at ease around the working class.
Just my two bits.
hell, I used to joke that if phones got any thinner, you could throw one at someone and cut them in half...