voidposter 13 points ago +13 / -0

Obviously they didn't make the dwarves gay and black enough. They should have had bones through their noses and a love of porpol drank

voidposter 20 points ago +20 / -0

Wikipedia is legit pozzed and deserves to burn.

voidposter 27 points ago +27 / -0

I can only imagine soy faggots like that buy into The Narrative so they can feel superior to SOMEONE. "Oh those poor blacks need my help, that's why I let Tyrone pounds my wife like yesterday's beef".

voidposter 12 points ago +12 / -0

Correct. But troonism is one of the most egregious "2+2=duck" social contagions, one of many products from 🤡🌎, pulling the rug of reality out from under the feet of the masses.

voidposter 7 points ago +7 / -0

gender ideology ITSELF is such an existential threat to Western civilization

Gender ideology is just another manifestation of a deep cultural sickness consisting of post modernism and nihilism. It doesn't matter which manifestation you latch on to, they all end with the same logical conclusion - destruction of everything that binds society together. Destruction of the family unit, destruction of the social contract, destruction of Enlightenment (Western) values.


It's unsurprising that there are so many commie fucks trooning out.

voidposter 5 points ago +6 / -1

Although not much of a war when the enemy is guaranteed to suicide themselves.

[Edit: 😢]

by folx
voidposter 19 points ago +19 / -0

Rent Free

...is 100% troon cope.

Imagine there's a group of people who routinely shit themselves in public, constantly talk about shitting themselves in public, and insist that it's the best thing ever. And unless you are in 100% vocal support to these pants-sitters you'll get banned from social media, lose your job and be socially ostracized. Now compound this with the fact that everyone but the pants-shitters KNOWS it's disgusting, but won't say anything for fear of the former.

People talk about them because the mind struggles to comprehend how stupid, insane and sick the world has become.

voidposter 2 points ago +2 / -0

jam a black vampire into this

So it involve's Lestat's butthole I assume?

voidposter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. Men want to see the guy save the world and get the girl. Not 90 minutes of him acting like an incompetent cuck who is inexplicably drawn to the most milquetoast made-for-cat-lady-self-insert wahmen.

voidposter 19 points ago +19 / -0

> Chase 3-5% of the population


Surprise. Straight men don't watch "rom-coms", let alone one for faggots. Lesbos aren't interested and shlick-bait for straight women needs to involve straight relationships.

by folx
voidposter 5 points ago +5 / -0

c/averageredditor does exist, not super active tho. I recreated c/churchofcurrentthing to "laugh at all the retardation of clown world" and i'm trying to keep it more active.

voidposter 13 points ago +13 / -0

If cutting kids dicks off and defending pedos didn't wake people up something comparatively benign like this isn't going to.

voidposter 23 points ago +24 / -1

I have yet to hear one of them explain why "identifying" as a woman is different than "identifying" as literally anything else in existence, which is correctly seen as absurd.

voidposter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reddit is undeniably a pozzed shithole. Maintaining any sub that is even slightly off Narrative is simply living on borrowed time.

That said, I still visit for two reasons:

  1. Direct people over here

  2. .win is still missing an active shitposting forum. While some amount is tolerated in KIA2, generally it's a little more serious. ChurchOfCurrentThing carried the torch of it's banned forbearers, albeit briefly.

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