troon_menace 19 points ago +19 / -0

"Now, most days, Michelle masturbates in the morning, while John takes their daughter to preschool. He masturbates at night in the bathroom, while watching porn on his phone."

I can't

troon_menace 5 points ago +5 / -0

I used to work with the author's childhood friend (they all still meet up a few times a year to play D&D) and would constantly be regaled with stories about how he had just met with Spielberg about getting the book turned into a movie.

I hadn't read the book, so I was lent a copy of it and had to try to come up with nice things to say about it. I love 80s culture as much as the next guy, but let me tell you, it was hard to do.

troon_menace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I finally convinced my friend to watch DS9 after he swore he never would, and he told me he thought it was the best Trek series once he finished it. IMO it was the crowning achievement of Trek and will never be topped. It has its stinkers but as a complete product, it was something special and is still way too under appreciated because it wasn't set on a ship with a registry ending in 1701.

troon_menace 1 point ago +1 / -0

For as not great as the first season was, I'd still recommend watching from the beginning. You'll have to watch Move Along Home, but the DS9 characters are so endearing and well written that it's worth sitting through the stinkers. Skipping the first season will leave you in the dark about things that happen in later seasons. DS9 being far more serialized (at least as far as Trek was at the time) makes skipping episodes more difficult than what you could get away with watching TNG or Voyager.

If you feel you need to cut the fat and are willing to miss things, late season 2 is where it starts to hit its stride.

troon_menace 30 points ago +30 / -0


troon_menace 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Pull the strings”

troon_menace 5 points ago +5 / -0

In fairness to the Weekly World News (the world’s only reliable news source) they did publish a true story about a woman dying in a town near me when she was smoking while putting on hairspray.

troon_menace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm big on ranked choice for this reason

troon_menace 5 points ago +5 / -0

My favorite part was when the secret service parked VP Blowjob right next to them, then stood around not caring

troon_menace 7 points ago +7 / -0

Has 'tricks are something whores do for money' ever been a more appropriate response?

troon_menace 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I was doing my study abroad it was always blatantly obvious who the Chinese students were, because they were always walking around like they owned the place. Between leaving their trash everywhere, being generally rude, and their pattern of constantly isolating the Taiwanese kid to threaten him in the elevators (once we found out about it, we never let him leave class by himself again,) they were the fucking worst.

troon_menace 12 points ago +12 / -0

“Mythology belongs to all humans”

I can’t wait to see the places we could take this

troon_menace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Motherfucker was Kunta Kinte!

troon_menace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I didn't because I was always voting against it

troon_menace 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you have a couple hours, he did an interview with DM Bluddworth which would help you get a handle on how he views the game. Bluddworth can be an acquired taste if you've never watched his solo videos but he's actually pretty decent as a conversationalist and interviewer.


troon_menace 4 points ago +4 / -0

probably have to use a number of days/weeks widely accepted by the medical community based on studies, but you aren't wrong that without strict definitions it will be abused

troon_menace 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the traditional ones are there (plus more) between the PHB and Companion, but the companion has an entire chapter on creating custom classes. I've never used that, but it'd be great if you're using a highly customized world.

I should also note that fighter-types get a level-scaled damage bonus to every attack. Additionally, fighter-types get cleave attacks when dropping enemies equal to their HD, Cleric/Thief-types get half-HD in cleave attacks, and mage-types get none, which is a nice bonus that keeps fighters competitive with high level wizards in terms of damage output.

troon_menace 11 points ago +12 / -1

The good news is that medical advancement will result in viability becoming earlier, severely reducing the window.

troon_menace 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's probably best to compare it to BECMI, with a gigantic focus on running huge tracts of land and raising armies. Economic data for everything you could want to know.

The typical spell lists you expect to see with a few minor changes here and there. Instead of race-as-class there are racial classes that are similar to the typical classes they're derived from but with a few modifications to flavor (with more in the Player's Companion book). The smaller -3 to +3 ability bonuses. At 9th level, everyone can build strongholds of different types - Mages can build fucking dungeons that attract monsters to live in them. Characters can earn XP from domain management. There are proficiencies (which are really a cross between 2e proficiencies and 3.x feats I suppose) that let you customize your character a bit as well. I like the implementation.

AC is increasing, starting at 0 for unarmored, but it still uses a thac0 based permutation for the to-hit roll. (if your Attack Throw value is 8+, you hit AC 0 on an 8. You roll and tell the DM what you hit, so in that case if you roll a 17, you hit AC9). It's very functional and a good compromise to keep ACs as secret as possible during combat w/o using the old AC scales.

There are permanent injury rolls when characters go down in battle, which can result in losing teeth, instant death, limbs, etc.

FWIW the original PHB is around 250 pages with monsters, gm advice, and all of the player info. The new books are going to be around 6 times that length as they're incorporating a lot of the existing material. That said, what's available now is very comprehensive.

Personally, I think it's a great system if you want that level of detail in what for many tables are just 'downtime' activities. I don't think it's the best system if you want a storygame or modern 'balanced' combat, but if you run hexcrawls or sandbox based games with tons of player agency it really shines.

troon_menace 8 points ago +8 / -0

ACKS is pretty fantastic, IMO. It shines once you get into the domain management part of the game. Mechanics-wise it hits that sweet spot between b/x, BECMI, and AD&D. Combat is pretty simple, and the crunch is more in the economics and management.

If you don't like the name level stuff, it might not be the game for you, but it plays pretty much all the right notes for me. Pretty much any D&D derived game I'm going to run these days will either be ACKS or Castles & Crusades.

edit: full disclosure, I'm friends with Macris on Facebook, mostly to follow his products, but I wouldn't say I know him

troon_menace 9 points ago +9 / -0

they never stop rioting in Paris. Was there in March, the streets were filled with garbage, half the metro was shut down, and there were riots every single day for different reasons

Great food though

troon_menace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't wait for the inevitable posts shouting 'My DM let me use the DOMT and I had to fight Death. This is so unfair'

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