throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very true, but good writing and good mechanics are tough to pull off for an engaging JRPG.

Open-world games just need the base Unreal asset store packs and they work most of the time. JRPGs need good character development and a solid combat system that you can grind but isn't frustrating. That requires creative ingenuity and a lot of people simply do not have it or -- in the case of working for a publisher -- are prevented from exploring it.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're absolutely right. That was my mistake. Didn't that last line about the Steam Deck in his comment.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +3 / -2

Even the cheapest gaming PC costs double a console

Steam Deck says, "Hi".

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah Duke 1 was nigh unplayable and really just an awful all-around platform shooter. I mean, you can play through it, but it really does suck.

It was Duke Nukem 2 where they really nailed his personality and the game played really well. Fun levels, good shooting, and great controls. Ironically, it could have stayed a 2D platformer and still probably would have become very successful had they anchored a third game on that concept, but I'm glad they bit the bullet and went big with Duke 3D, as it was a perfect way to challenge all the stale Doom clones that were saturating the market at the time.

throwawayaccount2037 23 points ago +23 / -0

Exactly. Almost everyone talking about this issue always focus on the one guy who actually encouraged people to leave negative reviews, but no one says anything about the troon who was talking about liking Sony's PSN linking because it would make it easier for them to ban people.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0



Why the redundancy?

throwawayaccount2037 18 points ago +18 / -0

I wonder if this phenomenon is similar to the female preference for dark triad personality traits i.e. confusing sociopathy for dominance and value.

That is literally what 50 Shades is predicated on, and why women love it so much.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks will look out for that section.

And yeah I bought a few boomer shooters, like Prodeus and BPM. Haven't heard of Boltgun but I will check it out.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've been thinking about how we don't get any masculine action-shooter games these days. None.

A game where you play as a badass bloke exploring a dangerous world with cool and unique weapons while facing off against challenging AI in interactive worlds? Nope.

Not since the original Gears trilogy, Halo trilogy, and maybe Max Payne 3 have we had a game with chiefly masculine attributes and a good combat system.

Red Dead Redemption 2 had a pretty trash combat system with weird movement controls where you couldn't just properly run and hip fire quickly, and Arthur had a horrible habit of getting stuck on environmental geometry. Plus auto-switching from the melee weapons after doing a dash-attack made it where you couldn't just go around axing people conveniently.

I look at all these games on this list and watched a few trailers, and there is a substantial lack of testosterone there. I've been replaying older games, like Miami Vice and True Crime on the PS2, and it's quite telling just how far removed we are these days from playing as cool, masculine leads with good gunplay. It's one of the things the Switch really lacks (given most of these games are for the Switch), and it's a shame that even the SNES and N64 seemed to have a more diverse selection of masculine action titles than the Switch.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, they know they are not reaching more players. It's not about that. It's about flooding the market with this crap and then bundling up and removing legacy media into digital back catalogues as part of their "all digital future" that they touted about more than a decade ago.

We're seeing every major media company do this; sort of like how Disney is retroactively censoring some older material they move over to their Disney+ platform, or how Blizzard has been doing the same -- "updating" legacy games so you can only access them on their latest digital service.

It's death by a thousand cuts, and every time they make a woke disasterpiece, the current generation will mock and laugh at it, but the youth generation will grow up only knowing about these woke disasters. They will be inundated with it at every turn -- we even see it now where plenty of people praise a lot of terrible media made within the last decade because it's all they know.

Just like there is a startling amount of people who think those Jedi Survivor games are good, because they're the most recent Star Wars adventure games that some young gamers feel are competently designed.

Lots of young players also don't entirely mind Starfield either. When I read their comments and ask them about older space-faring RPGs like the original KotoR, or Mass Effect, or Anachronix, they have never played these games. So all they know are the terrible outings made by woke companies.

Hence, Microsoft will just ride through the wave of the current, jaded gamer abandoning the brand, and will suffice with the newer generation growing up into horrible woke media being the norm.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

It does push the industry forward in some ways, and I can respect them for that because no one else is. Everyone else is in on the DEI/ESG train or just making nostalgia-bait that's fun for a little while.

Nintendo's insistence of trying something new has at least forced me to buy their hardware, which I can't fault them for because I have zero reason to buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X. My poor PS4/XB1 just sit and collect dust. I have no reason at all to use them since most worthwhile games are on the PC.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm being paranoid but I truly think we might be seeing paid agitators who post this crap in order to try and calm people down the same way you have tactics being used by violent protestors when they've got peaceful fake pacifists blocking anyone from fighting back the second they get a cheap shot in.

Not paranoid. There are bots that can do that too.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seconded; Achilles: Legends Untold is an amazingly good game.

If you want a masculine game with zero faggotry (did all of the side-quests and the game is safe), and focuses on a hero that is actually a hero without being undermined by feminist traits or globohomo storytelling, then Achilles: Legends Untold is well worth a buy.

Also, huge props to the devs for making a proper combat system with parry, dodge, roll and blocks -- and actually having a proper blocking system that is extremely useful. Too many games like taking the Dark Souls route where blocking still takes a large chunk of your life, but in Achilles: Legends Untold it can actually absorb all the damage (depending on the shield and how upgraded it is).

Had a ton of fun playing it and it's one of the few games where you don't actually want it to end.

throwawayaccount2037 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is such a weird fetish for them to start gushing over -- every time some woke game pops up there is a character with vitiligo in it, or it's added to the character creation. It just makes me hate Leftists and the normies who support them even more.

In a couple of years I imagine normies will start defending vitiligo in games the way they do fugly females, race-swaps and faggots.

throwawayaccount2037 14 points ago +14 / -0

Keep in mind that Helldivers 2's whole design was around fighting for a unified cause.

The developers ironically designed atmosphere that mentally trained everyone to focus with incessant diligence on a singular mission for "Super Earth".

As much as it was/is a meme, it's also something DARPA has probably been watching with keen eyes as people from around the world came together to achieve a singular mission using the exact same tactics that the game taught them to use, and for a cause that the game taught them to fight for.

Within two days you had a quarter of a million negative reviews from people across more than 150 countries using the platform to send Sony a very obvious message.

I think it worked well in the Helldivers 2 case because the game managed to build people's psychological profile to enact the exact kind of action that was required to get these kind of results.

As you stated, no one is going to fight like this for Suicide Squad because no one cares. Will people fight this hard for Stellar Blade? Maybe. It depends. But the Helldivers 2 case is a unique one because I've seen a lot of people say that they scored a hard-fought victory just like Melovan Creek, so they've likened this activism to the same kind of grinding they did in the actual game.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, they likely got paid well by Epic

Not sure if it's still the case, but Epic used to pay out around 10 million for a year of exclusivity.

throwawayaccount2037 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thanks for the heads-up, I will add them to my follow list. Not many publishers are right proper these days, so it's good to know that one of them is focused on quality gameplay over ESG/DEI initiatives.

EDIT: Wow, just took a look at their library of games, these lads are right up my alley. Menace and Xenonauts 2 look like the exact kind of games I've been waiting to play since X-Com Apocalypse.

throwawayaccount2037 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dont mind gays.

This is how we landed in current Clown World.

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