simon 4 points ago +5 / -1

People spout this decentralized stuff constantly but I have yet to see anything approaching a functional internet coming out of it all.

simon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Do you remember their role in Gamergate? They haven't been a good site for at least the last decade

simon 28 points ago +28 / -0

Same as us. They whine on online forums but don't have the means to do anything about it. Combine that with their cultural cuckoldry and you have a country that is already more woke than the US in some ways. Oh, and they killed Abe.

simon 0 points ago +1 / -1

A fallacy alone does not make an argument invalid. I would suggest you try reasoning.

simon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, now you do. I could introduce you to my friends, too. They're not rare, but you have fallen for the propaganda of the minority, friend.

simon 6 points ago +8 / -2

They do point it out but they are silenced just as much as anyone else who points out their horseshit. Society is being used to push people into this attitude of "If you're not willing to die on every hill, you support every evil." If things are that black and white, everyone here deserves to be strung up for fighting in the dark alleyways on the internet instead of picking up arms and taking out the government and news media executives and employees.

Yes, there are evil gay people. There are also evil straight people. Evil jews, whites, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and atheists. Know what the truly evil ones have in common? They are rich, powerful, and have a global mouthpiece. Cut off the head of the Dragon and a lot of these problems go away as society becomes free to once again normalize and discourage the extremes of cultural degeneracy by once again being free to speak

simon 3 points ago +10 / -7

You don't know about the ones who aren't leftists because they aren't screaming it into a loudspeaker. Lots of gay people who aren't flaunting it and want to be left alone. They'll fight with you against this pride/trans/pedo nonsense. Don't forget that LGBT, BLM, and Antifa are organized propaganda and terrorism made to divide people. They're not organic movements made up of the people they claim to represent, but rather gateways designed to manipulate the poorest and most useful idiots.

by folx
simon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women should not play d&d. It is a hobby for male nerds which they have infiltrated and I will die on that hill.

simon 5 points ago +5 / -0

They exist! While you're at it, try out older editions. B/X or AD&D. There are crowds both young and old that play these editions, and they tend to attract more "normal" players. As an aside, if your DM ever makes it a point to discuss which topics are "acceptable" for a fucking fantasy game, I suggest get out and never look back. Same thing when it comes to abandoning gaming systems that have woke content in their rulebooks.