Reporting in to the real boss
I worked overseas over in the middle east for a while and spoke to a dude married to three women. He said (in thick accent) "three wives is too much problem"
They had the Holocaust card and used it for generations. After the Gaza situation they pretty much spent it all. The best they can do now is leverage what politicians they still own, which is why antisemitism is still an exception to free speech on face book despite rolling back all the censorship on trannies and such. Like leftism in general, they can't maintain that Narrative with free speech
Asking Israel to pay money back is like anudda shoah
I'll never understand why Israel needs any aid from us at all. They aren't bankrupt and they have a better debt to gdp ratio than we do. If anything they should be getting money via loans.
It feels like just another money laundering scheme for military industrial complex goons.
Quick, better lock up anyone that notices a pattern! We don't want to stir up Islamophobia!
About as accurately named as the Joe Rogan sub, a place for leftards to come and bitch about Joe Rogan or Trump or anything their media told them to bitch about. Crowder sub held out for longer, but had it's fair share of brigades that were ignored by admins.
Getting Joker 2 vibes from his attitude. These people hate you and will happily ruin anything that gives you pleasure or escape.
There's a big reason the ADL came to Elons rescue so quickly and this is part of it right here.
Globalists run that country and there's no explicit free speech protections for the people. They WANT to provoke the right so they can lock them up for "hate speech" which takes more of their opposition off the board.
There's a big push to make sure whites have zero pure cultural icons in modern day entertainment, especially historical setpieces. It's a very big part of Marxism to subvert and destroy the collective memory of their enemies. To keep an enemy demoralized with no standard to gather around.
Notice how such pushes for inclusion is NEVER applied across the board. It should always be treated as an attack, and is treated as such when the "diversity" is aimed anywhere else (eg how Egypt reacted to the blackwashing of Cleopatra in a Netflix series)
It's a good way to filter NPCs if they use that term unironically.
Accountability is only for White Male Republicans, you bigot!
And called anyone who disagrees a nazi before plugging his ears
They got bought out, if I remember correctly.
Funny how stirring up "phobias" is never an issue when whitey does anything bad.
Worked McDonald's in high school for a bit. The manager there made 40k/year salary and worked at least 55 hours a week, but that was decades ago.
Which means this won't last long, especially if the app doesn't tolerate radical wokeness
It's basically a cultural weapon thrown at their enemies.
Is it really Tony Stark (like in story) or is it just RDJ returning as a different role?
Goes all the way down to kids looking for summer jobs and getting some experience. It's bitch work but we all start somewhere. Now it's all illegals and H1bs taking those jobs.
If she stays in her lane she will be doing the country a great service. I feel the same way about RFK Jr.
I'm sure importing more Muslims that don't speak English will help this situation as well.
It costs tens of thousands a year from the taxpayer to keep one prisoner alive. Least they could do is work a fucking job
Woke crap is like the WNBA. Only way it can survive is if the more successful side of the enterprise props it up.