rebuildingMyself 13 points ago +13 / -0

"your account has been banned due to a comment you made six years ago. Our AI analysis and IP logs show you are Canadian and we have notified the authorities. Thank you"

rebuildingMyself 15 points ago +15 / -0

Like feminists, what keeps leftist bigots up at night is the fear that their target enemy is enjoying something in life without their supervision. Video games, movies, sitcoms, even nerdy hobbies like 40k or magic the gathering are not safe.

Everything needs to be cleansed and their double standards need to be installed.

rebuildingMyself 16 points ago +16 / -0

"mentorship" is forcing you to train minorities and women all your skills for free so they can eventually get promoted over you.

rebuildingMyself 12 points ago +12 / -0

He was also using his influence to give speeches to black people to take responsibility for their own communities.

rebuildingMyself 25 points ago +25 / -0

And the diversity only goes one way. Not seeing a big push to include whites in traditionally black shows unless they need a strawman to hack at for 30 minutes with commercials

rebuildingMyself 33 points ago +33 / -0

Everything the left does is projection. Colonizer? Which side is racewashing cultural and historical icons, tearing down statues, or dismantling one genders community groups like Boy Scouts while jealously guarding their own? Which side is flooding White countries with the least compatible groups possible?

Supremacy? Which side constantly props up their races/groups while demonizing a specific race when they dare do the same? There's a month for just about every group except White people now as an excuse for that group to jerk themselves off about THEIR achievements.

And it goes on and in down the line. To the point that when they come up with the next accusation just assume they are already a step ahead in doing it for themselves

rebuildingMyself 14 points ago +14 / -0

Dinderu nuffinero

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +7 / -0

In the movie world I'm also happy Back to the Future has remained preserved.

rebuildingMyself 8 points ago +8 / -0

SBI is just the tip of the wokeberg that's been singled out recently. Theres dozens of these viruses infecting companies all over the place. They come in, fuck everything up, bill their client, and move on while their client takes the hit. And they blackmail the company to take their services in the first place

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guess torching food processing plants just fell out of style

rebuildingMyself 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's pretty obvious that the woke cancer has targeted Japan to be next on the list for cultural appropriation.

rebuildingMyself 6 points ago +6 / -0

Her cunty little post on X is pretty close to being ratiod by based comments of people sick of female drama in their hobby-spheres.

rebuildingMyself 6 points ago +6 / -0

As I get older I value my free time more and more. I'm very selective in what I watch when it's time to relax in front of the TV. Plenty of older movies and shows for me to catch up on to not ever have to watch something clearly catered to not-me.

Some cringy white woman grrlboss walking up to a black man and saying let's fuck is not exactly my thing.

rebuildingMyself 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah some things are better left untouched until this woke phase in entertainment is over (if ever)

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wrote that show off the second I saw the grrlboss and black sidekick dude on the cover art. You can smell the woke from a mile away and they don't even try to sneak it in anymore.

rebuildingMyself 4 points ago +4 / -0

This shit is why i instantly block any thot channel from my feeds, no matter the content. Nothing but posers and fragile attention whores that know the only reason they have a following is their vaginas.

rebuildingMyself 5 points ago +5 / -0

It you're a legal prostitute that refuses sex you should be fired. Big fan of the review based system that was shut down around the states because even illegal whoring had a free market push to actually deliver what you advertised.

rebuildingMyself 6 points ago +6 / -0

They are basically pumping this woke garbage out and need to hold for a generation. The younger generations will see it as normal, even the race washed historical stuff. Now social media is a counter to this, which is why they are obsessed with locking it down.

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +8 / -1

Same here. Even had a thot hit on me while we were all traveling together and staying in hotels. Would have been an easy fun night but I know the potential of her destroying not only my career but reputation and life was too much to risk.

rebuildingMyself 12 points ago +12 / -0

The only thing HR has done for me since their department was spun up was spam the company chat with reminders about the latest mandatory "diversity and inclusivity" training which is essentially Whiteman bad over and over.

Then they have the balls to spin up a bunch of discriminatory clubs such as "women in (field)" that are clearly the opposite of inclusivity

rebuildingMyself 7 points ago +7 / -0

And little did we know how much they'd double down instead of listening to the target audience. Didn't like a grrlboss Karen? Well take this gay black man instead!

rebuildingMyself 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's basically the communist model of "entertainment". I'd argue Netflix and whatnot are similar because they can subsidize woke propaganda that nobody watches since their customers pay into the model to watch 90s sitcoms and older movies.

The woke activists get paid, can pad their resume, and can even pretend they did a valuable service to society. What's better is the viewer numbers are hidden away in private data centers instead of public info like TV ratings

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