i'd say they should beat them to the punch but this is the republican party we're talking about, they're only allowed to bow their heads and act the part of the good little cuck.
clearly we need more anti-cheat!
know your fucking place, trash.
cause yanno the one thing autocrats love is jokes.
no they never execute anyone for joking about them, no sir.
you deserve the camps.
get grids
they aren't people.
in a normal society, having stasi ties should have been a source of immense personal shame that would drive one to either monkhood or a noose.
show us the messages or you're lying.
stop posting if you can't, or won't, do it right.
peaks just establish new floors.
why are we even sending anything?
we already have tourists ruining our shit, we don't need "tourists, but blue" as well.
so mike collins seems kinda based, but is he?
rip that fucking thing down.
so who has he raped?
time for another fork
optics cucks lost us gg1, they WILL NOT lose us gg2.
i have no enemies in russia, so fuck off macron. i don't want to die because your dick's too small.
no, it's a complete abortion of a ruling and the judge should be sacked for it.
don knows what he deserves, and when he gets it he will cry foul.
you can do whatever you want to americans and nothing happens, but the second you do it to jews suddenly the levers of power move at mach 10
mr. walsh, we don't need yet another outsider coming in and telling us how to do things, or what our things are worth. we have enough of that from your, and our, enemies already.
that's just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.
we need a complete and total purge of the bureaucracy.