Ajak and Makkari link is pointed at the win instead of imgur, fixed link here.
Take a close look at her hair, pretty sure she was a light skinned mixed person; one of Schrodinger's blacks. Until the narrative is settled on you can't possibly know if she was white or black.
edit: also, if you watch the whole video he points a weapon at an old white dude on the ground and then apologizes and passes him over, while just seconds earlier he put extra rounds into black people already on the ground. I'm reasonably certain he skipped the old dude for being white.
and they even added a ''Trans''' character. In the Afterlife of all places.
It's even fucking worse than that. See, the character in question is part of the Kyrians, from the afterlife Bastion. They ferry souls around and shit. Anyway, to do that duty dead people meditate and give up on their past and end up getting turned into these Kyrians, who are basically blue humans.
In this area of the game, before you even meet the tranny, you get an in game cutscene of a dead Tauren (cow people race, native american themed, totem poles and spirit journeys and shit) NPC ascending into a Kyrian. She goes from a proud native stand in to a plain old blue human... Giving up her race, her heritage, her entire past and way of life to join the people ferrying souls around.
Then, a chapter or two later, you get slapped in the face with a bit about a Kyrian's gender being an expression of their true gender identity in life, and this 'trans' character which lived as woman is a male in the afterlife.
What race were they? Who cares. What planet did they come from? Who cares. Did they have a family? Who cares! All of that is tossed, lost to ascending to a new form and a new job...
But nothing is more important than weather or not you wanted some FUCKING TITS!
Christ I hate blizzard.
13/50 is read as 13% (black population) do 50% (of the crime).
1/40 would then read as 1% (gay male population) do 40% (of the pederasty)
Don't think those numbers are right though, and this is the best source of numbers I could find. It puts (homo/bi)sexuals at ~16x the abuse rate (100x for teachers) and about a third of the acts. So that would be 2/33; two percent does thirty-three percent
1/4000 doesn't fit the pattern; one percent does four thousand percent?
Saint Floyd, the patron saint of fentanyl. Neo-marxists pray to him for help when they think they may have overdosed or when they have trouble breathing. He also covers any situation in which one may need to threaten an unborn child.
It hasn't got the widespread acclaim that dosbox has, but PCem is a really good bet for running windows 3.11/95/98. It includes the ability to load roms ripped from hardware of the era, and thereby run drivers and such as if they were on real hardware.
And this is an archive of a windows 98 setup to run inside of it.
And this is a pile of hardware roms.
This solution can emulate the voodoo, which opens up a whole host of early 3d games that are hell to run today. Again though, fair warning, this is a lot more fiddly than some other paths; but also more capable.
Yes, and in fact I've been playing Stars!, which is a windows 3.1 era game, on my windows 10 64 bit. On a 4k monitor.
You want otvdm, which is a tool that implements part of the linux wine envrionment on windows to create a 16 bit subsystem again. Install this puppy and then just run your win16 apps. They will behave like native.
I used to use a VM with 32 bit windows xp to run my oldest stuff, haven't opened that VM since finding this tool.
A 'sexologist' named Dr. John Money (we should probably put Dr in quotes too) was convinced that sex roles were entirely a result of behavior, and not the reverse. He took the word gender, which had previously only been applied to parts of language, or used as a polite way to avoid saying sex, and decided it represented these sex roles. He wrote the papers used to make the claim that sex changes should be done early, because its impossible to change these behaviors by adulthood.
Twin studies are the gold standard for any of the bullshit surrounding humans, and Dr. John Money got his golden ticket in 1965 from a botched circumcision on one of a pair of twin boys, one David Reimer (born Bruce). Dr Money convinced the parents that this tragic accident had only one path to happiness; raise Bruce as Brenda and everything would be just fine. In documents he referred to the child as John/Joan, because you kind of have to be a megalomaniacal shithead to do any of this so of course you'd stick your name on the victim too. Why not?
Dr Money wrote paper after paper on this kid, always telling the parents it was going great and never telling them that this was entirely theoretical. The child continuously rejected the forced identity, and as part of his attempts to fix the problem Dr Money forced the child to practice sex acts with his twin brother, as well as solo masturbation, while Dr Money filmed. For science, of course.*
Both brothers committed suicide. David by shotgun at 38, two years after his brother Brian at 36 from an overdose of anti-depressants.
The sick deranged pedophile went entirely unchallenged, because his pile of twin papers made him a paragon of science. Until he died, of course, as it is with most pedophiles. Then people are willing to stand up to 'em.
Currently all of this is easily verifiable fact, and modern 'gender studies' does everything it can to distance itself from its diseased father. Except, of course, for ceasing to mutilate and sexualize children. For that, we're gonna need to <you're all creative folks, picture something rule 2 related here and insert it yourself>.
Edit *: Find me another job where you can chop the dick off one kid and then force him to pretend to fuck his brother while you film it, and then you can go write a paper bragging about all of this right out in public and not only not get executed, but get paid and receive accolades from your peers? <Picture something rule 2 related again. Try for different imagery this time, variety is the spice of life.>
Is it time to rule two yet? I'm so very tired.