m0r1arty 6 points ago +6 / -0

Did Karrin Vasby Anderson just assume the gender of all previous presidents?

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Canadian Charter of Rights protects Canadians from government overreach and abuse, ensuring that the government or any entity acting on behalf of the government do not unreasonably interfere with the rights and freedoms of Canadians. Among other rights and freedoms, the Charter protects expression, peaceful assembly, the rights of people accused of crimes, the rights of Indigenous peoples, equality rights, and the right to life, liberty, and security.

Yup, seems that it might have been a mistake taking the Queen out of the picture.

But it worked great for the US and so why not?

m0r1arty 9 points ago +9 / -0

Remember people, we've got games developers here that assure us that the loading times, textures and stories in these stories are all done by the very best. That's why it costs what it costs and why using people with better mindsets from elsewhere in the world is wrong.

Don't try out Wukong because that was made by the ching chongs and they are all bad people who can't code (Apparently).

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's odd. First link doesn't work for me just now (Same as you) but did earlier.

Second and third links are working for me.

m0r1arty 29 points ago +29 / -0

Great round up!

Don't forget the GamersJournoPro list for all those in this together.

It clearly goes beyond that list as the entire media complex was looking after itself then.

Fight like hell!

m0r1arty 3 points ago +4 / -1

I love it!

I can't wait to see Canadians begging for their free homeless rooms, showers, razors, drugs and rights when they are just the same as any other migrant in a country they had to claim asylum in.

Only those things don't exist anywhere outside of Canada and won't when the new regime comes in to rid it of such filth.

I honesty can't wait to visit Canada again and not have casual white pretend homeless tell me I'm part of the problem.

Well done Canada! You had it all and you fucked it!

m0r1arty -2 points ago +1 / -3

Th world economic forum doesn't require anything other than trade. We have elected governments for looking after citizens.

m0r1arty 29 points ago +29 / -0

"It was at that moment that they considered the idea of their digitising team, all large tattooed cat ladies with blue hair, could be fiddling with the settings out of jealousy".

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Started in South Africa and just about all of South Africa and East Africa has a very strong Indian presence in its population.

One of Nando's founders is Australian and so they are a very multicultural organisation.

m0r1arty 14 points ago +14 / -0

Perhaps Germany could apologise to the rest of Europe for enforcing migrant laws which has seen a huge spike in crime from bringing in people with no background checks into the communities which made them such bounties to be attractive and easy to access.

I mean it took the Germans to make this happen (Twice now) and so a sorry isn't too much to ask for.

m0r1arty 12 points ago +13 / -1

Let down by Nandos (And East Africa/Indian hybrid fast food restaurant), let down by the police (Who will have gotten a discount, or free food, from there) and finally let down by her university. A sad story.

Now, I've got about 7 women who have poured a drink over me through the years...any chance of getting them charged? (j/k but c'mon. This is a bit ridiculous when compared to all the real assaults that go on).

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

When this 16 year old (A man in the UK) is abused in his foster care who gets the blame then?

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