m0r1arty -16 points ago +3 / -19


An admission of being a stormfag and considers my calling them so a slur.

I can't wait to see what you come up with next :)

So much winning!

m0r1arty -26 points ago +3 / -29

I just keep seeing Stormfags bring up fantasy characters and I respond with popular modern classics (They are more accessible than the older ones).

The real question is; why are Stormfags bringing up fantasy characters and trying to remake them in their own image?

Much like anyone seeing others try to dismantle established working systems, just show what has worked before and have them query why they can't come up with fresh ideas which work all on their own.

You'd think the Master Race could come up with something original over their Cheerios and the school bus ride.

m0r1arty 32 points ago +33 / -1

She was in the worst episode of Quantum Leap which taught young men to put up with a self entitled brat because she had daddy issues.

An actress playing a character, I know, but likely a flex by the producers which she happily took part in.

Like so many young actresses at the time (Courtney Cox, Sharon Stone, etc.) getting ahead in the game meant shaping future generations of men but the roles they were providing for already had built in queries about what was right and wrong.

The people she's attacking are not the vast majority of anyone under the age of 65.

Daddy issues from an old woman is what they are. Great grandfather issues.

m0r1arty 0 points ago +1 / -1

assumed to be true.

That's the rabbit hole which led to here. But by all means, I'm all for liberty and what that can cost people.

m0r1arty -27 points ago +4 / -31

The fictional fantasy characters analogy never gets old does it?

Do you think knife ear could take on Superman or The Incredible Hulk?

m0r1arty -2 points ago +1 / -3

If inference is the game then the other side are well versed in it.

Being nimble on facts and proving transgenderism and children are not good choices to put together. Homosexuals being brazenly "Gay" around children are red flags waiting to happen (Which we all know from history!) and USAID money never went to grassroots communities but instead funded sex and drug trafficking rings - that's where we win with documented facts (Or suspicious missing records showing corruption and/or inconstancy).

Plenty of same-sex attracted people exist and are not child molesters. plenty of heterosexual people and are child molesters.

It's never a case of "All" in either camp and the NYT didn't make that claim as inferred by this thread's title.

AoV has always been up to scratch on facts over feelings and this is an example of that not being the case.

m0r1arty -2 points ago +2 / -4

The law also allows for the death penalty for anyone convicted of “aggravated homosexuality,” a sweeping term defined as acts of same-sex relations with minors or disabled people.

Only one sentence mentions children out of many AoV.

This thread title is not representative of the article's message.

Don't get me wrong it's a bunch of people stealing US money under false pretences and there's all sorts of bad things connected to it. But the thread title is focused on something not apparent in the article.

m0r1arty -7 points ago +2 / -9

Yes, he's crying into his cabbage soup frustrated at not understanding what humour is.

I'd say it's sad, but he's wearing lederhosen and a little fishing hat..

m0r1arty -3 points ago +1 / -4

Woah there!

Nobody mensch-end Jews.

That was you.

Imagine if Yacatecuhtli sneezed! xD

Do you think his sneeze would be stronger than either Superman's or The Incredible Hulks?

m0r1arty -13 points ago +1 / -14

Torn to pieces versus pissing myself laughing.

It's an easy one for me.

But by all means, join Stormfront and tear me a new one! xD

m0r1arty 15 points ago +15 / -0

At this point Trump should walk.

Zelenskyy has betrayed everyone and the best thing for his people, and moreover Europe, is to remember that war never ends.

m0r1arty -14 points ago +1 / -15

I get it, I get it. You heard aseptic meningitis and thought spergies.

Perfectly naturally. Take your "Banned" information and report to the Bureau of Science for an award.

The clot shot Fauci ouchy is the highest accolade of the Darwin awards. Smile for the birdie when you get it! :)

With that out of the way measles and rubella vaccines are still standard in Japan with mumps being an optional shot which most parents ask for.

Regardless outbreaks of all 3 have been minimal, as expected in a vaccine haven, while aseptic meningitis outbreaks have risen in those without the mumps vaccine.

The causation between mumps and aseptic meningitis is being studied.

m0r1arty 9 points ago +16 / -7

You mean like this?

OP is a wobbly wheeled bundle of sticks wanting to suck on Hans Johnson while sipping on some lovely juice.

Nothing to see.

m0r1arty -5 points ago +2 / -7

China is trying to clamp down on foreigners teaching English as Chinese can do it better and cheaper (Apparently).

It's the recruiters (And who they employ) who are mostly at fault. Scams at both ends.

Qualified people who are integral would have everything dealt with properly prior to getting on the plane, as would their employers.

Barflys singing 'Baby Shark' are a dime a dozen.

m0r1arty -11 points ago +4 / -15

"My question is, has there been any TRPG that attempted to have these two settings or viewpoints clash?"

The great thing about tabletop games is that you can take characters from different franchises and have them do battle in settings which they otherwise would not be able to.

I think a good example of that would be Superman versus The Incredible Hulk but in a universe not native to either of them.

That way their powers might diminish or stand as strong (Or stronger!) depending upon their environment.

Who do you think would win Telia in a aettle between Superman and The Incredible Hulk set in a Max and Moritz universe (Keeping the Wilhelm Busch drawing style)?

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Beyond not wanting people to be tortured or killed I don't really have an opinion on either situation AoV.

Things happened, are documented as having happened and are then referred to as a comparison with a chronological time-frame which was relevant to both.

And it was on KIA2 over on Reddit and so the snipers were out.

I'm not sure how many others were 'taken out' by that team of stock value managers but it was certainly a complete swipe and welcome validation of what was going on.

Got to delete my posting history (Bar a couple of doozys that I wanted to leave as they were still visible) and haven't looked back.

Silly mods denying an event which has had movies and documentaries made about it to great acclaim and will be noted on its 90th anniversary in 2 years.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

No idea. Someone mentioned the US's use of force in Nagasaki and Hiroshima was far too strong and I agreed.

They then then Japan didn't deserve it and I responded with "Ask the people of Nanjing about that" and got a double ban from two separate users I'd never seen before.

I'm guessing everyone got super motivated at the pre-shift rally talk on Reddit's upper moderation team and they came out all guns blazing and I got caught in the crossfire.

No love lost, it was always a matter of when and not if.

Just like their stock market value :)

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

My question was "Who would win?" but since they are in different universes with different physics they are already suited to the environments we know them from.

For them to come into a reality together would likely change the balance for both.

m0r1arty -7 points ago +2 / -9

I've written, at length, about Superman and The Incredible Hulk.

If you want to go into why Thaddeus Ross shaved off his moustache in Brave New World that's a whole different thread fren.

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