loubag1997 2 points ago +2 / -0

And one of the most commercially successful franchises is Marvel.

One of the most commercially successful websites is Onlyfans, YouTube and Facebook.

So fucking what?

The only true, soulful, beautiful and worthy Christmas carols are Christian.

loubag1997 5 points ago +5 / -0

Won't be long now before Halloween witch costumes are considered offensive and "cultural appropriation"...honestly surprised it hasn't already happened.

loubag1997 42 points ago +42 / -0

Yeah that really does need scare quotes.

More like indoctrinated. I'd love to see how many of those that were "educated" were in STEM.

loubag1997 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's part of the overall trend of the Infantilization of Western society, another example is adults wanting to go to Disney World and commercials for adults featuring childish or cartoon themes, etc. Good write up about it here


loubag1997 19 points ago +19 / -0

Oh they knew, they just didn't say anything because muh "white people shouldn't whitesplain to brown people" and their insane 'non-white minorities can do no wrong' attitude.

It's the same reason they absolutely HATE White Christians and criticize them and their religious views at every opportunity, like mocking the Creation Museum or mocking Catholic traditions, but don't say a single negative word about Black Christians, no matter how overtly religious they are, and instead they "celebrate" Black Christian religiosity.

loubag1997 27 points ago +27 / -0


Great entertaining comment thread on this one

The current mayor is Muslim, and also opposes the pride flags.

The former (white) mayor is a stereotypical leftist commie, literally named Karen, and reading her twitter feed is a riot and a half:


However, race and religion add more fraught layers to Hamtramck’s issues. Islamophobia exists here, and some Muslims say they saw bigotry in local voter fraud investigations, and in LGBTQ+ supporters not respecting their religion.

But (White former mayor Karen) Majewski said the majority is now disrespecting the minority. She noted that a white, Christian-majority city council in 2005 created an ordinance to allow the Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast from the city’s mosques five times daily. It did so over objections of white city residents, and Majewski said she didn’t see the same reciprocity with roles reversed.

loubag1997 68 points ago +68 / -0

Director X says the show wasn’t written with any race in mind. Instead, they simply cast who felt right for the role.

Hmm, I wonder why white people all felt "right" for the villians? This is the future of entertainment, folks... this ain't even Hollywood!

loubag1997 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's hard to believe just 15 years ago we had a mainstream movie with a white guy in blackface, if this is the level of puritanical pearl clutching we're seeing now...Jesus Christ.

loubag1997 6 points ago +6 / -0

It’s like when those parasites take over the bodies of hollowed-out dead insects and they still look animated and alive

loubag1997 24 points ago +24 / -0

I’m sure no woman wants to be married to a cuck Alphabet people sycophant

loubag1997 34 points ago +34 / -0

Surprise, degenerate fatass is a degenerate fatass!

Stop the presses!

And this is the bitch our society wants young girls to look up to. No wonder we’re fucked.

loubag1997 36 points ago +38 / -2

I have a hard time feeling bad for (some) women because they are almost wholly responsible for enabling this shit. It’s a warped version of maternal instincts used for the wrong target, but women “feel bad” internally for these mentally ill men and will fight against normal men and traditional society to allow this bullshit to go on.

Just visit any social media/news posting about the above situation, and I guarantee all the people defending it in the comments will be regular women, or the trans themselves. Men will be the only voice of reason there.

loubag1997 7 points ago +7 / -0

The reasons for firing people are getting softer and softer all the time...

And the fact that the "Commanders" are really the Redskins under a woke rebrand tells you all you need to know about how cucked they are

loubag1997 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only because the producers specifically said it would be. If it hadn’t been for that, no.

loubag1997 20 points ago +20 / -0

Bro it already did. It made more in one weekend than Indiana Jones did in a month

loubag1997 25 points ago +25 / -0

Of course it doesn't, why would it? It's literally a festering wound. The people who called the people questioned the corporate overlords over the Covid vax are the same ones denying this most obvious undeniable science of all.

loubag1997 8 points ago +8 / -0

They are afraid of physically attractive women because the women and "women" involved in these productions are fugly as shit and jealous of attractive women.

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