Every time I see a thread complaining about gas prices I can't help but get an ironic feeling. Around $4 was the baseline for gas prices in good times here in Peru, and that with a fraction of US household income. We wish we could go back to $4.
Honestly, if they wanted to freshen things and go for Velma alone, they could just say that the gang parted ways in good terms to pursue their individual interests. There's no need for a parallel reality. It would leave the door open for cameos and guest appearances.
Dude stop using consoles.
As for me, I've been slowly shifting away from anything microsoft, anything non open-source really, for the last few years. Windows is the only MS product I still use, because I've been too lazy to learn Linux.
So what did Sony do that Nintendon't? Have a snarky social media asshole saying "ummmm excuse me but all lives can't matter until black lives matter brayden"
Hmmm. Maybe. Or maybe the difference between Nintendo and Sony lies in that stationary consoles are an obsolete concept. Additionally, the PS5 hasn't had particularly great games, as far as I know.
I expect the show to suck regardless.