increasemather 7 points ago +7 / -0

Jesus Christ, this bozo doesn't even understand what "95% effective" means in the context of these vaccine trials.

The trial showed that the incidence of infections was 95% lower in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated patients...which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from Lord Fauci's interpretation that it means there's a "95% chance that you will not get symptomatic infection".

And yet this retard is holding our lives hostage and having bobblehead dolls made of him. He should be swinging from a tree.

increasemather 13 points ago +13 / -0

100% guaranteed dead bedroom situation with her current partner

increasemather 14 points ago +14 / -0

Minarchist. We need about 1% of the government and 1% of the laws we currently have (just the basic shit to protect life and property). The rest of the laws are either useless or harmful, and the people who make them are raging assholes who are a net drain on society.

increasemather 14 points ago +14 / -0


Just seeing the thread title I was going to post a rec for Cheers. There are some shows I liked in my youth that have held up like shit, and then on the other end of the spectrum there's Cheers. I think it's gotten better with age, when compared against the crapola on TV these days. The humor - especially in the first 3-4 seasons - is hyper-literate while still being accessible. It's in a completely different universe from whatever today's crop of smirky midwit hipster asshole TV writers are barfing out. I never really thought about the show being especially woke or anti-woke, but it's funny as hell and there's some stuff in it that I'm sure people would get their panties in a wad about today (how homosexuality is dealt with, relatively few black people, etc.). Probably my favorite TV series of all time.

As far as other boomer sitcoms, I'll put in a plug for The Jeffersons and Sanford & Son. Both are basically not a hell of a lot more than insult comedy showcases for their respective stars, but holy shit is it really good insult comedy. Black people ripping on white people, other black people, Latinos, Asians, etc., and we can all laugh about it. Basically how real life should be.

Actually, add "In Living Color" to that list, too. If Fox were to air any Vera De Milo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9pdX_D8eHY) or Men on Films (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4ojGuA33X4) skit in 2021, it would likely end up with their headquarters being burned to the ground, but back in the early '90s this sort of thing was known as "comedy".

increasemather 8 points ago +8 / -0

The crypto-woke are the worst. Back before I deleted my Facebook (and before Facebook was exclusively used by your grandma), I had this one acquaintance whose every post was like, "You know, I'm a conservative, but DAE we should let transsexual Muslim convicts peg our children? It's just basic human rights."

If you're going to embrace Clown World, at least be honest about it and don't try to play both sides like a pussy.

Actually her other posts were unbelievably shitty takes on music. And she was kind of ugly. I'm not sure why I was friends with this girl.

increasemather 14 points ago +14 / -0

I automatically discount the opinion of anyone who hasn't read a single primary-source peer-reviewed publication on the topic. That allows you to ignore the 9999 out of 10,000 people who are basing their opinions on some retarded journalism or poly sci major's popular media report based on second-hand summaries of the primary literature on this.


increasemather 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hope she sees that, bro.

increasemather 4 points ago +4 / -0

Glad he could take time out from his busy schedule of selling out our country for some mediocre Chinese panocha to register this opinion.

by anon12
increasemather 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, in case I came off as some elitist coastal prick who thinks eating at CB is beneath me, nothing could be further from the truth. I like plenty of places that are considered lowbrow. For instance, if there were a Chik-Fil-A anywhere near me, I'd probably be there 15 times a week and weigh 400 lbs.

I just don't particularly like Cracker Barrel.

by anon12
increasemather 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah. The dumplings were just an illustrative example

by anon12
increasemather 6 points ago +7 / -1

My in-laws take us to lunch there whenever we visit them in their very southern city...and it’s loaded with black people, and no one seems to give a shit.

Still, if they decide to cancel it and I’m no longer subject to crippling diarrhea from eating 8 lbs of mediocre greasy dumplings when I go there, that’s AOK with me. Finally something good to come out of cancel culture.

increasemather 8 points ago +8 / -0

He should be getting a potassium chloride and sodium pentothal injection from the state for his crimes against humanity

increasemather 5 points ago +5 / -0

I read it with a Chinese accent

increasemather 17 points ago +17 / -0

Bad Religion is still alive? Jesus Christ, is Louis Armstrong or Chopin gonna release a song calling out teh nazis next?

increasemather 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m in MA, too. There are some of us who aren’t total fucking Froot Loops around here - more than you’d think (even though we’re a minority). It’s actually an awesome place to live if you can get people to shut the fuck up about politics and just be normal human beings (which apparently has been too much to ask since 2016, unfortunately).

I’m not too worried about being here if shit goes down. Yes, the pinko crew is fanatical, but yes, they’re also enormous pussies. They’re not going to fuck with the grizzled Irish townie dudes who lean conservative around here, and if they do they’re quickly going to get their skulls caved in by said townies.

increasemather 12 points ago +12 / -0

For those not in the know, Smith College is a women’s college in Northampton, MA, the city with the highest number of lesbians per capita in the US. It’s basically Upper Middle Class Angry Lesbo Finishing School.

I know a lot of angry lesbos who went to other women’s colleges, and even they think the Smith gals are mental.

So this is about par for the course.

increasemather 6 points ago +6 / -0

No doubt. I just can’t believe people are so stupid that they can’t see through such a transparent attempt to sell them a bunch of agenda-driven bullshit masquerading as news.

The last 4 years have just left me in a spot where the only thing I’m confident in is that everyone moving their lips is lying to me, and the only things I can believe are the things I observe with my own eyes...and in the grand scheme of things there’s only so much I can observe with my own eyes, which means I’m wandering around in a state of not knowing shit. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than wandering around like a retard in a state of 100% certainty of belief in a bunch of total bullshit.

increasemather 22 points ago +22 / -0

How can people watch this shit, see a caption like that on the screen, and take this seriously as a credible, objective source of information on what’s happening in the world?

increasemather 16 points ago +16 / -0

Star Wars? I thought the middle one was Morbidly Obese Transgender He-Man Doing the Splits

increasemather 15 points ago +15 / -0

Shockingly no. (I’m fortunate not to have to interact with HR too much.) The ones I’m aware of are mostly the normie dipshits in marketing.

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