dzonatan 20 points ago +20 / -0

I tell you what to make of it. US is a balkanized broken country. Successfully subverted and reduced to constant in-fighting.

dzonatan 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. The spirit of the argument applies to globalists and "citizens of the world"
  2. Like freedom of speech?
  3. Like anyone conservative?
  4. Like staffing military ranks with rainbow garbage?
  5. Like against TERFs and straight males?
  6. Like in US... or everywhere actually?
  7. Like when you keep screaming "our democracy"?
  8. Like with progressivism which acts like a religion?
  9. Like when they wave a rainbow flag once a year right?
  10. Like when working class in Blue states can barely afford a living?
  11. Like with the father of DNA?
  12. Like when you obsess with Cancel Culture?
  13. Like anything corpo?
  14. Like 2020?
dzonatan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because it's not about making it work. It's about tearing down the structure that rejects them. Just one look at their dead, tired eyes is all you need to make a good character judgement of them.

dzonatan 20 points ago +20 / -0

My cynical gut is telling me it's all part of humiliation ritual before the obvious steal.

dzonatan 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know very well this is all staged and he's making days ahead preparations to pick up a venue where no one will recognize him and sucker punch him on the spot.

dzonatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

You serious? I always thought ipad generation would easily pick up on programming and software.

dzonatan -3 points ago +3 / -6

Pirates dont exist in a vacuum. Paying customers can notice pirates and see they get the same stuff without the price. The customer is converted to a pirate. That's a lost sale.

dzonatan -1 points ago +3 / -4

Mixed bag really.

I can somewhat understand it being applied to multiplayer game because cheating in them does directly affect either other players (like cheating in PvP and beating other players with exclusive advantage) or the game itself (Acquiring resources of any kind in a faster/more efficient way which affects the game's economy and other players).

Single player games shouldn't matter. It's isolated experience and the only negatively person who is affected is the person themselves.

I say shouldn't because that's how it worked in the old days. Problem is cheating in single player games directly affect games as service model.

Example being RE4 Remake. Using trainers/save editors to give yourself a huge amount of peseta isn't really a problem in a single player game because it's a single player game. You cheat yourself out of challenge and stimulation but otherwise no harm no faul. Except for Capcom who chooses to sell certain items via console store like Exclusive Tickets which do the same for the mark up price. The cheats are now affecting company's bottom line.

dzonatan 14 points ago +14 / -0

The reason japanese stuff is so easy to hack is because it's highly prosecutable crime in Japan. Something as victimless as single player save editing warrants jail time over there. No I'm not kidding.

dzonatan 9 points ago +9 / -0

A commie once scored a knife between ribs. It can happen again.

dzonatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if someone in the audience has more disposable money than the rest of it. Is he an investor now?

dzonatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where the fuck do you expect their money to come from? Perfectly symmetrical sources spread out evenly across the world?

dzonatan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Individual preference is just as biased as that of journalists. In both cases, you're relying on someone's impression that is not your own.

dzonatan 2 points ago +2 / -0

They love it because it is effective in dividing the populace. Those who buy into it gets free gibsmedats while those that oppose are persona-non-grata.

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