dagthegnome -1 points ago +4 / -5

I would never refer to you as anything so organized or effective as a nazi.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

Nah, it was affirmative action. Like all liberals, he wasn't sure the poor unfortunate black fella would succeed without his help.

dagthegnome -3 points ago +4 / -7

Are you disproportionately obsessed with the Jews to the exclusion of all other ethnic minorities, to the point where you are even willing to side with church-burning Christian-beheading genocidal Islamists against them? Do you feel the need to derail almost every conversation you participate in by bringing up the JQ in the most nonsensical and tangential way possible? Do you believe the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to be a real document?

If so, then you are a stormfag, and there is a significant possibility that you are also a fed.

dagthegnome -16 points ago +5 / -21

Oh look, a stormfag calling someone else a retard.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

To clear the path for her successor to prop up a grand coalition government that locks out the nationalists.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +3 / -2

You can bitch all you want to about how he's pozzed and cucked and compromised and running interference for the regime, but the regime just proved you wrong. They've just proven how terrified they are of him.

The only people who are addicted to losing are the purity-spiraling lunatics who keep holding out for a unicorn and turning into petty, spiteful, vindictive adolescents every time someone they vote for turns out to not be 100% perfect.

dagthegnome 49 points ago +49 / -0

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this guy's name is Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed Hassan al-Farquad or something like that, not Imp.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

What young man in his right mind would willingly put his life on the line to defend a society that treats him the way we do? To defend women who treat him the way modern women do?

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ah yes, I believe that story was told in the Gospel of Mathilda, whom bigots still insist on deadnaming as Matthew, where Jesus took his holy vengeance upon a bunch of children in a Nazarene nursery with a shoulder-holstered sling that had a bumpsack attached for extra stone capacity.

dagthegnome 28 points ago +29 / -1

Unironically accuses the only Republican who's managed to actually achieve anything since Reagan of being the reason the right keeps losing

dagthegnome 28 points ago +36 / -8

Look you Trump-worshipping cocksuckers, I know your orange God-Emperor provided the best economy in living memory, massively scaled back US military involvement overseas, cemented Constitutionalist control of SCOTUS, secured new peace negotiations in Korea and the Balkans and significantly reduced the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border, but he didn't remake the entire Universe in 4 years and solve literally all of my problems so I'm never voting for him or anything even slightly orange ever again and I hope he dies in prison. Now I demand you all vote for DeSantis so that we can have Bush's third term.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree. I really believe at least half of the stormfags are fifth columnists who are just here to undermine the quality of discussion on these forums and discredit the rest of us by association. I get that you think there are times that Imp does that as well, but I doubt he's getting paid for it.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference is that I'm pretty sure Imp is not a fed.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

More like the certainty that anything even approaching a rational or facts-based conversation will be derailed by a bunch of fedposters whose entire reason for being here is to be as disruptive as possible.

Of course, they do that even when you don't bait them, so. . . .

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

The only pattern is women. My list, which is far from comprehensive, includes WASP women, Catholics, blacks, Brits, French, Russians, New Zealanders, a Belgian and an Indian. As far as "Yankees" go, Rebecca Felton was the first female US Senator, and she was from Georgia. And I could compose another list, just as long, of influential feminist theorists, philosophers and activists of whom not one has any Jewish ancestry. The stormfaggots don't have a leg to stand on in this debate.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

My point is that it was very decentralized. It was a feudal throwback amidst the absolute monarchies of Renaissance Europe. Each German vassal had enormous power over his own fiefdom, and virtually all of them were still industrial powerhouses with a rich merchant class. More than a hundred different Germanies, and they were still the greatest power in Europe.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +24 / -8

Mary Wollstonecraft, Emmeline Pankhurst, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Sarah Moore Grimké, Angelina Grimké, Mary Ann M’Clintock, Paula Wright Davis, Lydia Maria Child, Frances Wright, Abby Kelly, Rebecca Latimer Felton, Ernestine Rose, Lucretia Coffin Mott, Adrienne Rich, Margaret Fuller, Maria W. Stewart, Lucy Stone, Marilyn French, Evelyn Reed, Alexandra Kollontai, Simone de Beauvoir, Virginia Woolf, Catharine MacKinnon, Valerie Solanas, Marilyn Frye, Juliet Mitchell, bell hooks, Kate Millett, Germaine Greer, Sally Miller Gearhart, Camille Paglia, Sheila Jeffreys, Luce Irigaray, Inessa Armand, Julia Kristeva, Mary Ann Evans, Rosi Braidotti, Donna Haraway, Ella Baker, Anita Hill, Patricia Hill Collins, Chandra Mohanty

The pattern you are trying to illustrate doesn't exist, and you are still a barely functional retard. Welcome back.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

There used to be about 200 and they still ran everything.

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