I think they'd have cooked Star Wars even if the DEI wasn't present. They'd have Disney-Marvelled it anyway. Disney doesn't like ambiguity, it has to be binary heroes vs villains. The stories are all the same.
Star Wars isn't the best counter to that, but there was always lingering doubt. Was there good in Vader? Would Luke turn? Would the republic win? Yeah, in hindsight you know what happens, but in the moment there are questions.
Can't they see? That dog is brown. The other dog they mention outstanding in the article is black. They did not kill a man, they were merely sharing their culture.
I don't know a ton about it but I may check it out. I'd far, far rather read political commentary than videos. Most of the videos are too damn long and just repeat themselves.
We don't give them money. I always use Call of Duty as an example because it's something I know and it was not fueled by microtransactions. Not only do they out-sell previous titles, for example Modern Warfare 2 in 2022 broke all of their records, but then from reports I've seen they make $5 million per day from all the bullshit they sell. I believe it too, I played it a few months ago with my cousin on a "free weekend." My observation, 75% of players at minimum have a current-release cosmetic skin, which costs $20-$30.
Roblox is publicly traded, in the last 12 months their revenue was $3.16 billion. I have no idea how they don't make money. Talk to any < 13 year old kid and see how many Roblox gift cards they have gotten for birthday presents. It's a TON.
Then you come to someone like me, it pains me to pay $70 for a new game. I actually don't think I ever have. I rarely pirate, I take advantage of sales. Let's assume there's an annual release game that launches working and complete and I value having enough to spend $70 on every year. They have to sell 45 million copies annually to match that Roblox money. It's just not going to happen.
Edit to add for context: Nintendo games often fit that last model. As an example, Zelda Breath of the Wild has sold over 30 million copies. Being one of if not the most sold games on Switch. They would have to do that every year, and still come out behind.
I wouldn't be all that shocked by a subscription to play a game. I don't think they'd ever come out and say, this "you must pay us for anticheat." That would open them to legal liability, as cheaters are going nowhere yet you are paying to not have them.
It would be much simpler to make some spiel about "we charge monthly to provide you a great service we can't do with a free model, better servers, more monitoring for cheaters, blah, blah, blah."
I don't know how many players that would run off though. They make so much money off their skins and P2W things, should they not just focus on getting an additional $20 a month from players by selling them more garbage?
Well I'm still justified to have quit multiplayer, the future is kids who got a brain implant at 5 and spend 8 hours a day their whole life playing these games. It would be even less of a contest than it is now.
Journalists really are the worst profession. At least whores are honest.
I would hope he learned the lesson from the first time, but honestly I've not really seen any evidence of a lesson learned from the past 4 years. It's not being a doomer and I'm voting for him too, but I kinda expect a repeat of the first four. I wonder if he would be duped by another pandemic?
I'm surprised they are still allowed to call them poor. C'mon now you racist, they are persons of color who are people experiencing homelessness who are also people experiencing less financial privilege.
Because of course they do. If Trump pulls off a win, the first day he needs to be doing MASS firings at these agencies. Otherwise, just wait for suddenly every thing they report to not be propped up by lies anymore.
I was thinking about making a post here later with some actual screen caps of different games, so I may very well do that still.
I was messing with setting up a few of my emulators yesterday on my somewhat freshly-installed PC, and of course as a byproduct getting distracted in a game. So I end up in Crazy Taxi of all things. I couldn't help but realize there's no way in hell these characters or this game exists in this form today. I ended going through a few other Dreamcast games, not high-thought, intense story, deep RPGs, just some regular old arcade type stuff. All it did was serve to remind me that the fun had been sucked out of games so badly.
I'll drop a link to the characters just for illustration sake, this is not a photo I uploaded I just found it obviously. https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp9608256.jpg
A huge subset of the world is fake. My observation, those that have nice things or a nice life keep it to themselves. Those that go to great lengths to present their greatness really don't actually have it. Even ones that do it's the ones whose things are fleeting from being full of debt, or being a thug or something that will end up shot or ODed.
A metaphor I'm always telling my cousin, who's a teenager and grown up in the world of social media too much, and also fits the dirty mind of someone that age. It's just a dick measurement contest, quit measuring. Basically, quit comparing yourself to liars on the internet. They are lying. The real alpha exudes confidence and uses that confidence to claim the woman while the betas are distracted in their petty fights for dominance.
This is just their pitch to give the useful idiots talking points to own the rich. They won't implement something like this directly in the way they say. They'd exempt houses under a certain amount typical to what an average person would have, probably drop a lower limit of income to qualify right in the middle of middle class. Lots of ways out for investments the elite rich, remember that's where the politicians make their money. So really it will only burn successful small business, which they'd love to happen and not be that affected by.
It's going to be a death by a thousand cuts, not one big one.
So wait, white doesn't exist? So what do I default to next then? Black? Jew? American Indian? I'll take my free shit now.
If he's not going to assimilate and speak English he can go back to Africa.
I looked up a clip of that show, wow, it's so bad. It's supposed to be a serious show and it's closer to a really awful remake of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The only thing I question about IQ is often these journalists and the intelligentsia claim to have a high IQ as one of the reasons we should listen to them. Yet, they are idiots. So, is the metric broken, are they lying about their IQ, or do they really have a high IQ and are just manipulating us?
There's no doubt general intelligence is on the decline. Outside of dumbing down the gene pool, I think of what is left, a lot of it stems from a lack of learning to apply intelligence though. My cousin is like this, he's intelligent, I can tell he's intelligent, but he has zero patience to seek a solution. If the problem is not solved in five minutes by the first thing he tries, usually being at best the first search result he finds, he's done with it. Every time I've pushed him to slow down, use his head, and actually think how things work and how to solve the problem on his own, he figures it out. It's a product of the phone generation, everything is just presented to them. They don't ever stop and think.
Who the hell elevated librarians to a high place anyway? They are an inventory manager for a warehouse of books, nothing more.
I'm not a fan of Souls combat in the slightest. What game would you compare the combat to?
It was written by Brits, who gave up their dark objects guns for "their safety." The Brits who have no right to free speech.
It's not exactly a people who I would look towards to find search and seizure a problem. I assume it goes way back, the Americans put in the 4th amendment for a reason.
They are such bad hack and slash games too. They also nerfed what assassinations are left, I mean go play Odyssey, half the enemies there you can't one-hit, and being seen draws three dozen to you.
The others are right, it was in a lot of ways a shit stealth game always, but there was at least a fun to it, clearing a group of people by drawing them into the bushes to take down then just walking in for the objective.
Are we going to end up where the best games are from Chinese developers for the Chinese market, just because they make the game and not the politics? Not that I'm sure what I want gameplay wise overlaps with Chinese people at all, but hey fun games for you soulslike fans.
From someone who likes to pick up 4K releases of older pre-digital movies, and who likes photography, well I think you're close to on to something with respect to it being film. More specifically, the level of artistry that existed when held back by the limitations of film.
I don't know the movie well, but the clips I looked at it seems like liked everything intentionally slightly underexposed, but that gives everything bright a bit more of a glow, it has more contrast. They use that a lot, the lights on the wall, the neon signs, the headlights, etc. You can tell the explosions are real too, they just have a different look to them. Compare something like Independence Day movie to modern Marvel drivel, the former is noted for being one of the last movies to use all practical effects.
Most modern "art" doesn't experiment at all. It's regurgitated mass market. Basic lighting, fancy CGI for flashy trailers, throw in a joke not even mature enough for Family Guy, etc. There's no funding for someone who tries outside of a few established directors.
No, I'm implying that Disney turns them to shit without DEI.