I'm a weird American, because I've gotten where I hate eating with my hands when utensils are available. Sandwiches and chips are about the only exception. I don't eat many chips though.
There is plenty of opportunity for woke in Fallout so they won't have to do much. The games are very political in nature. They will just pick the woke faction and make them good and the others are Literally Hitler.
See I always thought fetch quests and open world went hand in hand. You know, the "we built this huge boring world we are going to make you see how boring it is" mentality. I'm totally not a fan of modern open world games though, they always trade in gameplay for an extra dose of boring-ness or bad RPG-ness.
I'm not even one to care about new innovative gameplay that it seems so many want. There's nothing wrong with taking a tried and true fun mechanic and just doing it well. Except the games journalists and Youtube community won't like it, and that's all games care about anymore. They all have to feel made up emotions and immersion and shit, I just want to have fun.
Apparently I need to start stockpiling classical music now, nothing is safe. I rarely even think of conductors by name, but I specifically remember Karajan on some of my favorites. All because he was German in the 30s and that's prohibited.
DisownedLGBTQIA+ community members are 8 times more likely to engage in harmful, risky behavior.
I'm pretty sure I can fix the statement like this and it's still true. They just use the disowned part to bring confused kids to live with pedos.
I can cook marginally well, but I usually am visiting other people's houses and really hate trying to cook something there.
It's easy though since we're talking about kids that are on the cusp of getting older. I'm kinda magic with teenagers anyway. If you look at kids that age most family members outside their parents either look down on them or want to twenty questions them on things like school. The family member that will just hang out and do something fun without all the baggage is worth a ton to them.
Yeah, I've struggled with this even online as that's one way I keep up with a cousin in another state, we play games. It's gotten so boring, neither of us want to do online competitive and every other option is a microtransaction-fest it seems.
I've done a tiny bit of couch gaming with my nephews when I visit them, but there's not a ton to choose from either.
Not surprised, they've all been made to want that stuff. I've told my nephews I'm not buying them Robux, Vbucks or anything of that stuff. I'm getting them games this year, but it's really just a filler because I won't see them at Christmas this year. I don't really like giving gifts, prefer to spend time instead.
The first thing to do is be sure you are confident about yourself. That was big for me in my 20s, because as a kid I felt like a lot of people treated me like an oddity, like there was something wrong with me that needed to be fixed. Instead, I had to accept myself and I don't waste time with people who see me as some project. I think I heard this on a podcast recently, but these guys were saying that if you're happy and confident home alone by yourself, good things all follow from that. I very much operate like that.
Something else I notice, it seems you define yourself by anime/games/VR and that's fairly limiting. Maybe it's fine if my first paragraph holds true, but I don't think you are if you're posting like this here. My suggestion is to try other things and be sure you aren't defining yourself by a single hobby.
You mention church, dance class, I assume you have a job or some sort of business connections. Pick out receptive people that share your values and take up opportunities to build relationships outside of expecting they must know about anime and games. I'm not friends with raging leftists, because if I found one that was a carbon copy of my interests I wouldn't want to put up with their values. You're already interacting with people, things will come up. Take them up on it. One example of my own, some new friends at the time were talking about playing golf. I'd never played it. That turned into, "oh I have some old clubs you can use take them out to a driving range a couple times and come play with us." So I did. I'm shit at it still to this day. Because of what I said earlier though, it doesn't bother me, I own it. Sure, I try, but it's a little out of my aptitudes and I don't progress that well. If friends had a problem with a shit golfer, that's a red flag they aren't friends anyway, just walk away. I don't play golf more than a few times a year now, but it was an in to building relationships and I'm still friends with some of those people and not just for some golf. It worked because while we don't necessarily share the same hobbies, we share similar values.
I always had PC World or PC Magazine as I was more of a hardware and programmer than a gamer.
But yeah, I'm old enough to remember all of that and before. The FTP comment stood out to me, because early internet I got a lot of stuff browsing FTP server folder trees. Microsoft even had one full of game demos and things. Especially later when I got DSL I think around 1998ish and the internet was always on I could download anything.
their humor and wit
Hahaha, I'll give them that, this line is full of humor. I really can't think of a funny Gen-Z person. None of that shit they post on their social media is actually ever funny, it's just dumb.
I remember arguing with someone way back probably 2016-2017 who insisted this person was a good video game critic or whatever you wanted to call him. After I looked him up I asked why the hell would I listen to this person, they seem stupid and insane. Seems I was right. Albeit that conversation was on Reddit, so they probably still think he's intelligent or whatever.
You played any Yakuza games? Very different from a lot of what you'd associate with a Japanese game. There are random encounters, but depending on which game they can be avoided fairly well by running away and/or using items.
So they are going to push heat pumps to cold climates? Typical. I live in a warm climate and have a heat pump. It's great most of the time. When temps approach freezing, they very quickly become fucking useless
So what do they think about Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?
Uh, yeah this thing's book is part hilarious and more sad that it even exists. It should be called "My parents failed me and that's why I'll 41%, here's what to do when your parents failed you"
Really, can no one anymore deal with the simplest of problems without freaking out with emotions? The amount of like touchy feely bullshit in what's supposed to be a repair book is absurd. There's nothing egregiously wrong in the content. Well, I've never heard of someone gluing their toilet seat on. On and anyone who needs this book needs to be nowhere even near a project that would require an insulated screwdriver. Perhaps they are trying to 41% themselves sooner.
But there is a universal truth: We all panic when the toilet overflows.
Uh, ok.
But because bad landlords exist and because people don’t always uphold their promises, we need to sometimes take care of each other. Especially in the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalized communities. We’re often the ones who are most vulnerable when broken promises happen.
So faggots are more vulnerable when they can't shit in their clogged toilet or something?
Few rooms can stress us out like the bathroom—and everything in this chapter can cause you so much anxiety.
The amount of times the thing writes "I'm proud of you." Can no one do anything without constant affirmation?
Honestly though, I feel bad for someone who the best they can turn to is a filthy tranny for such simple life skills.
I looked this thing up to see. I found some article about home repair tips that was the most basic thing I've ever seen. Really the idea I get from all of this is symptoms of driving men out of families. I mean really, learn to clean the aerator on your sink is a "top tip"? Not only did I learn that as a kid seeing my dad do it, had I not known even today many years later I'd text him right now "hey have you ever had your sink faucet not spray out right?"
I'm going to pirate it's book and glance through it, just because I'm curious what drivel it is.
I've played lots of good indie/small dev games, but you're not going to see many of them in any sort of mainstream indie game showcase.
I still like Doom 3. Don't care if it's not Doom enough or whatever, call it Dead Space -1 then. Doom 2016 was excellent too played it through a few times at least. I did not enjoy Doom Eternal and I really wanted to.
I've picked up quite a few. I'll still take more haha
Fun basic FPS games. Think Quake or Doom 3. To hell with realism or advanced movement. I'm sure there's a ton but I never tire of them.
I sort of miss light-RTS games of old. Like Warcraft 3 type stuff and Civilization turn based games. Not the hyper competitive games now of how many clicks can a South Korean click if a South Korean could click a mouse.
The vast majority of IPs are dynamic from a pool. Maybe they don't change often, but the only possible way to tie an IP to a living person reliably would be ISP records. There's some notion that an IP is some sort of undeniable secret code that identifies a person, and its just not. It's pretty useless really. More info could be taken from Google-like browser fingerprinting.
It would be much more productive to go shut such sites down and or restrict access to them than spend so much effort trying to track down and go after individual users of a site. We get to KGB level "disappearances" being commonplace before random website users are tracked down en masse.
what sort of things in life should every person be guaranteed
Guaranteed? None. You are guaranteed what you are willing to work and fight for.
Your hypothetical isn't unreasonable, it's broken. So I own everything? What stops me from being killed? Just myself? Or perhaps I let everyone be as long as I sit in a palace as a sex slug and be brought attractive girls to have my way with. I doubt I'd find that any way to live. I guess what I give a bunch of people some of my land to keep me from being murdered in my sleep? I don't see how I could ever retain ownership of the world as a mere human. The reality is I have no intents or desires to own the whole world anyway.
If I were to bring your hypothetical down to earth and at least limit it to a large country or something, I'd likely be a fairly benevolent dictator. I'm going to need construction skills, an army, farmers. If it's a large country I can't really overlook everything. Why would I not want to offer my people some sort of comfort? I'm more likely to get a good army or a good worker or whatever if they are well fed, housed, and content. I'd have little patience for the lazy and the criminal. There would be a high level of capital punishment and a low to none of imprisonment, albeit I'd do everything I can to ensure things like fair trials, because again I benefit positively from keeping the good people content and happy. Moral system would be all on me, I said I was a benevolent dictator after all. Want to be a weird sexuality pervert, ok that's fine I mentioned capital punishment, right? I want happy families and hard workers, not a land of useless sex degenerates. It's still my land and I make the rules.
To them that is probably books on human anatomy or something
I don't follow like I used to, but if it was me I leave Texas out by virtue of having both a lower quality loss and lower quality wins than Alabama and to hell with head to head as it's so random in college football to even have head to head results across the entire field happen to be a top 4 team. Fair? Not really but it never is and I'm not a fan of ambiguous popularity contest championships anyway.