cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

I can't decide if I'd tell them their idea is fucking stupid and I would not be wasting time on PowerPoint for their entertainment, or if I'd dig around and find a 4 hour presentation on some old tech and suggest they sit through that. It's time to learn the advanced data structures of COBOL everyone.

cccpneveragain 28 points ago +28 / -0

I used to think I'd leave but I changed my mind. My ancestors started this country and were the frontiersman who took it west. I can point to family who's been in every major war for the US since July 4, 1776. I'm not dishonoring them by running away.

I'll stay and do what I can, and if the time comes to go down, my goal is to be the arms that reach out from the sinkhole to drag a couple of them in with me.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

The campaign or online? I only played the campaign very close to launch. I don't remember any issues, but it's been a long damn time. The multi-player, well I'm a bit ashamed to say I'm the max level and I never remember a problem crashing.

cccpneveragain 36 points ago +36 / -0

And of course there's comments, "he's just trying to control naziism and homophobic, why is it such a big deal?"

These useful idiots are incapable of understanding the value of free speech, and the reality is they will remain incapable all the way up until they are the one whisked away in the middle of the night.

cccpneveragain 22 points ago +22 / -0

They have a link to a backup page that still works. See here: https://basedmods.eth.limo/backups/

If I had to guess, something is just screwy due to the whole blockchain integration and such being a lot more of a technical challenge to maintain.

cccpneveragain 29 points ago +29 / -0

Are you sure that's not like your device doing that. I've never seen nigger censored here

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

I heard something about it on local radio earlier, they were saying she's gotten paid way too much damn money for appearances on things, and also hasn't gone towards the OnlyFans sex whore type path (yet). So I guess at the moment I give her a bit of credit for milking others for their stupidity.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it was more of a recoil from the response. I eat lots of tacos, of the food not the whore variety. They are a great food item and can be good with such a variety of ingredients.

cccpneveragain 9 points ago +9 / -0

And Kamala's tacos start with a ridiculously exorbitant amount of curry mixed with whatever meat fell on the floor when they slaughtered the goat.

Edit: I'm often surprised to find out I don't have a dirty enough mind, now with that picture I almost want to delete this comment.

cccpneveragain 22 points ago +22 / -0

In theory I’d say sure, whatever. If I tried to make a straight white Christian man only game, it would be a hate crime. So screw their game.

cccpneveragain 11 points ago +12 / -1

Seriously, shame the sluts. I’m sure sluts and whores have been around since the beginning of time, but it never ever should have been something to be proud of.

cccpneveragain 11 points ago +11 / -0

Every time I see this game all I can think of is Planet of the Apes

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t know if it’s aging or just seeing the world around, but I’m with you. My gaming time is down 80% the last few years. I learned a lot from Covid clownery, and moving on from hiding behind escapism is one of those things. Why not use that effort to try to make less reason to want to escape? It’s going to be a different plan for everyone, but for me I put that time in either building family relationships or learning and enhancing skills. In a fun way though, it’s fun hanging out with nephews and cousins and I get to try to rub off some sanity on the future generation.. Or, if I’m working on skills, maybe I’m building something, maybe I’m on the computer developing something, but always learning. Video games for me now are just something to do the last hour or two of the day when it’s dark outside and I’m winding down for bed. It’s not a lifestyle anymore.

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m a huge fan of let’s say 2005-era 3D graphics. Enough level of detail to put me in place, not so much it has to be as much work. Before the PS3 era came along and made everything sepia. I also liked how much more time was spent on environmental lighting. Not that it had to be realistic, that means nothing to me. It gave areas a feel. They also had to make the game fun because otherwise it wasn’t much to look at.

I mean you’re right, the reason I never manage to finish a game is always the graphics, I don’t like doing graphics. I actually have a few things I think I can finish in mind now, but life happens at times and I can’t dedicate much time to it for a bit. Nothing revolutionary but it would be cool to actually release a game.

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m from Texas. It’s Mexicans here. It’s been Mexicans here for many years.

I do play some Forza. Horizon has been going down each entry since 3. 5 is at best a DLC for 4. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to suggest that every new entry of a game series has to be revolutionary. I’m all in on if something is fun, more of the same is fine. The problem is it’s “less” more of the same. They got so freaking lazy. Even their rally DLC in FH5, look it’s more dirt and cactus! You didn’t have enough of that already! Forza Horizon 6 would have to blow my mind for me to be in on it, I’ve lost interest and shunned Microsoft since the launch of 5.

Seriously though, almost everything I play (outside of Forza I suppose, although it doesn’t get much time anymore) is either Indie-to-AA level online stuff to screw around in a bit with friends, or old stuff I have mostly on GOG. I’ve been replaying Doom 3 recently. It doesn’t feel old after a handful of years. I’ll probably get my hands on Dead Space on PC soon, I haven’t played through it in several years. Still have the Xbox version, but eh I’m starting to abandon that platform, so we will see.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

I also shame white tears, but not for the same reason. Crying over having whiteness is weaker than weak and shameful.

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've been out for several years now.

I occasionally play games with friends, but 95% of the time even that is online play just within our group (coop and the like). I also only play with people I know in person, or their friends, most of which I've at least met once or twice anyway. I haven't talked to an internet random in a video game since WoW Cataclysm in 2011, and I typically turn off any chat features entirely when I am online. I have no energy to waste on the scum that permeates online gaming now.

cccpneveragain 19 points ago +19 / -0

It’s niggification. That standard goes back much further in nigger culture. They have to have something to twerk and what not.

Do I think it’s deliberate in that there’s some puppet master doing this? Not really. It’s decades and decades of destroying the American black and worshipping them the whole way down. No one was doing this when black icons were Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole, now that all is left is the lowest of the low niggers, you gotta follow whatever trend Lil Ho Fucker records on his latest ape sounds album.

cccpneveragain 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah, it was sarcasm. The proprietors of the church of weak Jesus loves sin, well I believe their fate was prescribed as it being better to be tied to a millstone and cast in the sea.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point was whether or not it would be successful in the west. Have you not seen western media, it's half the point of this forum. Black, ugly woman, or severed penis is mainstream Western media. Hot white women with nice looking anime chick's would not be allowed.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +3 / -1

I kinda think they are a fad that will die, but don’t listen to me as it’s not something I’m interested in at all.

From what I have seen, I don’t see how it would ever work in Western media anyway. As soon as they find out a white man is hiding behind a black woman or someone makes an attractive female that doesn’t have a cock, it’s dead.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's how it's always looked to me. I bet nearly everyone has some sort of food they are sensitive to if they really think about it. I can't do shellfish. I don't think I've ever told a restaurant. I have asked things like, "hey can I get something other than shrimp in this," particularly something like where there's some shrimp on the side. If they say yes, great! It's honestly more of the notion of I'd rather not toss some perfectly good food they could have just left unprepared in the kitchen. If I order something with it in it accidentally, I pick the fuck around it. Big deal.

If you've really got a keel over and die food allergy, I would suggest learning to cook. I'd also suggest looking into some sort of allergy therapy because I've seen enough things that it's possible to get to where you could at least be around it. I don't want to hear some bullshit, "you can't open a package of peanuts near me or I'll die."

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

That certainly is an effective gatekeeper whether you meant limiting them to program entry via machine code or going as far as a command line. There was a certain level of minimum intelligence required to use then.

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