ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

No. And especially no to when they try to force this to be biometric.

In other, unrelated news, new job opportunities may be appearing for vax-card forgers

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Mostly this. Technology has been taking over jobs forever, it's just now it's taking over the jobs of a group of highly narcissistic people who have the ability to shout at the whole world and a journalistic class who (due to shared politics) are willing to amplify their shouts. Up until now, a lot of the impact has been on the more manual/physical labor classes, and now it is getting into the "creative" people. And the creatives are suddenly finding out they're just as replaceable and no more special than the silly laborers and their mental world is collapsing.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

BMI is solid enough for 90%+ of the population. Unless you're a trained distance runner or a heavy weight lifter BMI is a quick, accurate-enough measurement.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think uh if your plan involves sending naked pictures of your child, make a different plan. Like, can we not take the kid to the doctor any more?

At the time of this incident, no, you couldn't. After all, your son has an obvious, severe medical issue developing? But you might spread Teh Coof! and give someone's grandma the sniffles, so you can't go to the office in person.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

why is there this decline in trust

Stop lying, and stop pushing a narrative/propaganda over all else and trust may slowly return.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m looking forward to seeing the LOLberts and chamber of commerce Republicans saying that this is just the free market in action and that the invisible hand will surely guide the market towards safer products instead of a race to the bottom where lying, corruption and fraud are incentivized.

A big first step to getting to that place would be to revoke the protection from liability that the vaccine manufacturer's have. As is, though, with the government shielding them from any fallout from their rushed, experimental treatments they'll just keep doing what they're doing, and the FDA (which is incestuously connected with all of the big pharma companies) will just keep telling people to get the jabs.

by folx
ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is because they see their mental illness or disability as part of their identity, not as something they need to struggle to overcome.

This is, IMO, one of the biggest (if not the biggest) issues today. Pretty much every aspect of society is honed in on this. You need to find where you have victim points, and you need to keep harping on that and how that makes you special. And people are so focused on why they're a special victim that nothing gets changed, improved or accomplished.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plus, it is rape even if she kept saying yes the whole time, but then regretted it a few hours (or days, weeks, months, or years) afterwards.

by folx
ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, the whole thing is ridiculous. But, Wikipedia and Google (and other sites) are biased in their favor, so they're double-plus good!

by folx
ailurus 35 points ago +35 / -0

NY Times told us what they mean by media literacy almost 2 years ago

Short version:

  1. Don't bother investigating claims yourself. Look up the author of what you're reading to see if he is "outside the consensus"

  2. Check Wikipedia for a quick summary if you are unfamiliar with the topic

  3. Check if the site you're reading it on is a mainstream media source. If it is, great! If it isn't, ignore it.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

What qualifies someone as a dictator?


Well, that flat out proves you're not objective and any further discussion is pointless.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

And what do you think qualifies someone as being a dictator? Because you have said that arresting people without charge, sending the army marching into statehouses, shutting down hostile press and exiling political opponents does not. So, what is the cutoff in your mind?

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

I don't think he's objective.

Whether you think it's justified or not, acting against a state legislature doesn't make him a dictator.

Well, that flat out proves you're not objective and any further discussion is pointless. I don't think there's anything you'd accept as a (as you put it) "compelling argument" short of getting a time machine and recording a video of Lincoln twirling an evil mustache and laughing maniacally about how he is now the king of the US, since all your responses to people giving have been "Well, he was justified!" or "Well, Stalin was worse!". What do you want to see?

ailurus 44 points ago +44 / -0

Yes, because holding an election cancels out having soldiers storm into a statehouse and arrest 1/3 of a state legislature. Lincoln is easily in the top 3 authoritarian US presidents, alongside FDR and Woodrow Wilson.

As Kienan put it in another comment, if you want to argue over whether or not Lincoln was justified we can do that, but he basically used the constitution as toilet paper. Go watch the video, you'll almost certainly learn quite a few things.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hahaha. $500 bail despite being found naked, hiding under a bed, with $50k and narcotics strewn about. Never change, Chicago.

The 5 previous felonies in the last 4 years are the larger issue in my mind. If you're on your 6th arrest, why are you still getting bail at all?

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Understanding the data’s initial bias toward an objective is the first step. The next step is to create weights for each unit in the sample based on propensity score to adjust the bias in the data. After applying the calculated weights, the final stage entails assessing the bias and variance inflation.

So what's the point? I'm 100% serious with that question. If you re-weight everything to match your preconceived notions, then you'll get results in line with your preconceived notions. So, why bother with the AI in the first place? It's just a waste of everyone's time and money.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same thing happened in the US military too. They went to blind promotions to offset too many white, male officers, then the percentage of white, male officers went up, and now photos are required to be included front and center on all promotion applications.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're claiming that a company sat for years on a massive mineral deposit (even though it will be at another decade+ until they can start exploiting that deposit) for which demand has been steadily increasing for over a decade now, just to provide an economic boost (which, again, it will be years before they start seeing that boost) to a country which is #18 in the world in terms of GDP per capita.

Go get professional help. Seriously. You desperately need it because you are literally insane. Your brain is not working properly. You are incapable of rational thought. Or any other way you want it phrased.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

Arch just posted a review of it. Whatever you thought it would be, it sounds like it is worse

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

So, what? Are you saying the mining company is lying? Or the lithium deposit was somehow planted there? Or did they know about it for quite a while and are only revealing it now on orders from feminists?

The story about a massive lithium deposit being found is quite interesting. Your attempt to connect this to WOMEN BAD! makes absolutely no sense.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

No clue, but I assume so

ailurus 9 points ago +10 / -1

But, but, we had The World's Most Heroic Man!!1! give a speech at our celebrity circlejerk presentation! Why won't people watch as we all give our friends awards for how woke they are?????

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unlike the summer of love that'll take decades to repair if at all...

I'll put my money on "if at all". Some stuff I've read says that parts of LA are still not fully recovered from the Rodney King Riots, and it's been over 30 years now. Plus, the destruction directly benefits the politicians encouraging it - when a neighborhood gets burned down, it becomes even easier to bribe the people who lived there with government money rather than having them put in the time and effort to rebuild.

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