acp_k2win 1 point ago +1 / -0

normies go into reflexive attack mode to distance themselves from anything too far outside of overton... but we are making progress, a few years ago the idea that women shouldn't vote was treated the same way

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

it always does, but they don't care, they are like genestealer or chaos cultists, who are too consumed by hatred of what IS to even consider the idea that what they are working to bring about will be significantly worse

acp_k2win 28 points ago +28 / -0

They don't hate escapism specifically, they just see anything that isn't supporting their gay commie political agenda as a threat.

In the abstract they are somewhat correct. If people can contentedly live their lives without being constantly agitated about how "bad" things are by "activists" then hey will never get pissed off enough to stage the gay revolution all of the spiteful mutants dream about.

acp_k2win 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every single law on the books is a declaration of morality. A lot of it is incorrect morality but it is a morality nonetheless.

"cant legislate morality" is liberal nonsense meant to discredit anyone who speaks out against degeneracy.

acp_k2win 0 points ago +4 / -4

We are well past the discussion about whether women should be allowed to vote and need to start seriously talking about whether or not it should be legal to teach a woman how to read.

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

"mens rea"

You are right, they aren't legally guilty.

But are morally, and the WOULD have done it had they been given the opportunity. Therefore no tears shed and public shaming is the correct punishment.

acp_k2win 4 points ago +5 / -1

He had to settle for a jeeta so that is many negative points against him.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

for blacksmithing this book teaches you how to start from junk and make your own forge and tools:


I haven't implemented any of it but it looks like fun

For a more practical hobby 3d printing seems like a good one, also machining though that has significant startup costs.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

They used the 14th amendment as the justification. The 14th was passed when half of the country was under oppressive military occupation, it was never a legitimate expression of the will of the people.

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

"you leave now, and don't make a stink about it, or I make a fun video where I pay third worlders $10k for every square inch of your skin they bring me"

Mr Beast, probably

acp_k2win 5 points ago +5 / -0

Then it gets struck down and we continue to chip away at the mythology of "civil rights" to expose what it actually means: blacks can do whatever they want.

acp_k2win 25 points ago +25 / -0

A good tactic would be for red states to pass laws making specific acts of black anti-social opportunism a felony, ideally with the same penalties as attempted murder.

Attacking from behind, attacking 2+ against one, attacking someone on the ground when you are standing, attacking someone who is incapable of defending himself. Also filming a crime while you are committing it.

Then you force the race hustlers to come out and say it is "anti black" to penalize these heinous acts, openly admitting that only blacks are this barbaric.

Edit: the beauty is you can sell as pro-black by exclusively showing videos of blacks doing this to other blacks.

acp_k2win 33 points ago +35 / -2

There was never any argument against segregation. Basically its "blacks look sad and women can vote."

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was bracing myself for it the whole time. The ultimate interracial relationship.

acp_k2win 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are two options depending on how much control the competent technocrats have over their rabid minions.

  1. if they have control and patience: they let trump win while setting things up so that he can't possibly be effective on the one issue they really care about: continuing White replacement with browns. Then they continue tightening the ratchet after the Trump supporter energy is expended. This is what they did with tea party, this is what they partly did during the ross perot "uprising".

  2. If they think the totally won and nobody can challenge them: they commit to the blatant level of fraud needed to change the election results, throwing off the thinnest pretense of legitimacy that democracy still has, then dare anyone to do something about it besides whinging.

In either case, if you are White you need to be out of blue areas on november 5-6, december 17, and Jan 6. Doubly so if you have a family. If things pop off those will be the days.

Hopefully you already have your rifle and train on it but also, and arguably more importantly, have good relations with your neighbors who also have rifles.

acp_k2win 21 points ago +23 / -2

They are liberals, quite probably homos, so they can't help but let their contempt for Christians and working class Whites ooze out.

acp_k2win 18 points ago +18 / -0

it is a metaphor for parenthood

acp_k2win 28 points ago +28 / -0

It is a death cult that draws spiteful mutants who are angry at God for daring to make a universe that doesn't conform to their whims.

So they lash out by hurting those who are successful partly to prevent the successful from reminding the mutants of their own inadequacy an partly to get revenge on God.

The ultimate goal, whether the proponents realize it or not, is to destroy everything so badly that so frequently that it can no longer be rebuilt. Only then will the malcontents find peace because there will be nobody to show them how it is possible for there to be better.

It is a retelling Cain and Abel and has been playing out since the beginning of our species.

acp_k2win 9 points ago +9 / -0

and their vote counts as much as yours, more probably because theirs won't be thrown out by infiltrators

acp_k2win 6 points ago +6 / -0

Leftists, particularly "creatives", are too self-focused to comprehend that their caricatures of the things they hate are seen positively by the other side that doesn't hate the same things.

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are some good superhero deconstructions, most recently Samaritan. Before that Kick-Ass and for lower budget there's Defendor, Boy Wonder (surprisingly good), and Super.

acp_k2win 9 points ago +9 / -0

follow that guy

if you need soap or deodorant buy it from him, check his post history, he is a real one

acp_k2win 6 points ago +6 / -0

The more I think about it, the better this idea is.

Imagine if the DEA could only investigate and had to hand their evidence over to sheriffs to execute warrants and make arrests? Or better yet the ATF?

ATF: "This guy is stockpiling guns, and offered to saw the barrel off a shotgun for one of our informants!"

Sheriff: "Roy? I'll go have a talk with him."

ATF: "NOOOO! You have to kick down his door and shoot his dog and kid!"

acp_k2win 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm not opposed to banning the non-military federal agencies from having guns.

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