You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gaming Board


You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's a gendered language... am I missing something here?

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've stopped spending on anything outside my core home living consumption, personally. I think it has helped reset my brain a little. Something I'm noticing is how needless it has become to invest in any newer electronic devices. In 2005 if someone had suggested I hold off on any gizmo/gadget purchases for like 5 years straight I'd have laughed. But here I am using a noticeably zippy phone from 2018 to browse, a gtx 1070 and an ancient corded logitech controller to game, my $300 2019 walmart tv is literally too smooth and detailed for me to fully perceive. When I was younger, even 5, 10 years ago, I was always interested in how much better the latest greatest thing is... now I'm swimming in so much cool shit I feel I can just tap out forever, and it all works great.

Just imagine, someone out there is shopping for a SMART toaster, right now.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is crazy how good lots of us and our parents & grandparents had it growing up. Something even crazier is how quickly things have gotten shittier lately. But the single craziest thing, is how far we have left to go.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

People can be as stupid as they want, call people whatever names they want... doesn't matter... a gay, jewish, liberal mainstream journalist is not a nazi.

And I say that as 5 or 6 insults wrapped into one.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bruh, Nick, he. No one will miss me but if I see a few more "she"s referring to males and fake female monikers used instead of those males' names I am outta here. You can cuck yourselves but not me.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

McDonalds seems good sometimes, too. Don't eat it though.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

Women can only make sex references it seems, like it's the only way they can conceive of hurting a person's feelings. I'm not above telling someone to get laid but I can say other things, too. And I wouldn't exactly feel witty saying that to someone who can clearly get laid. Realistically Andrew Tate's penis could be the size of a french fry and it would only reflect on the long line of women who diddled it due to things like him having bigdickenergy and 33 cars.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would just stream thing for free. If you feel bad about if, or if you like something a lot, you can always look into supporting the studio or franchise directly. Paying crunchyroll to "support anime creators" is like paying Apple to "support software creators" or paying Netflix to "support IP owners".

On the production end these companies leech off of and suppress whatever industry they "serve", expanding endlessly off of revenue signed away over the holy auspice of x platform owning server equipment that has already paid off. The maintenance of that equipment being a LUXURIOUSLY scaled expense, too, that even lower class paycheck-to-paycheck hobbyists can handle at their own scale despite struggling to exploit it and despite getting NO volume discounting or sweetheart service rates EVER.

You'd be paying for Netflix/Crunchyroll/Amazon etc to hire more HR, DIE, ESG people while they squeeze out creators by hiring streeties to produce garbage standing on the last leg of whatever franchises and intellectual properties they can hooover up.

Platforms are just middlemen blackmailing/exploiting the people who create what you want to consume. They are the trolls that got a job standing at a bridge someone ELSE built, demanding money from people crossing either way, complaining about how heckin expensive it is to stand at a bridge, and reinvesting every gold coin into paying more trolls to stand at more bridges (and charge more per bridge whenever possible).

Any time they spend big money it is NOT on platform/equiptment upgrades but on competing against creators in PRODUCTION efforts. Any normal business would be reinvesting to expand the function of their business so they can offer it at the most competitive possible price to as many clients as possible. By contrast, these platforms reinvest outside of the scope of providing or improving their platform service, spending it with the intent to consume and replace their own clients and business partners. Like a cancer.

Tldr crunchyroll is cancer

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

My favorite movie adaptions of anything, I think. When I reread the books, scenes from the movies play in my head and interweave with my own visualizations and daydreams.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

"shipping" is when fans preemptively choose a preferred love interest for a character

Or when showrunners provide multiple potential love interests for a character and the fans invest themselves emotionally in one possible pairing over another.

It is barely English.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be fair, Netflix tends to attract the sort of person who immediately ships any child on sight, with themselves.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean the video game where a male hero competently beats up lots of bad guys without emasculating himself, all in the name of saving a helpless female from an illegal alien?

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

They also voted to almost double their wages (presented as "that darn silly senate votes itself a pay raise again" rarely specifying that it was a pay raise in the order of 6 digits and that now they all make about as much on payroll individually as Obama did)

They voted to allocate millions of tax dollars to their own personal home security

And here they are voting to criminalize perhaps the core nugget of why the First Amendment and freedom of the press were ever protected to begin with.

I only wonder if I will live to see the rolling stone reach the bottom of the slope

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I deleted my accounts after several attempts of expressing personal opinion within the rules because each account was shadowbanned.

Anyone familiar with me as a user knows I am long winded and that I'm catty rude while not being vulgar. It is not like I'm a guy yelling "WHAT DID YOU DAY ABOUT ME YOU LITTLE BITCH IM AN ELITE SNIPER" or calling people "niggers", or asking people to fight me irl, etc etc. I didn't even use any direct language about my political beliefs by the last attempt, because I wanted to see how well their system responded to my disposition and not my behavior.

Almost instant shadowbans no matter what. De-listed, reply-deboosted, "see more replies" jail. For things like sarcastic comments about free speech being a danger to democracy. I really reduced myself to entirely squeaky clean criticism of buzzwordery. At the core it is my opinion that is not allowed.

I'll come crawling back to try again if they forwardly announce a change in censorship mechanisms, especially if they apologize for or criticize the previous system lol

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our society should be such that he can't so easily distract by calling us "gay" like it's recess at school. A healthy opponent would shrug but because our society is so destroyed we are like "youre right and I was thinking of killing myself actually"

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Higher degree of experience probably. Call me racist and sexist but when a White lady complains that they've been cheated on I immediately imagine Chad dumping them in highschool and leaving her all alone with only 6 gorillion orbiter male shoulders to cry on. Looking at where her future led her: the woman is doing fine, always has been fine, has never experienced one void of basic needs support in her entire life.

When black ladies complain about infidelity I immediately imagine a life ruined. Whatever globohomo assisted doctor-lawyer-supergirl future the system told her she'd have melts away and she is genuinely alone in regard to her family's ability to support her, or support from fawning betas, and with a child whose absent father she hates, turning instantly to the govt for income, her only actionable path toward a pay raise being to have more children without picking up a household income, making kids into business, looking at laws about childcare the way a business looks at regulatory expenses (work around to the reg as egregiously as possible to keep expense low until pinned by new regs), generally perpetuating the cycle as much and as intensely as possible. Wallah, a person enslaved as a demo-finance war tool.

I have actually seen women's lives follow these stereotypes like that, enough to impress on me. Whites in the west are enslaved in our way too, but that is a struggle. The way our families are, in particular, makes the culture war possible. We are not insulated from the exploitation/destitution game by "systemic racism", the system HAAAAATES us, but via our owm cultural inheritance and the way we set up and operate our lives. I would describe it as "White exceptionalism" but explicitly in the context of every race enjoying our own forms of racial exceptionalism, meaning different things for each. Exception like distinction, being that the sum effect of differences between us results in collective traits that, in the context of another group's collective traits, constitutes an exception.

Haters describe it as "White supremacy", which is basically a weaponized compliment of high order, since it suggests that the ways in which the White race are exceptional are "supreme" or literally "the best". I think this is stupid, not I'm not racist who likes his own race's stuff, but because that is (1) literally a fuckin opinion, logically putting "White supremacist' in the same insult-tier as stuff like "nintenfag", (2) influenced overwhelmingly by my race, which I did not choose, and (3) jews do this better than us and if you confront a defender on the relevant metrics they will produce the same argument I just did one paragraph up ^.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like the ones about Jesus, angels, blessings. I have total disdain for Santa stuff especially Jingle Bells assigning him the power of omniscience and the right to judge your soul. It's almost like someone who hates celebration of Jesus, God & Holy Spirit was trying to fill His niche with a toy commercial mascot.

I'm also a sucker for All I Want For Christmas Is You.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

If these ESG/DIE brownnoser types ran the show way back when we wouldn't even have Mario bros. It would have been "Jumpperson" and the majority of the cart's storage would have been occupied by various 8bit outfits, hairstyles, and unspecified secondary sexual characteristics.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I getcha. Well I won't make any specific conjecture but I definitely agree with being a skeptic of #'s reporting. Hate to sound unoriginal, but Orwell really nailed it in 1984 with how that kind of reporting would be used, down to the most mundane announcements

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +4 / -1

I don't respect or trust this guy. He exists to gatekeep listeners when they stray too far. They all do, but some tiny % of them, amazingly, manage to do so as heterosexual gentiles.

Of course typically, they dont get plastered on ubertrustworthy MSM at the prestigious rate that Greenwald does. That must mean Glenn is on Your Side (TM). Obviously. I mean how can you trust anyone Fox News doesn't plug at least three times a day haha

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did you go out of your way to avoid mentioning the subject of your post by name?

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