There was a thing where if you came with something like 500k(it might be more) to invest then you would get fast tracked for citizenship. The Chinese are the ones that were really taking advantage of it.
Merry Christmas!
I agree. I feel like LotR movies were the last movies with quotable quotes. You dont see that anymore, movie quotes entering into common usage and everyone knowing what they are even if they've never seen the movie.
Don't forget the horror of hyena birth.
The west needs an enemy. Russia is convenient because they're at best a regional powerhouse and they can be viewed as undemocratic.
Whereas China is a real threat but the powers that be dont want to screw up their business dealings there.
Pretty much. A lot of states in the US have it where if a child is born in wedlock the kid automatically counts as the child of the husband even if there is direct evidence to the contrary because it "protects the child by keeping families together"
A hip breaking is the symptom not the cause. Once you're at the point where a hip breaks you're pretty much done for.
"I asked him if he’d been following COVID-19 rules as strictly as I had, and when he said yes, I decided that he was the something nice I deserved."
Sweetheart, he definitely wasn't following covid restrictions. You double played yourself.
Fauci should have been tossed in the 80s when he tried to make AIDs his big thing claiming it required massive quarantines of everyone. He's a grifter and doesn't care about anything except promoting himself. All he is a political lackey.
Leftists don't even need an excuse. They're already flipping the script from "biden follows the rule of law" to "hunter biden was a trump witch hunt! He needed to be pardoned!"
The mentality is high scoring games are more exciting so they need to make every game more high scoring and more passes mean it is more exciting. If you look at game from years ago before a ton of rule changes, the games were more running focused and much lower scoring. It doesn't make for good TV for only slight yardage games to be made.
Did you see his speech when he announced Trump won? The man has never smiled so much.
We all knew that was coming after the election.
People in creative fields are obsessed with origin stories. It is their thing and they only focus on it.
I think it is more likely DeSantis takes the seat for himself.
"How many divisions does the pope have?"
He's probably getting something else in the Adminstration that he can be forced through on.
Exactly. I could have seriously mistaken that for a clothing commercial.
It is pretty accurate to the book. Obviously way more condensed and with some plot points missing.
Definitely read the book. I'm reading it now and it is well worth the read.
CNN, You already sold me on him, you don't need to keep hyping him up.
For most of human history getting conquered for any long length of time meant your entire culture would in a few generations be relegated to extinction. There are only a few outliers and exceptions.
You're going to see Zelensky leaving the country with the billions he managed to "mysteriously acquire in the last two years" once the war is over.
That's probably it. Official documents would have your country of origin as Russian and not yoyr ethnicity.