WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

What the fuck is this?

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed firebrand types of posters tend to burn out though and turn into lolcows. Remember Ethan Ralph? OAG turned into one as well.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is this was an ideologically driven attack on the right wing conservative media space. You know the DOJ only does it because it serves the deep state. Having these big conservative channels fly around like that that can automatically counter the mainstream left wing narrative is a threat to their status.

That also begs the question, why hasn't the DOJ attacked Russia Today for existing?

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's actually a similar thing that happened with Dev and Scrumpmonkey.

ShortFatOtaku got his channel demonetized because Scrumpmonkey blurted out Power Word Nigger in a broadcast. It completely fucked Dev over and caused a fallout with Scrump. I'm also fairly sure Scrump didn't earn a majority of the money nor did he do a majority of the tech work and SFO did most of it. And, just like the above situation, SFO needed the money. Scrump probably has a career outside of YT and doesn't need it. Same problem.

The "firebrand with moderate" schtick doesn't work in the YouTube spaec because of the censorious media. The "firebrand" only worked because she had her golden parachute in her husband she could scab off of, while Matt was trying to build a career off of making this show work.

There's a pretty obvious reason why the lady doesn't want to present her side. If any of what Matt said is correct, people would instantly be going "...oh."

WhitePhoenix 4 points ago +4 / -0

It helps that he's a younger guy, so he gets the position of conservative/moderate millennials, and even zoomers. Considering how old Trump is even though he's got the right ideas he's pretty out of touch with what caused the left to gain so much power. Vance on the other hand is "closer to ground level" and sees it around him. In our books, in our media, our in games, in our institutions, he probably witnessed it himself happening directly to the peoplpe around him.

You'd have to be blind and frankly retarded as hell not to see that it's a problem.

WhitePhoenix 21 points ago +21 / -0

Doubly so that it's a fairly attractive Gen Z white as fuck woman mentioning this lol

I just pray there's more of her than there are of the Mudslimes they're importing.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Violent thugs are the type to fuck fat overweight over the hill cunts like her. The lady is wearing a corset, she's fat as fuck.

WhitePhoenix 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fat white post-wall woman wearing a corset to hide the fact she's fat and aging saying dumb shit is nothing new. Bet you she's trying to grift off of OF shit too.

Also, this got ratioed so hard she ran and protected her account.

What a pussy bitch.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now, if you head over to the NikkeMobile sub?

Tons of over the top drawn tiddy and ass pics of the characters. Somewhat borderline softcore degeneracy but there is ZERO doubt they're women.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the 3D model looks like a fucking man?

WhitePhoenix 4 points ago +4 / -0

If he's in a governmental position the press will be forced to listen to him, more or less. The nation will hear him slapping journos around all fucking day if he's Trump's press secretary.

He has a bigger bully pulpit as a government official.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do remember, a broken clock is right twice a day.

For every good thing they do, there's probably 6 million more they fuck up.

WhitePhoenix 6 points ago +6 / -0

There's an ex-Democrat gay guy named Joshua (lol, I know) who went full MAGA who does this podcast called Disaffected - i.e. Disaffected liberals.

In it, he recently did a podcast called "Yes, Mommy, What?"

In where he talked about how the Democrats ,both men and women have turned into a party of helicopter parents. They'll always scold you and scold you for doing something wrong, a party of women and soyboys that expect you to say, "Yes, mommy. What is it?"

Kamala is a representative of that. This is a stark contrast to the current Republican party, which is more like that father that is willing to discipline you for fucking up, but will leave you alone to your own desires to make your own mistakes.

The Democrats want their government to be their surrogate mother.

He was raised by a mentally ill mother who had Cluster B borderline/narcissist behavior, and he noticed the Democrat party and its little extremist spinoffs have attracted NOTHING but narcissistic cluster B personality types. He got sick of it and left the party.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

That standard of evidence does keep him from getting indoctrinated by far left faggotry though.

WhitePhoenix 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not if they Remaster it using "today's" standards...

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had no idea he was the King Pin, and he did it well. Peak "villain voice" material.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait, these guys sound like they're the Amish of their Jew-state.

Or maybe Amish and a bit of rednecks considering how "Ultra orthodox" they are.

That's fucking sad. You'd figure they'd use them as the vanguard since they've been a thorn to the Israeli government for so long.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on the Prez.

We'll see if Trump holds up on his promise to not start a war or participate in any wars since he's been trying to court the right wing Jew vote for awhile.

WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

At first I was like, Forbes? Aren't they quasi-leftist/mainstream media fucks? Why would they say something like that?

And then I saw oh - Erik Kain, the fencesitter who has TDS but at the same time sort of sees why being woke is retarded.

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