So I'm seeing some random artists, mostly leftists, making a bluesky account - something about X using their data for their AI or some shit.
It was always in the fucking TOS but somehow they're surprised that it's being openly disclosed? What the fuck is going on? Someone give me the lowdown.

So, I've heard the term x-adjacent to basically mean "this person disagrees with my views even though he's not y thing I hate". The problem is, where was this first used after 2014 GG?
I've never, EVER heard this term used unironically until around 2016-ish, and it's ONLY ever fucking used by leftists to shove people who are moderates into imaginary groups. A kind of scarlet letter to brand you as a bad person without directly saying it.
Like I legit want to know when it started being used - it's now part of the left wing newspeak to attack others for wrongthink, so I'm wondering was this used in an academic paper somewhere, or was it popularized on degenerate sites like Tumblr or Twitter or what. I am legitimately curious because it drives me absolutely nuts because the only fucking time I used this term before was to talk about things PHYSICALLY being next to each other, never as an ad hominem attack for an ideology.
Is it just me or does it feel like a shitload of stuff happened in the past 4 months?
I am convinced the Biden administration is practicing accelerationism at this point. Feels like a fucking slog that we have to deal with 4 months of this shit until we can at least cockblock them.
Yes, yes, I know... stealing the election, "fortificaiton", etc. There's been several strong wins the past month for the right-populists, but I understand your black pill about this shit.
For me I just want the bleeding to stop and give us some fucking breathing room, but the Biden administration is trying so damn hard to shove as much retarded shit through.
It always makes me wonder who his handlers are. Who is feeding him all this far left bullshit to pass that 6 years ago wasnt even his fucking platform?
It's gotten high scores on all the ideologically poisoned "review" sites and scores ultra high among fans.
Just came back from it just felt like a good, old school action flick with a Hero's journey type of story. It's great, and it does a proper "sendoff" with a character (Rooster) being a strong link between the previous movie and this movie.
This is one of those "turn your brain off and enjoy the ride" sorta deals. It just tries to be a good movie, and it's damn good. Lots of FUCK YEAH AMERICA tones to it as well.
I still want to know who the "enemy" they were fighting are though. Considering the wintery location it must be a reference to Russia, with the Su-57's kinda making an appearance as their opposition.
Regardless it's a great movie, even leftist publications are praising it. Go watch it if you have time.

Edit: I spelled it mapfia - considering the ideology of these folks, I gotta admit that Freudian slip never entered my mind until now.
For those of you who still care about video games, Guilty Gear Strive is a fighting game that got retooled and rebooted and dumbed down for normies. It's a highly polarizing game, with veterans going back to playing Xrd and/or +AC and normies playing Strive for the "story".
Recently, a new DLC returning character was announced. His name is Testament - his old design was that of an ultra goth looking dude - sorta feminine, but you could still tell it was a man:
His new design is ultra androgynous, in fact rather sickenly so:
Whatever, right. Japanese games and gay looking character designs are nothing new, only problem is... the new story text, instead of just referring to this character as a him, because that's what he clearly is, is starting to use "they/them" shit. Soyfaces everywhere by the woke fucks about muh nonbinary transgender shit.
Old localization had it like this:
Strive website has it like this:
JP seiyuu is a veteran female VA, Yu Kobayashi who has voiced both male and female characters.
The English voice actor? A troon. Kayleigh McKee. Unironic support for BLM:
It was 100% clear this was a virtue signal from the woketards they picked up with Strive.
I personally just play King of Fighters, which has jiggly titties and prettyboys anyway, so it's no heat off my back, but I have to feel sorry for GG players who thought they'd be free of this shit.
First off, I am well aware that media is corrupt and governments are corrupt and so are corporations so they'll all twist things against you. Let me get that out of the way.
So, there are two schools of thought when it comes to movements. One is to take a "fuck the optics, get shit done, they're going to lie about you anyway" approach, and another is "focus on the optics to win over as many independents as possible".
What I'm seeing with the trucker convoy, actually seems more like the latter.
When shitheads like Trudeau try to demonize the Trucker Convoy with far left buzzwords, you can simply ask these mainstream shills "WHERE IS THE PROOF?" because every single incident of it has been addressed. They have these press conferences and make sure a single message is being sent. That's why it's so easy to get information about them because it gets disseminated to us quickly without a media filter. A LOT of independents are being won over, even moderates who never had their skin in the game. Having a right wing media infrastructure also has been a tremendous boom to them.
GG initially started as a consumer revolt, and near the first two months of GG it had a focus on optics. Eventually the "muh optics" crowd ended up clashing with the "fuck the optics" crowd and the movement eventually dissipated, among for many other reasons (is it about GAEMS JOURNALIZM or is it actually about the far left and its march through the institutions? We know the answer, we knew it was going to happen) I remember a lot of optics shit near the first two months, adopting a sea lion, funding various charities, getting TFYC's Afterlife Empire published (turned out to be kind of a meh game), running hall monitor 'harassment patrols' on Twitter, etc.
But those all failed, which pretty much cemented the fuck the optics argument and to never bend the knee.
However, with the trucker convoy there does appear to be an attempt to maintain those optics. Lots of footage of comaraderie, denouncement of any forms of violence, kicking that retard who brought Nazi paraphenelia with him, etc.
Am I comparing apples to oranges here or is there some merit to the "optics" argument?
I remember this article got gassed at the start of GamerGate. Sounds like it got locked for years and maybe the jannies there forgot it.
I'm kinda wondering who the fuck called this a "far right antisemetic" theory. Did those folks go on /pol/ and paste in quotes from /pol/ shitposting? The "cited" articles are all from leftist publications. What a shitfest.
I'm actually in the market for some pillows, and of course in conservative circles MyPillow is shilled, but I'm wondering if any of you actually bought it and what you think of it.
So a friend of mine on IRC told me how ArchLinux recently renamed their BLACKlist to BLOCKlist:. Apparently this was based off of a change from Fedora, which Arch is based off of. Arch generally just takes whatever changes and doesn't fuck that kinda stuff up mainly for compatibility reasons.
So obviously whoever is maintaining Fedora literally have fedoras for doing this shit, but that's beside the point. I googled blacklist/blocklist change out of a minor frustration, and I saw this Hacker News comment section where they mentioned this happening elsewhere.
As you all are familiar with Bezmenov's video, one of the core tenets of being a brainwashed leftist is that no matter how much facts you shove into an ideologue's face, they will refuse to believe them or brush it off.
Look what happened:
This chillwaves guy was claiming he never saw this happening in any of the projects he worked on and/or political correctness going amok, then other commenters post links to mainstream left wing so-called "reputable" sources proving otherwise, and the guy simply refuses to believe it, saying these are just fringe minorities, despite several articles being posted.
This guy is so fucking far gone that you can put THE TRUTH right in front of his face and he refuses to believe any of it. Keeps asking for examples when people give them, then goes to another comment chain and does the same thing.
Fucks like these are now in software development, blech.
Does anyone find it strange that THIS whistleblower is the one that the federal government and other corporate media is listening to? There's been numerous big tech whistleblowers in the past, but they've all been from right-wing platforms, and even some left-wing ones, but I've noticed the only time this seems to have gained any sort of traction is because it involves young children, and more "importantly", young WOMEN.
So it's that meme narrative - social media is making us crazy, women most affected.
From a "red pill" standpoint, the lady who is doing the whistleblowing is in her late 30's. I can't tell what the fuck she made because all the articles about her just copy-pastas her profile, but apparently she's a software engineer, which is as ambiguous of a term as someone who farts into the wind. She doesn't really talk about being married all that much, mostly seems to be a carrier-oriented "independent wamen".
I'm trying to figure out what's so brave about something everyone knew from just anecdotally looking at evidence. Why is she being considered brave for saying something we all already knew?
Someone I know linked me to this mailing list archive thread:
Seems like they're fucking around with timezone data, but he says it's mostly for muh diversity reasons, but I'm too stupid to follow this thread.
It looks like a sane person is trying to fork the modified time DB away into a separate project and leaving the original alone but I'm having a hard time following this entire thread. Anyone know of what's going on?