WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump just said he will because he acknowledges the white genocide.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

cool it with the antisemitism lady, shhh.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was it a Staccato? Thought it was a 1911. If so, yeah, ouch, there goes a piece of history.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn, what a shit take. The Jew lawyer being a secret neocon despite being pro-MAGA is a sad ass sight.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two female protags in a Japanese game that isn't by a big JP publisher tho just means more tiddies and tend to do well.

e.g. Stellar Blade

WhitePhoenix 8 points ago +8 / -0

Bro, archive this shit outside of web.archive.org - the archive itself has a troon working there that's been there for a long time.

WhitePhoenix 9 points ago +9 / -0

Where's her in their 20s when they act like NOTHING can touch them and they preach feminism faggotry?

WhitePhoenix 13 points ago +14 / -1

I'd rather he just fuck off. I'm tired of hearing about Tate. The problem is the media has made talking about Tate such a headache that you always have to do this "well there's this narrative versus that narrative" shit before you can get ANY kind of discussion done.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why he admitted in the article - he saw it but he didn't understand it, but now that he's older he sees why these games are so fucking bad.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is where Stanley Parable shines since it makes fun of everything related to gaming.

Too bad the devs are leftists.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think DEI just accelerated the enshittification of the gaming industry. It was the straw that finally broke the back of the gaming industry and showed us out fucking corrupt and out of touch it was.

They essentially pulled their own fucking accelerationism.

Now here's a counter black pill to add to all this: Monster Hunter Wilds sold. and you know how fucking screwed Capcom is when it comes to their DEI shit. Capcom is less Japanese and more Westernized now and it shows with their shitty designs.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

You'd also have to somehow "fire" the pointy hat crew and investors who pushed for this shit from above. The problem is systemic among all industries, anything that involves the trade of stocks can result in an industry as fucked up as us.

The new term leftists use to push this ESG/DEI shit through their shareholders/stockholders is "stakeholder capitalism". It's some Orwellian bullshit that is mutating all the corporations out there that are aan everyday part of normal life.

When these AAA companies die, the money of the hook nosed and other investors will simply move on to the next company to ruin. We have to find a way to attack it from the TOP and none of us have the power to do so.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering BRIDGE is in place of DEI. No.

Let it burn all down.

WhitePhoenix 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm Korean and these bitches are insufferable as fuck. If they're a child of first-generation immigrants, MOST turn out to be moderate and generally tolerable (normie even). Us guys also tend to come out centrist or center-right conservative.

But it's the generation after that who quickly turn into white girl/mean girl absolute cunts.

Twitch is INFESTED with them. Their most popular female camwhore streamers are Asians.

The CEO is a fucking degenerate.

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