Truth be told, I suspected it for a long time.
No fucking way a gigaloser like Hbomberguy can make half a mil+ a year sitting on his ass doing nothing, especially if you're someone like me who does the YouTube gig, puts out a fuckton more content, and only gets a few grand a year despite getting 6 - 7 figure views each video. Just not possible.
As another commenter pointed out, this is outdated by about 12 - 15 years. AAA studios don't look like this anymore.
The "lead programmer" is now some 20/30-something skiddie who can barely remember a time before Unity and Unreal Engine. Look at Grove Street Games, for instance. Not one of them had more than 5 years' experience in the industry, and yet they were entrusted with the remastering of an all-time classic trilogy.
Most 2D artists can hardly draw, making simplistic, single-shaded sprites that even an artist from the era of the Atari 2600 could have bested. 3D modellers are rapidly disappearing in favor of those who scan from real life or take shit out of a stock library without optimizing it like the infamous burger model from Cyberpunk 2077. Texture creation is also similarly awful these days - again, look at the "Definitive" GTA releases and see how shit some of the pajeet-created textures were, taking the originals and OCR'ing some hilariously incorrect text onto them.
Composers? Minecraft used to have C418. Now they have Lena Raine.
It's all gay and retarded now, from top to bottom. A fag writer and DEI consultants can only ruin a good game by so much. The rot has to come from elsewhere in the development.
In the past, famous people such as writers, actors, athletes and musicians had a private life that largely WAS private. Very rarely would you hear their unfiltered political opinions. You just saw their art and judged them by that alone. If you knew anything more than that, you were either a biographer or a creepy worshipper/stalker figure.
The modern internet with social media and the terminally online who use it allows common people who otherwise wouldn't know shit about what they're "learning" to invasively pry into not only certain celebs' current personal lives, but their past too.
D-did you know in 1989 this actor called someone a nig-
No, and neither did you before someone else terminally online decided to bring it up every single fucking time that person gets mentioned despite it happening decades ago. Knock it the fuck off.
To me, members of a dev team should be given 20 minutes to fire up a game they worked on and point to something they contributed - some menu UI they designed, a voice line they scripted, a camera angle they programmed, a texture or model they created etc.
If they can't do that, they are surplus to requirement. Like all the jeets on AAA titles.
The new "Former President Trump".
Always found it funny how the media shat on him for referring to Obama as "former", which although not correct (since a President never loses his title, not even in death), it took them the best part of 5 minutes in January 2021 to begin referring to Trump as "Former President", almost exclusively for the next 3 and a half years.
Funnily, I don't see the media using the term "Former President Biden", not even after using quotes on Google's News search. Rules for thee...
The business should never have been hijacked from the Disney family to begin with. Not Iger, not Eisner, not Katzenberg. Eisner's tenure did print the company a lot of money (with their genealogy, what else would you expect) but it changed Disney from that "innocent" company who turned still drawings into masterful works of art into a predatory, omnipotent corporation that didn't even want you home taping their classics when they came on TV. A company that bought out its partners and competitors left, right and center all the while spreading its hooked tentacles into every facet of not just American life, but just about every other culture too.
Look at Leonardo di Caprio. They think a 49 year old male being into a 22 year old woman is pedophilia.
Tubi is quickly proving itself to actually be the streaming service every other one promised they were. I'd gladly pay $1 a month to use it if they ever wanted to charge.
His most popular videos were the "Glitterbomb" series, which he announced a year or two in advance would be drawing to a close.
If you watch them, it's obvious why he wanted to stop making them. Because his audience was starting to overwhelmingly notice the race of the porch pirates, especially the more violent ones.
Literally no-one outside of the satanic elite is doing that anymore.
Jean Raspail - The Camp of The Saints.
Decay, or "Griefing" as we tend to call it, is the natural state of the world when left to its own devices, in the hands of lesser-sophisticated species. Whites, civilized whites at the very least, are a "caretaker" race who not only build, but maintain.
Without whites, the world quickly deteriorates. Nothing gets looked after, maintained or repaired, so anything built by a higher race falls into disrepair and eventually disintegrates. Just look at Detroit if you wanted to see a large scale example of this in action.
“Your universe has no meaning to them. They will not try to understand. They will be tired, they will be cold, they will make a fire with your beautiful oak door...”
Rarely is this decay actually done out of malice; rather it's done out of spite. Riots will often involve uncivilized apes smashing up and destroying property of entirely unrelated parties simply because they can. Because they are subhuman animals.
You've built/looked after something nice, so I'm going to destroy it just to make you sad
You don't get it, do you, OP? And presuming you're a GG veteran, I'm a little bit disappointed.
When a leftshit perpetrates a lie to the public consciousness, that lie NEVER goes away. They dwell and dwell and dwell on that lie until literal fucking DECADES have passed. They are going to continue acting as though egg prices never went down, even when reality confronts them directly in the face.
Calm the fuck down lmao
What's ultimately going to come out of this is that Widevine/L3/whatever the fuck YouTube will end up using is going to be circumvented and jailbroken in a matter of weeks and the faggot cunt gatekeepers at VideoHelp (who can all suck my cock btw) will lose all the leverage they have against the rest of us because these tools will then work with most VOD platforms that aren't multi-million dollar enterprises.
Nothing spurs innovation quite like warfare. We went from the Gloster Gladiator (1933), a biplane with an open cockpit to the Horten Ho 229 (1944), a blended wing JET fighter in 11 years. Google's greed will prove to be their undoing.
This is exactly it right here.
Learn to play a guitar, and by proxy, you can learn to play just about any conventionally-designed guitar, as well as opening the door to a wider variety of stringed instruments. It's like learning to paint or driving stick. Skills you don't need to live, but can make your life easier and can give you more vocational options in the future should you decide to pursue it as a career., but it doesn't seem to be online at the moment. Hope everything's okay, that website was a gem.
Extinctionclock... which seems to be offline at the moment. Fuck.
I'd say the current wave started around 2007/8 when schools throughout the entire Anglosphere banned words like "gay" and "retarded", which most of the time weren't meant with malice, from the classroom and playground alike. Banning indoor smoking also contributed greatly to the pussification of our present society.
Definitely picked up with all the bullshit surrounding Chic-Fil-A around the time of gay marriage being made legal (plus "bake the cake bigot"), and Lena Dunham's "Girls" hitting TV. By Gamergate, it was already full steam ahead because they had the media connections and we weren't yet ready to admit the whole system was rotten from the inside out.
Holy shit, what a FUCKING LOSER.
Thanks for sharing, OP.
Oh, absolutely. Thanks to advancements in AI, there will definitely be a website 10 - 15 years from now that will be similar in scale of moral outrage that CoalFax (RIP) was, and it will basically run a woman's face against a database of millions of OF uploads. They will not be able to escape their past, and they will lash out at everyone except themselves for not willing to build themselves into honorable women.
I've noticed in the past year or so, there's been a sudden push to legitimize pseudoscientific claims such as the idea that because brains apparently don't stop forming until you're 25, anyone under that age is basically a child in an adult's body. Despite being debunked, bear pickers are frequently citing this bullshit to try and have society treat them like children for as long as possible and not accountable for their actions.
The age gap thing is just largely jealousy for the most part, even when it comes to genuine instances where it is fairly creepy (i.e. Leo di Caprio). Yes, you can argue what he's doing is disgusting and degenerate by swapping out partners like iPhones every few years instead of being faithful to one and starting a family, especially at his age, but it's certainly not illegal. Those women choose to be with him, either out of fame or gold-digging (or finding him physically attractive, he is a Hollywood hunk after all), and there is nothing any snivelling roastie can do about it.
Yes, Ms. Shields, you got abused by Hollywood, and there are people, including certain groups, whose blame you should be directing yours towards. Instead, you use it as another opportunity to call out an invisible "patriarchy" and shame people who might have even internalized deep-seated aspects of their sexuality (i.e. school uniforms, swimsuits) because of consuming the content you produced when you were younger and didn't know any better.
I didn't see you complain for 40 years over your treatment; only when your looks faded and you started to look busted up, did you decide to start protesting over your past. You just rode the initial wave of fame it brought you, and kept a job on TV or on film because of what you did in the 1970s. You would be completely irrelevant otherwise, and only in the wake of #MeToo and general misandry becoming trendy are you trying to make yourself relevant again. Stop that shit. Call out what and who actually abused you, or shut the fuck up and pick the bear.
Best way to deal with bullies is quite simple.
Firstly, have an older male relative. Brother, cousin, uncle. Father as absolute last resort because of its traceability. If you don't have one, confide in your best friend and see if he has anyone willing to co-operate.
Follow the fucker home, and take note of his address. Then during a weekend, send your relative to stalk the bastard, corner him when he's alone, and get the shit beaten out of him. The bullying will stop, the teachers won't be able to get involved, and if they send the police, just feign ignorance until they go away.
She has the same facial features as AOC.