And that's for good reason. If the dems had such a loophole to exploit they'd exploit it in ways you can't even imagine.
I know a few apufrens and they absolutely love Trump. One of them said "He's not necessary for India, because we already have Modi and he's strong enough to keep the country together himself, but it would certainly be easier with a good USA president like Donald Trump. I would say anybody who cares about Hong Kong and the CCP suppression thereof at all should vote Trump. He's literally more libertarian than the entire Libertarian Party put together, better for Democracy than the entire Democratic Party put together, and better for the environment than the entire Green Party put together, He's literally the ultimate good candidate for your country, and as such, everybody in a foreign country affected by America wants him to win."
I already have and will continue to do so. The left stabbed us in the back once when they betrayed Rothbard. They did it again and again in the last two decades, almost every week our rights were ignored in favour of MORE repression, MORE regulation by the leftist. At some point, you realize that leftism is just treacherous by nature and that no alliance can be made with the Left. The Old Right >>> The New Left.
Actual voluntaryists realize that this violent faction believes in collective punishment and thus, by their own displayed principles, they must be subject to the same.
"Lib unity" is a joke because "lib" left doesn't exist. Libertarianism is a philosophy on the just use of force, and it believes all initiatory violence against person or justly acquired private property is wrong, while the use of force in self-defense is morally correct. "libertarian" socialists refuse to take self-ownership to its logical conclusions and thus reject private property, thus making their position inconsistent.
The irony of using a religious figure of speech in that sentence.
With what money? The state has no money, as a thief cannot be said to own property. As the State is not only guilty of theft via taxation but also of murder via war, the state and its agents also forfeit their right to life. As such, the people within the state can be said to have no property and also that they are themselves lifeless subhumans who may be killed, raped, beaten up and left to die, buried alive, mutilated, etc. without any moral consequence. I would not want such liabilities within academia.
Private education is literally the only kind of education there is. All education is private by definition as it all involves only private individuals as teachers and private individuals as students.
Religion need not be wiped out from civilization, at least not by force against person or property, as those who are religious cannot be said to have therefore aggressed against or threatened aggression against person or property themselves. The same cannot be said, however, for an individual who wishes for State-funded education, when to do so one must advocate an increase in scale of an organization guilty of theft, murder, fraud, expropriation, and slavery.
All Statism may be curbed and destroyed using force if necessary, but this will not do because exising the tumor does not solve the problem. Statism must be challenged and debated, and if one clings to the toxic nipple of the State even after it has been systematically destroyed, then and only then may force be used.
What's the alternative?
And he loved dogs and his balls were amputated (albeit not voluntarily, one of them was shot off or similar in a fight)
It's no use talking to them. All the good communists came over to the Right a long time ago. It's just meaningless rhetoric and circlejerking in commie circles now. Choppering them is the only solution.
Well both systems make little economic sense, and both are exceedingly big-government, so they both kill the ingroup by denying voluntary trade and entrepreneurial innovation.
It is the State that has no place in Christianity or Education.
The State has no place in civilization. Education should educate, and it will only do so if it is fully private.
Progressives are also blind, unquestioning believers in a religion, ie the religion of socialism.
The right and religion have nothing to do with one another. Some of the most sucessful communes have been religious. Many of the furthest right-wing liberatrians self-identify as atheists.
Huh? Any consistent libertarian will oppose abortion (at least, as it exists) as it violates the rights of the child.
Make ostracism normal again.
Nazism: Killed as many as 11 million people (Some debate. Saying it's lower than 20 million raises eyebrows and putting it below 5 million tops gets you Shoah'd. Logistically, it's probably more like 1 million, but let's take liberal estimates for the sake of argument)
Communism: Has killed at least 100 million people in famines and suppressions in major regimes and many minor regimes have killed almost ten times that by adopting communistic principles like central banking, excessive regulation, and suppression of dissent.
Even overestimating the nigsocs and underestimating communigs, we end up with a difference of two orders of magnitude.
And don't you ask about the death toll of socialism in general, oh boy.
When I first joined this place because i hadn't touched gamergate in a while, and never really engaged with the community, I was kind of appalled by your views on women.
Over time, however, I have come to respect your conclusions. I don't think (and never will) that "women" is a single homogeneous group and act together to gain more power or whatever, but I have become a bit cynical in the classical sense about women; I no longer accept "societal norms" pertaining to them. Individual women tend to be power hungry whores willing to do absolutely anything to get ahead, including subversion even of their own movements and other individual women. They are like cannibals in that regard.
They are irrational, manipulative, controlling, and sly and will do everything in their power to twist your mind until you're doing things for them without question you would have vomited at the thought of even just a year ago. Then once you've been financially and emotionally drained, they leave you to rot a profoundly broken man.
Exceptions exist, notably my own wife. She's a wonderful human being and our son is very happy indeed. That's all that they are, though. Exceptions. Women in general are almost exclusively self-interested. Most of them would be Amber Heard if they were more self-confident.
And then people wonder why the "market" produced this "monopoly", forcing us to facepalm and walk away because we haven't the time to have a 500 page discussion about regulatory capture.
Isn't all of life just walking towards death, with chances of pussy along the way?
As an aside, that was probably evolutionarily beneficial back when women were based and farmed berrries while the men went out to hunt. Then the proto-egalitarians came along and started fucking with the natural order, and it was all downhill from there.
Exactly, it's a gang war.
There's too few orthochads as it is. Shit, dude. I wish the Orthodox had done the crusades instead so I could tell them to do them again but they're literally too Good for their own, well, good.
Time for total war
That's not even a fivehead at that point that's a bloody sixhead.
Radical (classical) liberal checking in
All I want for christmas is Trump taking the throne.