Dressed up in a dress or not, still fat as fuck.
Canada has summer? 🤔
I'm going to lean the other way with the memes.
Can attest, I am not you, I'm shocked given that he must know Conpro exists he thinks I'm your alt for saying something vaguely similar to you, doubly so given the age and activity of my account.
I was going to make another Shadowrun joke about how Oakland becomes Orkland.
French are awesome. Parisians are awful
Basically the same issue with all countries.
Brits and London.
Canadia and Quebec/any large city.
USA and Washington DC/NYC/LA, etc.
Rural areas are where people vacation for many reasons, sometimes reasons those people don't want to admit.
Like fuck we do, we speak internet.
we've been getting some forum sliding
"I'd rather have Imp than these pedo pajeets"
Inb4 Imp is the spammer to gaslight everyone in welcoming his return.
Nope, they're banking hard on better animation and non shit stories/characters in an attempt to salvage DC by yet again throwing out another Suicide Squad film with Harley because it's all they have. They already had this, it was called Assault on Arkham and it's what was copied then pasted with some stupid edits to make the first of the most recent live action adaptations.
DC, just like Marvel, has zero creativity any more.
The accounts are old, like over a year old. It's accounts that posted to other boards, [someone said ConPro possibly?], which were then banned from there and wherever else, but are now posting here as an extension of the .win network/group. It's why they are so fucking easy to spot. 1+year old account, only just starts posting to here.
I thought we were already talking about coyotes? 🤔
I'm Vic Hunter See-Freed!
Biden: "He put kids in cages."
Trump: "Who built the cages, Joe? You still haven't answered since last time."
Plus who still keeps them going even now? Oh right, Joe is the answer to basically both parts of that! 🙄
"Do a flip!"
How that's going to go: https://c.tenor.com/yTxA7WgkBEUAAAAd/tenor.gif
you guess the charges.
I want to say "jaywalking" simply for the pun about gif being pronounced wrong.
Bring forth the torch.
He wants to burn down the White House? How Canadian of him!
Rule 4 is still spelled wrong in the report tab!
I’m sure after a few weeks
Send them the bill for the next 100 year’s of the gimmigrants gibs
Better yet, send them the immigrants!
I'm sure there are many that can help with that.
Wait, you didn't say "ventilated"?
Uh, ignore this shovel... 🔫♠🤫
They've been fucked for years, it's just got the point how badly so that more have realised just how fucked they are.
Dammit, was hoping for 88%.