She can sing? 🤔
It would fall apart long before then because none of the infrastructure building would ever get done, let alone maintained.
He's literally +4/-0 three comments up this chain.
That falls under the first point.
Por que no los tres Porky no loss tress, as memes say?
It was certainly in an episode of Supernatural involving a Leprechaun played by Robert Piccardo, aka The Doctor from Star Trek Voyager.
Unfortunately that still means buying the game
It only needs bought once, cracked, then distributed on the high seas for widespread use. Wishful thinking the numbers are going to be that low, but still.
The mod is the tits.
Non-European creatures of the night
A reminder "lady of the night" literally = whore.
Next update is the epitaph.
"Maths! My one weakness, how did you know?!"
5 will always have "Excuse me... What does God need with a starship?"
"Kirk has been banned from the chat."
200 year condition
Mao died less than 50 years ago.
#1 evil man
That's cute.
There is a doctor in Canada that basically bragged about tronning almost every child in his autistic special ED class.
Ooo, I have a Sinfest comic for this!
or he went through life thinking he was like Draco from Dragon Heart. "The last of my kind"
8 billion people, 3 billion are just those 2 countries.
USA is 3rd btw for pop at 350 million, ish.
Maybe it's because after the failed shooting attempts they hope he's actually Hitler and will do it himself 🤔
In the nine years since the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and as medical care for this small group of adolescents became a searing issue in American politics, Dr. Olson-Kennedy’s team has not published the data. Asked why, she said the findings might fuel the kind of political attacks that have led to bans of the youth gender treatments in more than 20 states, one of which will soon be considered by the Supreme Court.
“I do not want our work to be weaponized,” she said.
Heh, prophetic given that Feb '23 post by u/TheKidsAreAltRight I quoted yesterday,
The trans narrative is a house of cards built within an echo chamber.
The second it faces outside reality rather than the desperate "Yes men" propping it up with self delusion it collapses, because no matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, it's still a pig.
Those findings being the 'outside reality' that would collapse the 'house of cards' the MSM and so many "oppressed" groups have been grifting for years now at the expense of so many lives.
Liara's "father" even chews Shepard out in ME3 when he called her Liara's "father", citing it as human-centric labeling of other cultures/species. Aka, cultural appropriation of a sort.
pretty much everyone I know in the “arty” or “politically active” space, in this city, is falling all over it. Including extended family of mine…
continues to remind me just how fucking loopy the middle class bubble of this shithole is…
I need to find a post by someone else on here after that bit about the bubble reminded me of a way to describe the woke circle jerk.
Got it; here back in Feb 2023 by u/TheKidsAreAltRight
The trans narrative is a house of cards built within an echo chamber.
The second it faces outside reality rather than the desperate "Yes men" propping it up with self delusion it collapses, because no matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, it's still a pig.
That's your bubble, lots of Yes-men nodding along, probably largely in fear, because the second the bubble pops very bad things happen.
It'd be quicker to say what SUCCEEDED
this year
2 years ago but Top Gun: Maverick should repeatedly be brought up for this. As crazy as Tom Cruise can be the scene between him and Kilmer is hard to watch for all the right reasons and it's mostly just Cruise talking for both in movie and out of movie reasons. Sure there's still DEIversity scattered throughout it, the first segment with the test plane is almost all black guys bar Maverick and 1 other, the female pilot, Bob who is wearing glasses?!. NGL that actually bugs me the most of the mission candidate lineup.
Anyway, TGM needs watched more, even with the Star Wars meme.
It was so bad the actor died.
Well, maybe not, but he did die after.
A reminder Ubisoft employees went on to form Sweet Baby Inc.
Founded by former Ubisoft developers, including scriptwriter Kim Belair and product manager David Bédard
OP your title should probably be "Stanned", unless Trump is now making windows.