Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +6 / -0

Even to suggest he might be a ‘doctor of the prot churches’ of sorts, if indirectly. Even that is bold to say. This is wild, and I suspect it comes from her utter disrespect for the Bible.

Not a good sign.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

because Abbot has always been weak.

Yeah, no spine.

XX by rattleS
Vicious_snek6 -5 points ago +2 / -7

I actually don't much like this counter argument to their nonsense. Walsh is wrong, Knowles is right. A man is more than xy chromosomes, and we intuitively know this when we critique people for not being 'manly'. It is responsibility to family and God, power used responsibly, self-control, self sufficiency, a degree of stoicism*...

There are many men not worthy of the title.

And so there is a degree of 'social construction, informed by biology and our natures' to it.

Don't be misled by the left into taking the complete opposite position of everything they say and do, sometimes the truth is somewhere else. But they want to create a dialectic where there are only two wrong competing answers, xy and xx vs their socially constructed model. The truth is that biologically it's xy and xx (ignoring genetic illness) that then results in natures that inform cultural norms, something socially constructed, but not their social construct.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +5 / -0

every squirrel in the kingdom must be charged with sodomy.

Then the police raid their homes and shoot them.

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

March last year.

Interestingly, a few news articles are calling it IE&D to describe it. I’m not sure IED is a better acronym tbh

Vicious_snek6 8 points ago +8 / -0

you could barbeque it to 'well-done' instead of bringing it to a nice rare.

Vicious_snek6 8 points ago +9 / -1


I listed that one first, because it may well be the worst.

If they were just ignorant of how hard and different things were compared to what they were given and pissed inheritances down the wall, that would be one thing

But by not having kids but making others pay for their shit while not being a large block to resist that, they've fucked everything.

Vicious_snek6 48 points ago +51 / -3

Not having kids and so dooming their societies.

Promoting degeneracy

While in power in organisations, allowing and promoting dei despite having the most power to end and block it. It's not boomers not being hired because of dei stuff, it's millennials and zoomers. At 2x the rate, to make up for it not being any boomers being replaced. It's easy to promote or just accept dei when it's not your job on the line, but that of 2 zoomers you don't know.

Voting for house price increases and local housing restrictions, and perpetual increases in pensions, despite not having kids to support it, and their life expectancy being far higher than when the pension came in.

For the few that did have kids, spending their inheritance

Putting their kids in school and day-care instead of raising them properly...

Buying a house near their work at 3x their annual income, and then telling younger people to suck it up, work hard, and just walk in with a handshake and your resume to be able to do the same, as though it was their hard work and anyone can just do the same now.

Even religion. Look at the boomer guitar masses which drive people away. The traditional stuff was rejected, thrown out, and suppressed by boomers.

Is every boomer like that? No. But it's an annoying pattern. And now everyone is collectively stuck paying for their pensions and healthcare while unable to afford their own homes, because the boomers did not build the next generation, while relying on the next gen's support when they can ill-afford it. And then being mocked by boomers for their hardship which they refuse to see or acknowledge.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ah but go back a step, how did this also very left silicone valley company with new york funding go about creating this algorithm which you are arguing is transformative?

They had to make or obtain unauthorised copies of the art. They didn't sit and copy as best they can each by hand (as is permitted and expected in art galleries). They downloaded an exact and unauthorised copy, for commercial purposes. They may have then transformed it. But the act of doing this first step infringed on IP laws which they then hope to use for their own benefit.

Now I am rather sympathetic to the doing away of 'IP' entirely. It's just words and thoughts which shouldn't be owned, and copyright has been extended to an insane length through corrupt means. The whole thing is nonsense. But in a system where there is IP, these lefty silicone valley corps and ai enthusiast model and lora makers are making and using actual copies to feed their algorithms (and not then doing the respectable thing in all cases, and making their stuff open source in turn, I'd respect that)

Vicious_snek6 7 points ago +7 / -0

it can be both.

Part of it can be a fair disparate treatment given that one is more discrete.

But on normal bookshelves at walmart is a bit much.

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was blown away that the CM outright stated that zero Christians worked on the game. That ain't the badge of relatability it was in 2014.

Wait what?

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe there is the tech crypto-->nft--->metaverse---> bubble, which is now firmly in ai.

We've been using it for a decade in health behind the scenes, hearing aid companies like phonak were using it well before it was making pictures, to callibrate and create algorithms for their hearing aids. And those voice capture ones as well, that's old tech. It's just 200x quicker and easier now.

So there's an underlying use, but I also reckon there is a bubble

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thems the kiwi rules yeah

You can't be on the farms and cry foul when they dox you for your poor opsec.

I'm against it in 98% of circumstances, but once you engage in it yourself, the gloves come off and Queensbury Rules no longer apply.

Vicious_snek6 10 points ago +10 / -0

eh, I'd put money on him using the stage to boast, or else actually denounce them to their faces like milei did.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stalker 2 was shit,

I don't know why anyone expected anything good to come out of the ukraine.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0


enjoy, the infamous tape photo is down near the bottom


It's screenshots sure, but I saw it with my own eyes too back in the day. There are just some things I don't care to search too deeply, if you want full archive rather than archived screenshots, you know who to search, James Alefantis, aka jimmycomet. But I'll verify I saw them on his now locked down insta back in the day

there's definitely smoke.

Vicious_snek6 1 point ago +1 / -0

You've changed my mind a bit also, to a degree. Or at least helped refine my thoughts and add some caveats.

if going my route (I still think it is the right thing to do) it needs to be done with care, and without a paper trail if you care about that server/discord account, sure.

Vicious_snek6 7 points ago +7 / -0


On the religious thing, I didn't mean take a religious approach with him necessarily (it depends on what you think will get through to someone in the flow of conversation), I more meant that you have a duty for this reason too. It's the why not the how.

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