It does make it more socially acceptable and readily available though.
Two suggestions come to mind, though neither is a very close fit.
An isometric RPG set in a steampunk/magic setting, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is old (2001) but good, and on Steam for cheap ($5.99). Difficult with robust game mechanics and the story was interesting from what I played. I also vaguely remember needing third party mods and patches as the base game had some pretty severe bugs that were never fixed.
Kenshi ($29.99 on Steam) describes itself as a "free-roaming squad based RPG, focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story." I hear that it is difficult and grindy, but have not played it myself, though the setting seems to be similarly unpleasant when compared to AS&SoH.
Ah, Jewface. A classic Dick Tracy gangster.
No? So, jewface. A schoolyard insult.
Still wrong? Uh, jewface. Another name for the "happy merchant" meme?
Wait, so "jewface" is when a non Jewish actor plays a Jewish man in media and uses makeup and prosthetics to better look like the Jewish man in question and the surviving family of that Jewish man is cool with it and even supports it?
Power + queerness = grooming
I mean, the equation seems to abide by the properties of social math.
And I got news for you: that means you're gay.
Well put, though I would pass on paying good money to be twerked on. Twerked at? Twer bleaugh
So a woman who is one and a half times your weight wearing clothing designed for women less than a third of her size whipping around the two oversized trashbags filled with jello that are attached to her backside is not dancing? Are you sure?
Change "butts" to "thots" and make the TikTok lord twerk with a ridiculously oversized ass, and then we are getting somewhere.
You never got tired of being wrecked by the final boss, switching between characters in a vain attempt to find "the best one" and stumbling across gems like this?
The clouds are the place we want to be...far above where we can see...down women's shirts.
And yes, Hammerhead is the best one.
Das cuz vurchews iz raciss an huwhyte co-did, so we don wannum o needum, cracka.
Ah, diversity in action. Why would anyone who is not diverse, and some who are but can afford to escape, not be interested in living in a diverse area? Truly are question for our age.
How else is she going to distribute her nudes to interested coworkers? Start an OnlyFans? Send them by personal email in an encrypted file? Put them on a thumb drive to be viewed at home?
While I agree with you in general, I do not know if that completely applies here.
From what I read, it seems that at least some of the belligerents were not black, with another comment in this thread pointing out that a "Nakamura" was at fault for the story headlining the posted article. That does not sound like the last name of an American urban youth to me.
Again, is the left trying to set up another parallel justice system based on skin color? Absolutely. Is that the case here? No, though this situation is a symptom of their pathological need to "be on the right side of history" by favoring "underprivileged/underrepresented/underserved" groups to the detriment of all others, which also applies to your comment.
In short, Portland has placed bums, crazies and poltical extremists over "at risk" groups, all of which are above whites, conservatives and law abiding citizens.
The verdict comes after the defendant, Marques Jamal Jackson, breached the woman's personal and work computer accounts, assumed her identity to engage in fraudulent financial activities, and maliciously distributed intimate images and videos of her online.
But why would this probably poor, likely disadvantaged youth engage in such behavior? Bad break up? Cheating? Personal instability? Patriarchy? White supremacy? We may never know.
A local government that encouraged lawlessness through lack of enforcement, prosecution and budget now has an epidemic of lawless behavior with less resources given to "extra special" cases for "extra special" people.
You voted for this progressive stack, now get smothered by it.
I thought that was because all the white progressive communities had spirted away the black folks to live as mascots in their ultra diverse and not at all racist neighborhoods.
Post partum abortion.
"Grammy, what's an avacado?" Grammy turned bright red, her nostrils flared and the veins in her forehead bulged as she began throwing whatever small items were on hand at Grampy. "It wasn't me this time!" Grampy said as he raised an arm to shield himself while doubled over in a fit of laughter.
A slightly different version of this (replace the real with also) has already been bumping about in feminist circles for a while now. Your version promotes the potential of male suffering being greater than female suffering in a given situation, therefore it cannot be correct.
It was the fuck aroundy-est of times, it was the find outy-est of times.
He does sound like solid addition to the US Congress.
Ridiculous MeToo accusations in three, two, counting is patriarchal oppression...
"Woke white dysphoria" sounds like something caused by the "Jewish gay right" because they did not want to participate in the "diversity pride vote" as a reaction to "sjw groomer drag" creating an increase in "equity nonbinary abortion".
List additions: normalize, feminism, feminist, chud, communism, communist, socialism, socialist
BLM is at it again, and there is no stopping negro. Nigger ability to keep going is really something.
Did I respect your pronouns correctly?
Make Gout Great Again
Why not update the song in question as well? "Bootylicious xirs" would be more body positive and inclusive while normalizing personalized pronouns and HAES!