Here's the archive of the WP article:
As always take anything written by Wikipedos with a grain of salt but a brief glance hasn't revealed any glaring inaccuracies. The best part? This bitch was in her late 50s. Remember that next time someone tells you that women age out of chasing the tingles.
I'm not familiar with it, so I can't say. The point isn't that all VPNs are bad, or even that a particular VPN is bad. The point is that there are a lot of bad actors in this space and a lot of shills that make getting honest information difficult.
The smartphones were the trigger, but retard proofing desktop operating systems would have done the job had smartphones never come along. Things going wrong with computers used to be a lot more common, and using them regularly required problem solving skills that imposed a minimum IQ limit on computer and therefore internet use. Making tech user friendly enough for normies was a mistake.
That's why I don't think women are "poisoned" by feminism. All feminism did was allow them to act out the shitty nature that was always there. There's a reason it's called women's liberation. It's liberation from having to pretend that they're decent human beings and not, you know, evil.
You have to be very careful with VPNs. Even if they're not directly controlled by spooks they often collect information that a privacy service shouldn't collect. It's also very hard to get reliable information on different services because VPN shills rival the DNC's astroturfing abilities.
I find it hard to believe that the higher income and payroll taxes offset the job losses. When the fast food minimum wage went up they just automated everything. Now they have one person person per shift making $22/hr instead of several people making $15/hr or whatever it used to be. There's no way payroll and income tax revenue is higher now. Are they really this retarded or is something else going on? I feel like it could be either one.
Medical research has always been the marketing arm of powerful drug and food lobbies. Look at the shit show that is nutrition research. It's a propaganda arm of Big Agriculture and its war on meat and saturated fat.
At least with a roommate, you have the person's name on the lease for the rest of the term, and that usually holds up in court.
And they don't get to steal your retirement and extort "support" payments from you for the rest of your life.
It's just people living together for lower bills. Shocker, I know.
Signing a marriage contract is more than just living together for lower bills. I would have never posted this if it was just about getting roommates. The point is that the guy is getting all the downsides of marriage without the little upside he would normally get, and the woman still gets her claws in his assets.
I'm trying to read the text you quoted with a critical eye. It's admittedly wordy, but editing for conciseness is a pain in the ass on mobile. Other than that all I see is a comparison to the usual AF/BB scam
This is about you acting like a feminist.
No u!