TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like usual, I keep a handful of games in my rotation so that I can pick and choose whenever I want to play something else. Right now that rotation is:

  1. Snowrunner

Offroad trucking game, where most of the challenge is in making sure you dont get bogged down in the mud/snow/swamp/all of the above, while also carrying cargo for different organizations who hire you out. Luckily, unlike Spintires or Mudrunner, its not all just logs. It can be concrete slabs and steel girders for construction, it an be a tanker for a remote outpost, it can even be specialty cargo like an oil rig and its drilling equipment.

  1. Anno 1800

I have been in a Victorian mode lately (probably because I am hyped for Victoria 3 to eventually come out), so why not play one of the only games in the setting. And it honestly looks pretty good as well as having a healthy amount of challenge.

  1. Hearts of Iron 4

Been getting back into this since they came out with the new DLC. So far, I have been playing as the US, with a Fascist Canada to my north, a Communist Mexico to my south, but no one declaring war on me because its 1947 and I have like 30 nukes and my army standard issues assault rifles while everyone else is just getting around to semi-autos. Also like 30 aircraft carriers, because "Fuck you and everything in a 200 mile radius."

  1. Tropico 4

I guess I am on a city spree right now too. I have been working my way back through the Tropicos to do achievement hunting and replay the campaign. Will probably go to Tropico 5 when I believe I am done with 4.

  1. Age of Darkness: Last Stand

Got this on a recommendation, and I will also recommend. It takes the same gameplay style and loop as They Are Billions, then improves it in literally every way. Its just a much better game than TAB and is the new platinum standard for Survival Strategy in my book.

  1. HighFleet

Kind of fell of the wagon with this one, but I am want to get back into it. Its pretty difficult, but I love every second of it, and its probably one of my top games of all time.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

All state powers involved wanted to make sure that such a show of cross-faction sympathy could never occur again and implemented harsher punishments for resisting command.

Well...not really. Industrial Warfare (especially WW1) was what I got my history degree in, and the Christmas Truce was very much the last death rattle of Napoleonic, Pre-Industrial warfare. For one, even as famous as it became, it was a VERY limited event. Sure, you saw most of the line call a ceasefire for Christmas, but the fraternization between enemies only happened at a few points along the British and German section of the line. The French were in no mood to make peace with the people currently occupying parts of their land, and the Belgians even less so. But the British and Germans? There had been some who believed they would be allied with each other, and they had been on very good terms before the German invasion of Belgium (you have no idea how much better it would have been for the world if someone slapped the German generals and told them to stop being so autistically obsessed with their plans). They certainly werent going to turn around and end the war. This was still a time of nationalism, and they were going to fight for their nations. Its just that they had all been brought up with a sense of there being honor in warfare.

Come Christmas 1915, both sides high command were looking at ways to keep fraternization from happening...but they really didnt need to. By Christmas 1915, Gallipoli was raging. The Germans had cracked the first seal and brought forth chemical warfare. The Germans had sank Lusitania, in brazen defiance of pre-war naval norms. And of course, everyone had been stuck in trenches fighting a war they were told should have been over by now. They didnt need to stop anyone. No one was going to do anything like it again. Because the honor of Napoleonic warfare had died in clouds of mustard gas, hails of machine gun bullets, and then drowning face down in mud.

And yes, I do see irony in me being an optimistic person, but my area of interest is one of the most brutal, grinding, pointless, and hopeless wars in history.

As for your other comment, sounds like a trip. Like I said, I would have never expect those sort of problems in a Black Metal band. Glad you like it, even if its not my style (I prefer clean vocals, and I generally like the more optimistic tone of Heavy and Power Metal). I suppose I lucked out, because all of my favorite bands managed to avoid getting drawn into any sort of obvious TDS, and some of them have even said that they are more concerned with the authoritarian nature the world is going on. My top bands at the moment being Sabaton (as mentioned), Powerwolf, Brothers of Metal, Eclipse, Starset, and Smash into Pieces.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think your outlook is slightly too Americentric, and derives too many of its losses and wins from what happens there.

To be quite frank: Its because we are some of the only ones fighting back. That is not to say that the rest of the West is taking it lying down. I have seen the protest against the mandates in Europe. But there is a lot less they are able to do about it than we can in the US. Because in Europe, there is a lot of top down control that makes it easier. Meanwhile, in the US it is deliberately set up so that a Federal bureaucrat cant even sniff without getting vibechecked by a State level politician. So Biden can say he wants use to begin every morning by praying in the lotus pose, and my state can tell them "Eat shit and die" and suffer no consequences. My area (Kansas) never really locked down except the first time, has been fairly lax on enforcement of things, and very few people wear mask. And we were still more strict than some of our fellow rural states because of a Dem governor who is going to get cockslapped come next year (it was a fluke of local politics she is even in in the first place).

Trump SHOULD have had the presidency if not for fraud. Rittenhouse SHOULDN'T have ever gone to trial.

Both true, but think about it this way.

They had to pull their "in case of emergency, break glass" move on Trump even after 4 years of fake scandals and doing everything they could to drive down his voters, who mostly were turned off by his tone. And that only BARELY dragged them over the line. But now, they are having to do it for damn near every election, which means they are having to pick and chose who they save. I guarantee you that they rigged New Jersey to get the win there.....BUT THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED! That is a D+15 seat, it NEVER should have been close. And then in Virginia, the cheating was kept to a minimum, because the Populist have acknowledged that the bell cant be unrung, and left-wing cheating is now just part of the game. So where they can, they will limit how much they can get away with (Virginia had some of their stuff "defortified" from 2020), and when that still isnt enough they will just turn out massive numbers and get creative with their reporting to keep the cheating as low as possible. So now the Dems are in trouble, and they may not have to resources to save everything.

As for Rittenhouse, true. He never should have been to trial. Which means now, just like with school boards, people are going to be paying attention to who they elect as DA. To make sure they are not just going to let Left-Wing terrorist off the hook, let Criminals walk because "incomprehensible Left Wing noises", and put anyone who defends themselves from the latter 2 on trial. So now the Left has a new front they need to defend on that no one had payed attention to before, which means more resources, which means less people they can keep saved.

The more fronts you have to fight, the harder it gets. And the Left just keeps making new fronts, because they cant help themselves and just keep making enemies.

and speaking of small wins I'm currently preserving my sanity with an album release from a veteran band who kicked out a histrionic tranny and managed to put out some kind of masterwork in the messy aftermath.

Definitely doesnt seem like the kind of band that would have that sort of problem. And while its not my style, that is good to hear. I am into Melodic, Heavy, and Power Metal and its been a blast for me, with so many bands coming out with so much stuff its hard to keep up with it all. But of course, my top hype right now is still the new Sabaton album next year. They released Christmas Truce a few months ago, and now the rest of the album is sitting there taunting me. The one I am most interested in hearing though is a tossup between Dreadnaughts, Hellfighters, or Stormtroopers.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

I don't think that we need to "hold the line". I think we need to absolutely subvert the shit out of these bastards.

For what it is worth, I was mostly being dramatic for the purpose of narrative, but your point is correct. Luckily, like I pointed out in the main post, you have the likes of Scott Presler and Steve Bannon doing just that, going into the turf of the Left and the RINO types, smacking their nuts, and then taking over their turf for the Populist future.

I still see the coming economic collapse as the end-game for Fabianism.

True. But I think its less likely to end in their favor than I was a few years ago. They have ripped off their own mask and are running around screaming like a babbling crazy person, so now even normies are starting to seek ways out (more homeschooling, more people seeking alternative sources of wealth, moving away from large cities, etc). And the Fabians dont have the power to actually force it, so they may be forced to cut their losses and go running away from America to wherever they want to set up next (probably China, but New Zealand and Australia also seem likely due to the way they have been going). But the whole "Great Narrative" of the WEF is falling apart in real time, so I still believe they will lose

Liberation Theology is already a very present thing in South America. It is the merging of Catholicism, it's philosophical roots in founding Social Justice, and Marxism.

Funny you should mention that. I have seen data that shows that Catholicism is actually on the decline in South America, in favor of the various sects of American Protestantism. And it is indeed tied to the Catholics becoming very woke under the Pope, while Protestantism is much more difficult to subvert as it has no or limited central authority. Which incidentally is part of the reason it exploded during the Reformation in the first place.

There is no reason why George Floyd can't literally be canonized as a saint.

implying they havent already done so

I also agree with your larger point that it seems much more likely that the Woke will descend into becoming a new religion. It is entirely within their past and their nature, and the Woke Ideology is already not too far removed from the Cult of Reason from the French Revolution, right down to their "Year Zero, All must begin again" attitude toward just about everything that exist.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got that info from a guy who personally planned one of these "suburbs", I spoke to him in person.

That would be because a lot of the "progressive" urban planners, if they were let off the chain to do whatever they wanted without question, there would be no cars, period, in their perfect cities. Only walking, bicycles, and public transit.

Its why I always say that every city I have ever built in something like Cities: Skyline would give them an aneurism. I have efficient mass transit, but I also have efficient road networks. I have well developed downtowns, but I also have well developed suburbs. I have office parks for highly educated workers, but I also maintain extensive industrial parks (including heavy industry like Ore Smelting and Oil Refining). I have legalized narcotics use and and well funded educational services, but I also have a well funded police force with a "tough on crime" stance regarding prisons. I also have a personal thing where I will build a Liberal Arts college, a city district with zero-emission housing and organic shops, and ban all non-electric vehicles, but I deliberately name the district the "Hippie Ghetto."

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

To play devils advocate: Arbery was unarmed. So while it very much would have been legally self defense trying to do something to the McMichaels, it seems extremely reckless to throw yourself at an armed individual trying to steal their weapon in an attempt to defend yourself. Because unless you have reason to believe they are just going to kill you anyway, the better option would be to surrender and live until you see a time to escape.

That said though, I dont have particular beef with either side here. Everything I had heard at the time made it sound like a situation where no one was in the right, so I more or less declared "a pox on both your houses!" months ago, and from what I have heard of the trial that did little to clear up that issue.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +11 / -1

Stuff like this is honestly why I am not super concerned about China winning the game of Civilization. They are putting up a nice, terrifying front, and they are using their paid stooges in the media to push the narrative that they are unstoppable, hoping it will scare people into just giving up so that they dont have to fight. But behind the scenes, the situation is MUCH more shaky, and the odds are much higher that they will go the way of the Soviets rather than them displacing America for the top spot in the world. They have too many irons in the fire, and they cant keep it going much longer, with a population crunch never before seen in human history on top of an economy and financial state even worse than just about any country on the planet.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kansas. But we did model our self defense laws off of theirs IIRC. But like I said, there are some local cases in more rural counties that have seen self defense be taken even stronger than the law already says.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Meanwhile, my state makes Wisconsin seem like a restrictive hellhole by comparison as far as self defense is concerned, and would likely make these leftoids have a heart attack.

Under all situations (even while out on the street), you are under no duty to retreat, and in the event of a shooting the DA must prove to a judge that there is reasonable doubt that it was unjustified before you even get to trial. And within your own house, state law assumes that anyone on your property is a dangerous threat by default, so you have yet more protection in the event of a shooting. And that is before you get to the pro-defense DAs who take a very dim view on crime who have done some actually kind of over the top things before.

But please, tell me more about how self defense is bad.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

Like the other comment said, its the one known as Jumpkick Man (government name: Maurice Freeland), and he had a rap sheet including car theft, ID theft, battery, drug possession, and escaping custody. Kyle shot at him twice, but missed both times, before Ride Or Die (government name: Anthony Huber) beat Kyle with a skateboard and tried to take his gun.

Also, the only one he missed was the black guy. There was divine intervention involved in this whole event, you cant change my mind.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

Laughs in Red State

Maybe us Americans being cantankerous bastards with a distrust of government was actually the correct way of doing things.

TheModernDaVinci 22 points ago +22 / -0

And then the one person he shot at and missed also had a pretty substantial criminal history. Almost like Antifa (and probably a lot of Leftist in general) are bad people looking for an excuse to be bad people and get away with it.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Morgan Freeman

God damn bro, dont scare me like that. I thought it was the OTHER Morgan Freeman and I was going to be very sad.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

When I came down to Florida for the National Conservatism Conference, I was a little concerned I’d get heckled in the hallways, or be subjected to the verbal abuse I occasionally get from Trump supporters. Judging by their rhetoric, after all, these are the fire-breathers, the hard-liners, the intellectual sharp edge of the American right. But everyone was charming!

Its almost like, if you behave like a sane, rational individual interested in honest discussion, you will be treated like a sane, rational individual interested in honest discussion. Funny that.

I also like the subtle admission that they are getting their asses kicked in the culture by this new right wing coalition. Backs up what I have been saying for a while that we can indeed turn back the tide and win, at least in this country.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

Crowder talked about this the other day when he was doing his breakdown and I agree with him. We saw the state lie through their teeth, manipulate evidence, suborn perjury (likely, but not definitely proven), and then make the entire case all about the gun. Then we saw the media lie though their teeth, with some of the most bold faced lying ever seen. All but saying "Dont believe your own lying eyes. Believe what we tell you, because we told you to." And just for good measure, they proceeded to try and dox the jury for their footsoldiers to go after. We saw Antifa and BLM come out and say "If we dont get what we want, we will beat you and burn down your city."

And we saw the jury, made up of normal people who have been on the receiving end of this evil, stand up, square back their shoulders, and say "No. Fuck you."

The Left is currently reeeing greatly over losing what they though they should win, but they should be very afraid about this result. There is a group of people that Kurt Schlichter calls the "Militant Normals", what most of us on here call normies. The people who hate politics, just want to live their life, love their country, want to enjoy time with their family, and yes, just want to grill. And now they are being forced to care. And now that they care, they have one objective: Destroy the insane psychos on the Left trying to destroy their country and their families, so that they can go back to grilling again.

Congratulations Leftist, you got your wish. Normal people are becoming involved in politics. And the monkey paw curls.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

I must be doing it wrong then, because I enjoy shitposting and laughs on a lot of the subreddits I follow for anime or games I like. Have never really had any problems and when there are disagreements it ends well as long as people are constructive and not needlessly flaming. Maybe I just rolled well on fandoms.

That said:

Those fucks are such lazy, miserable cunts who even encourage shitty, unhealthy behaviour.

I do feel this is very much the case with a lot of subreddits, especially the ones with toxic fandoms or that are politically charged. They are lazy, miserable bastards, who demand everyone else be as lazy and miserable as they are, because if someone is happy it means they could be too if they werent such lazy, miserable bastards.

Now with THAT said, I do believe there are more than a few people on our own "side" who have the same sort of problem. They have been in the trenches for too long, and seen too much, so now they are becoming increasingly bitter and angry instead of stepping back and taking some much needed RNR.

So I feel the same sort of stuff applies to us: Turn off the internet, go for a walk, take a deep breath, and go play some games or whatever your hobby is. The world isnt anywhere near as boned as you think it is, and things can change.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Fuck it. I'm gonna play Snowrunner"

This is the correct choice. Such a great game, and much better than I thought it would be. I am just kind of sad it took them 6 updates before they added a logging frame for your rigs instead of having to rely on a trailer or mods.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

The infrastructure bill had already made it through the Senate, it was just being held up in the House by the Progressives (who wanted to vote on the "Build Back Better" bill, which is the REAL nightmare one). Eventually, they managed to wrangle up enough squishy RINOs to pass it without the Progressives and moved on with it just so they can say they got something done, since all of the internal scuttlebutt is that BBB is dead and a lot of moderate Dems are scared to vote for anything else now because they expect to get absolutely fucked in the butt come 2022.

TheModernDaVinci 15 points ago +16 / -1
  1. Yes
  2. April 2021
  3. Pfizer
  4. Absolutely not. Not only do I not believe a booster is necessary, I will not get it out of protest for government abuse, overreach, and general authoritarianism.
TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you Gizortniks alt-account or something? I havent seen him on here in a few days and this is usually his drum to beat.

As for the Fabians, I will say that they made one mistake and I think it will allow us to win in the long run: They may be smart, but the average commie is a raging retard who actually believes the propaganda. So now those types are getting elected, and actually pushing stuff, and now they cant just pretend they arent doing anything. So now people are aware their nations and way of life are under attack, and there is now growing pushback.

Which I would imagine is why the Dems in the US are running so hard. They know they are about to have everything come crashing down, so they just want to loot everything that isnt nailed down and make sure they arent the last one out the door. Because last out the door is going to be facing the mob, and is probably going to have a bad time.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ah. I am not big on football. I just know Packers because my aunt is a hyper fan (to the point that she is a shareholder). And, like I said, everyone in Northeast Kansas knows and loves Jordy.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +9 / -1

A few things that I can think of is that the team is owned by its fans rather than a single wealthy owner. They probably also deliberately pick for those sort of players. Remember that their last big time QB was Jordy Nelson, who is from a small town in Kansas and was the son of farmers, and during the off season he would work on his families farm. I should know, that is my chunk of the state, and everyone around here are Packers fans because of it (unless we are cheering on the Chiefs).

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

You know, I think Clownfish.TV might have a point that this movie is cursed.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

If its anything like I think it is, at least in my rural state, a lot of people have boats. Granted, they are usually cheap little deals with small, outboard motors. But you can take it to the river or the lake on the weekend, go cruising around, go fishing, or just whatever you want.

But we are probably talking about urban commies who think owning your own of anything makes you Mr. Burns-tier rich.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

portraying her as a trailblazer of 'hopepunk'. WTF is that? Well, I've seen someone sum it up as 'comfort food for the kind of people who think frosting is a cake', and I can't disagree with that assessment.


You know, I too am getting a little tired of constant hyper-realism "Morally Grey" sort of stories. But I still like my stories to have, you know, a little something called conflict.

There are three styles of "punk" I like: Steampunk, Dieselpunk, and Cyberpunk. All of them have some form of conflict. Charismatic, kind hearted, swashbuckling rogues fighting for corset wearing maidens against big businessmen in their imperial holdings. Men fighting utterly grinding war with titanic machines capable of killing scores in seconds with armies who throw around chemical weapons with casual disregard. Some poor schmuck trying to cut out a life between uncontrolled gangs of deranged cyborgs and corpos who would sell their own mothers for a little profit (too bad they already did).

But guess what? They will all fight against the odds no matter how long they seem. Hell, a usual theme in Dieselpunk is that the threat is supposed to be unbeatable. And the hero either beats it to prove that it wasnt as unbeatable as people thought, or they face the death machine with a witty one liner, a grim look, and their rifle in hand.

So why, oh why, do I get the feeling that 'hopepunk' includes no such conflict? To answer my own question, because I have seen how these people write their stories. I have seen far too many stories done by these modern authors where the conflict is comparatively mild. Stuff like "Damn, I am poor and cant make rent." (and the "poverty" is almost always self inflicted by poor life choices), or its against a strawman of racist, always white. Then when they are forced to fight, they.....win. There is no real fight. The villain will likely even stand there and get hit or just miss obvious attacks, because otherwise the hero might lose. And we cant have that, that doesnt feel good to lose. Never mind that that is how you grow and learn. No, you need to be carried through everything and always win. Because "hope" and "good vibes" or some shit.

They have no lasting cultural impact and never will, hell she'll be lucky if she retains any relevance in 3 years' time.

More than that, I dont think they have a cultural basis to build OFF of. So few of them stick around with any sort of relevance. They cant use those dumb, icky "conservative" ideals like God, king, or country. And while they used to have Harry Potter, Rowling became an apostate so now they must scrub all use of her. So it makes it that much harder for them to actually create any sort of meaningful story.

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