You seem to be confusing "will vote for" and general opinions, of which this polling is for the latter. Voting is downstream of culture, and if you want to change the vote you first need to change the culture.
This is a sign that the flow may be trending in that direction.
Absolutely. And the poll indicates some promising data that the generally very Catholic Hispanic community is starting to shift:
"The poll found that that 57% of voters in competitive congressional districts agree with the statement, "Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response," and 66% of self-defined "swing" voters in competitive districts agree with that statement. White and Hispanic voters in competitive districts were equally as likely to agree (59%), while Black voters (42%) and Asian voters (46%) disagreed with the statement."
I dont think it can be stated how disastrous for the Dems it is that Hispanics are peeling away from them. Its placed Texas out of their reach for the foreseeable future (Beto losses to every Republican option, the question is "by how much"). Its made the Southwestern States (Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada) competitive. Its made Florida into a Republican stronghold on par with Texas. Which is doubly problematic for them because it means that now there are two big states that are "safe" Republican for the Electoral College, meaning the Dems need to focus that much harder on winning more states.
And considering that the up and coming Dems are all a bunch of retarded baboons who believe their own hype and refuse to hide how socialist/Communist they are (which is partly killing their Hispanic support), that trend is likely to continue.
The Wignats obsessing over race are going about it all wrong, and are part of the problem. Because let me ask you a question. As a conservative-libertarian white guy who lives in a modestly sized town in Kansas, who do you think I have more in common with: The absolutely massive population of Hispanics who live in Dodge City, who are all sons and daughters of the Vaqueros who came up from Texas and Mexico on the cattle drives, and still proudly celebrate those Wild West traditions. Or the White soy bugmen in Lawrence and Overland Park, who wish we were more like California, New York, and/or Europe, but are too poor to leave so they sit here and seethe.
You seem to be confusing "will vote for" and general opinions, of which this polling is for the latter. Voting is downstream of culture, and if you want to change the vote you first need to change the culture.
This is a sign that the flow may be trending in that direction.
Culture is downstream from demographics.
Absolutely. And the poll indicates some promising data that the generally very Catholic Hispanic community is starting to shift:
"The poll found that that 57% of voters in competitive congressional districts agree with the statement, "Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response," and 66% of self-defined "swing" voters in competitive districts agree with that statement. White and Hispanic voters in competitive districts were equally as likely to agree (59%), while Black voters (42%) and Asian voters (46%) disagreed with the statement."
I dont think it can be stated how disastrous for the Dems it is that Hispanics are peeling away from them. Its placed Texas out of their reach for the foreseeable future (Beto losses to every Republican option, the question is "by how much"). Its made the Southwestern States (Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada) competitive. Its made Florida into a Republican stronghold on par with Texas. Which is doubly problematic for them because it means that now there are two big states that are "safe" Republican for the Electoral College, meaning the Dems need to focus that much harder on winning more states.
And considering that the up and coming Dems are all a bunch of retarded baboons who believe their own hype and refuse to hide how socialist/Communist they are (which is partly killing their Hispanic support), that trend is likely to continue.
The Wignats obsessing over race are going about it all wrong, and are part of the problem. Because let me ask you a question. As a conservative-libertarian white guy who lives in a modestly sized town in Kansas, who do you think I have more in common with: The absolutely massive population of Hispanics who live in Dodge City, who are all sons and daughters of the Vaqueros who came up from Texas and Mexico on the cattle drives, and still proudly celebrate those Wild West traditions. Or the White soy bugmen in Lawrence and Overland Park, who wish we were more like California, New York, and/or Europe, but are too poor to leave so they sit here and seethe.
Which way, Wignat?