TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can at least believe its heat. I live in Kansas, and this heat came out of nowhere. So its entirely within the realm of possibility that some ranchers didnt have time to get their livestock and pastures ready for the heat.

by Daucus9
TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

This would make the second supposedly "nonbinary" child he is attempting to effectively kidnap. And much like with the first, this one was also the child of a Left-Wing political activist from the sound of it. Which as evil as Ezra is and how stupid the parents are, it should give you an idea of just how toxic the Left has become when this is what is happening over there.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

All the black people I get along with would be equally as disgusted as myself watching that video.

Same. The most extreme example of that is a black guy I know who is a cop and unironically believes in the old Chris Rock "Black people vs. Niggaz" distinction.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

Additionally, the revealed preferences of your average Millennial and Gen Z show they dont like the ultra-heavy set types either. Because regardless of what they may say or what they claim, I dare you to find a single Millennial or Gen Z-er who doesnt have their favorite anime waifu, which is almost always conventionally attractive.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also the fact that it is highly customizable, meaning any rando can tune it to their taste.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yep. I remember that that was one of the cities they cited as being able to just waltz in and take it over while being welcomed as liberators. Then the second they stepped foot in there, they heard boss music start playing an never recovered.

Hell, even more than that, look at Mariupol. Its right on the border, and half the damn city was ethnic Russians (not Russian speakers, ETHNIC RUSSIANS). According to the Ruskies and their online simps, they should have been giving them bouquets of flowers like it was the damn Americans rolling into Holland. Instead, it resisted full scale siege warfare for months and only surrendered because they had literally nothing left to fight with. And the Russians had to leave behind forces to garrison the place they thought they would control easily.

TheModernDaVinci 0 points ago +1 / -1

A plenty of them are fighting for Ukraine too.

And a growing amount are joining to defend Ukraine as well. Turns out, bombing the people you claim to be "liberating" is a poor way to get them on your side. Especially since many of them actually changed sides after Russia took Crimea.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have been listening to the full thing now that its over (through Rekieta Law), and its actually kind of absurd. So many of Amber's witnesses just run with basing their testimony on "Well, she told me this" and not going any further than that. And most of them have been just as batty as her (like the hilariously biased psychiatrist who diagnosed Amber with PTSD by misusing the test). And like you said, she was arguing "I did all of these things to hide the abuse" while also arguing "Its a sign of oppression that no one knew I was being abused." Meanwhile, the only abuse that actually had video, audio, and witnesses to back it up was Johnny.

But she will never let this go. She cant. Not in a million years.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair: I dont know the logistics behind it, but the lazing was being done by the WSO using some sort of targeting pod while a the second plane was carrying the bombs. I dont know if thats particularly realistic, but it at least is something that seems believable enough to me.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

The cast is diverse but there isn't a single scene or even throwaway line about girlboss or black power or anything of that sort, it's all dealt with extreme respect and I did not expect that at all given the current state of things.

In fact, while all of the "diverse" characters are shown to be entirely competent, they are not even close to a match to Maverick. Which would make any sort of woke type go into an apoplectic rage.

I was also kind of fascinated that they managed to keep a lot of the downtime talking scenes from the first movie while also having a much more engaging action scene with the airstrike at the end.

And of course, I do like the casual dunking on the SU-57 that the movie does. "Super advanced fighter, better than our F-18's, can do all kinds of crazy bullshit moves....still loses to a 50-year old rust bucket."

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

I don't know Everclear's political podition but I'm guessing they are rather leftie

Just for the purpose of seeing how "accidental" such lyrics would be, I looked up some stuff about the lead singer (since they are usually the ones who set the tone for that kind of stuff). Some highlights I found:

  • Started out as Atheist, is now a Christian after being converted by his ex-fiancé. But dislikes Evangelical/Born-Again types.

  • Was in favor of Gay Marriage before it was a large scale event, but dropped the subject after it was legalized and has stayed quiet about modern LGBT issues.

  • Is against drug usage after almost dying to meth in his teens. Supports drug awareness campaigns, rehab groups, and has tried to help other entertainers kick their drug habits.

  • Has supported the military and military families with both donations and musical performances.

So if he is a Leftie, its an old-school 90's Clinton "Live and let live" type one that I think most people could get along with.

I have noticed a lot more performers than you might think that even if they didnt like Trump, they dont like the Woke either and are starting to rebel against it. One of the most popular songs to come out recently was by Falling in Reverse called Zombified, which is an explicit call out of Cancel Culture. So it shows what way the winds are blowing in my view.

A lot of metal bands that I listen to also lean toward the Libertarian type, because they are still saying "Authority is Authority, and we are against it."

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

In fact, not only do I agree there will be a correction (both in the economic and political sense), I think that I agree with Kurt Schlicter about what the longer term danger is. That being that its seeming increasingly likely that while a new Reagan would be the optimal path out for the country in the long term, we are increasingly staring down the possibility of an American Caesar. Because if the Elites/Fabians/Globalist, in their retarded harebrained schemes and lust for power, cause enough damage, it may be possible for the Caesar to come in and say that the Republic is dead, and that he can offer revenge on the people who murdered it. And he will dismantle anything that stands in the way of doing that (after all, the republic is already dead).

And that sounds nice and glorious when you have an Augustus or Marcus Aurelius in charge. But becomes a lot less good for the nation when you inevitably get a Nero or Caligula in charge.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would be shocked if he wasnt. From what little we have seen, its almost like every major Globalist figure is. Probably because they just cant help themselves. Whether its because they are retarded except in their one area of expertise, or they think because they are "evolved" above the average person (being God-Kings and all that) it means they dont have to follow it. Or maybe it some occult thing they do because they think it makes them seem smart when in reality they are just doing some "going through the motions" type ritual because they think existence is meaningless.

Whatever it may be, I imagine the list of famous people who arent in that list is much shorter than those who are. And usually they are trading one demon for another (for instance, I doubt Tom Cruise is in there, because he is too obsessed with his own Ego, which is why he was drawn to Scientology).

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

Which is honestly why I am not extremely concerned with these companies doing stuff like this. Call it the Woke Tax: You get to virtue signal about how your a good person, probably ignore the price tag, and the company in question takes you for a ride.

Meanwhile, I am looking at prices and choosing cheapest (although I will pay more for something not made in China. Been a lot of Vietnam, Mexico, and India recently).

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Went back and started playing Victoria 2 because the wait for Vicky 3 is tearing me up.

Other than that, I have been playing some Snowrunner (since that is a usual backup).

I have started playing through Cyberpunk 2077. Having played it a little at release (on PC) and playing it now, it has been improved significantly from what I remember. I will absolutely not miss it feeling like I was driving on ice skates, and weapons actually feel like they have some punch behind them now unless an enemy is super overleveled compared to you.

I have also been playing Mechwarrior Online with my buddies. We usually have a pretty well coordinated Lance, and how well we do usually depends on our own team. I am the heavy in the Lance, with my mains being Thunderbolt that I retuned for close range (SRM's instead of LRM's, extra armor, swapped out to HMG's on the arm), a Jagermech I have dubbed "The Pom-Pom" (gave it quad AC2s, and used the saved weight to give it extra ammo, armor, and an AMS system), a Battlemaster also retuned for close range, and if we are running heavy and its my turn to play ankle-bitter patrol, a Shadow Hawk that has been heavily customized (Rotary AC5, an extra M Laser, an AMS system, and maxed out armor, after very expensive upgrade to the engine and chassis cut down a lot of weight).

EDIT: also, if anyone is a fellow Vicky player, I am all ears for what would be the best mods for it. Because I never really played it modded but I hear it is a massive improvement over vanilla Vicky 2.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +2 / -1

suddenly less illegal, nor their effects on the economy acceptable.

The hell are you talking about? They have lived there for almost 150 years. Their ancestors where cowboys who came up from Mexico and Texas on the cattle drives and then stayed here. The ranches they own have been handed down through generations. And they are quite proud of that heritage, and are some of the most flag waving patriotic people I know. As well as one of the most conservative parts of the state. Incidentally, Also some of the most hardcore border hawks.

to also throw down their tribe to become one with the White.

Well you are in luck then. Because recent voting and census trends have show Hispanics starting to either identify as White, or vote with Whites on political issues. Only in California is that trend not happening, but both Texas and Florida have gone hard to the Right because of shifts in Hispanic voting. Because Hispanic actually are starting to become more like past immigrant waves (Germans, Irish, Italians, etc) where they keep some of their culture but otherwise integrate.

TheModernDaVinci 14 points ago +14 / -0

The part that worries me is that I will have to be doing it from both sides.

I will be having to slap young Leftist saying how the mayo monkeys are all spawn of Satan, and them not having the self awareness to realize they are basically saying everything Hitler ever said but with the races swapped.

But there has been a growing trend of a lot of younger Right-wingers who are seeming to decide that if they are going to be called White Supremacist, then they may as well become them. And they just get angry when I point out that culturally and politically, they have far more in common with the Hispanics living in Dodge City than they do with the White Yuppies and Marxist living in Lawrence and Overland Park.

TheModernDaVinci 14 points ago +14 / -0

Texas growing more left from 2008-2020

All the data shows that aint happening. If anything, its moving to the right. There was a mild downward trend in 2016, but 2020 moved more to the right, and recent elections have been moving significantly to the right. And there has been data now showing that the newcomers to the state are more likely to be Republican than the natives.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

For further proof of this, notice that the overwhelming majority of “gain” with the LGBT is Bisexuals. Which is as easy as saying you find a handful of same sex people attractive and then never actually doing anything.

(Note: I am not denying the existence of bisexuals. Just that it’s easy to fake).

by folx
TheModernDaVinci -1 points ago +8 / -9

Its not just on this. I have noticed a lot of people who are becoming actually, unironically regressive on a great many issues. And I cant understand why, other than for some reason they seem to think that the momentum is on their side and people want some ultra-traditionalist society.

When in reality, most of the backlash to the Woke and the rise of Populism is related to "We just want the government, society, these retards who believe woke shit, ALL of them, to leave us alone!"

And if people listen to the other retards who are doing things like saying "Hey, we should use the momentum to do things like ban porn.", I hope they are prepared to lose that momentum. Because it aint going to fly.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +8 / -1

To be fair to Imp, TSLA stock is hilariously overvalued. One of the worst performing car companies in terms of sales and financials has some of the most valuable stock not just in automotive, but in the market, period? If you buy that, I have other bridge related real estate you may be interested in.

But only on the stock front. Say what you would have back when this was all kicking off, I think Musk is in too deep for this to just be a meme.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not super surprised. While them trying to question Johnny's original lawyer didnt get them a ton (because attorney-client privilege was invoked for damn near everything Amber's team asked), one of the few things they did get out of him was that, oh hell yes, he was absolutely talking to Youtubers for getting info to the public. And scuttlebutt is that a lot of the media people and Amber's lawyers were absolutely seething over that fact, because how very dare he go to anyone but journalist.

by borga
TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Millennium Challenge" war games scenario

While I agree with your overall point, I would just like to say that from what I understand, he was put on blast for a lot more than going rogue. We are talking stuff like boats carrying missiles bigger than them, the kamikazes exceeding their own buoyancy with how many explosives they were carrying, motorcycle messengers that would have to be moving at light speed to do what they were doing, the whole shebang.

But like I said, the general point you are making is a good one, and even if he achieved the results through copious amounts of bullshit, the results would indeed speak for themselves. Its also part of why I think Taiwan would be even more able to hold off an attack than Ukraine is (since it has a pretty extensive anti-ship missile network, with further backing from the Japanese).

In the end, it remains true: No matter how much we think we have changed history, the only true way to ensure peace and the survival of your nation is through superior firepower.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have had a very love/hate relationship with Netflix Originals. Some of my favorite movies and shows ever made were made by Netflix, and I generally enjoy their anime selection. But with how expensive they are getting, and with the drop in quality of a lot of their newer stuff, I absolutely cant justify my own subscription and so I just use the one my family shares. At least for the few times I still watch it.

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