TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suppose the good thing is that people on the Right are starting to learn this again. You have Bannon and people associated with him taking over territory, and you have the likes of Scott Presler (1) making it so that the Republican Party outnumbers the Democrats in registered voters for the first time ever (and most of those votes are being pushed toward MAGA types). And they are using this newfound power to start taking the fight to the enemy in turf they can win to start fighting back. And then you have Daily Wire and other Right-Wing companies and individuals starting to set up their own cultural institutions, and they are even pulling in normies with some of this stuff .

The fight back is coming, and I think the ones in charge understand that. Its why I think they have become so brazen about their corruption. Much like the plotters at the end of a financial scheme, they have pushed it as far as they can go, and so are cashing out everything they can and hoping to make it so that someone else is holding the bag when the music stops.

Of course, keeping up with the Viking analogy, resecuring territory isnt the hard part. The hard part will be dealing with the areas that have been conquered and are under the thumb of the Danelaw. Although I still think we win in the end. And so far, the world has been following the outline from a historian I watched almost a year ago.

(1): I still cant believe they let him get away from Jan. 6 stuff without an arrest, even though he is probably one of their greatest political threats. Of course, it shows that maybe they dont think he is, and that will be their own undoing.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

While there was never really any closure to it (because it got memory-holed), I stand by my theory that the mass shooting at the country music festival in Las Vegas was a Leftist attempting to kill "Trump Supporters." And that the media memory-holed it because if it came out that a Leftist killed almost 80 people and injured hundreds on the grounds of "Trump is a Fascist! The Media told me so!", it would have ended in a very bad time for them and their cause.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +8 / -2

But then they might have to admit the war is winnable, and its their own defeatism that is making them miserable and causing their losses. And then they might actually have to step up and fight, instead of just bitching and moaning about how its all over but the crying. And we cant have that, because its so much easier to just bitch and moan instead of put your nose to the grindstone and fight.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

If someone wants to hold the institution hostage... we can always destroy the institution and build a new one.

To the point I have even heard someone I know say "Kill the hostage" in relation to institutional capture. And yea, I have noticed it is a very American attitude, especially over the last few years.

I was thinking about it today listening to the Lotus Eaters podcast, where Carl was yet again going on one of his anti-republican rants. Where, in relation to the US, he said that he opposes republics because they are (direct quote) "inherently unstable and prone to corruption", and was once again saying how constitutional monarchy is the superior government. Yet I distinctly remember him and his cohorts bitching and moaning that Elizabeth is fine-ish, but the rest of the Royal Family are a bunch of clowns kissing up to Klaus and the Davos brigade. Because I suppose they would rather keep up that old English decorum instead of living wild and free.

Meanwhile, I have found that an increasing chunk of people are open to what would have been considered radical change even just a few years ago, for the simple reason of "The hostage is an enemy agent. Shoot him." Just to go with law enforcement (because its the one I have noticed one of the largest swings), there is the obvious, growing push to nuke the FBI. This is expected, the FBI has been an issue since it was established. But I have even heard some people taking on the stance that we should get rid of all municipal police, and replace it all with sheriffs. On the grounds that a sheriff is elected, and therefore directly accountable to their voters. Because I am sure its not coincidence that all of the based law enforcement, saying things like "Fuck the state and their mask mandates! Live free or die!" and "You know, honestly, just shoot the bastard if he breaks in your house. I wont even be mad." have been elected sheriffs in almost every case. And the only national level police I have heard people be willing to spare are the US Marshals, and I would imagine that is because they are usually too busy doing gangster shit to be someone's political hitmen.

But like you said, suggesting something like that happen in the UK would cause a sharp "I SAY, SIR!!" and cause them to go into an existential crisis...which is why they fail.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Although I will say, to me the whole situation has kind of shown what you are talking about for how you cant just back away and then wage a war to destroy the Fabians (in relation to the idea of "national divorce"). Because Putin attempted to do just that, and now he is getting absolutely laid out due to a combination of his own military being incompetent/underequipped, the Ukrainians going absolutely buck-ass wild on Russian ass against everyone's initial beliefs, and it being laid bare that US/NATO equipment is significantly more potent. And so now Putin will likely be destroyed, and all of his efforts to protect Russia from the Fabians will be for naught.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hey, let’s just run with the Lefts view in this: You are not Black, because you are acting White. Therefore, you don’t get deported to New Liberia.

(Note: this is me deliberately running with an absurd premise for a joke, do not take seriously)

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

That depends. Does “Literally recreating the Southern Aristocracy word for word, with with American blacks taking on the Plantation owner position with the natives as slaves” count as treating the natives like crap?

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +3 / -1

If you want more proof of this, look at the war in Ukraine right now. Russia is getting its shit pushed in, all of its “game changing” weapons are either nonexistent or a joke, and their true capabilities are shown to be even more of a joke.

And this is against a country they actually share a border with. Naval invasions are the single most difficult military operation to perform. And you expect me to believe China, who lost the last war they fought since they went Commie, can do it? While facing down the objectively superior US and Japanese navy, as well as Taiwans extensive anti-ship mission and not insignificant navy? Don’t make me laugh.

Much like with Russia, I don’t fear their military. I fear their subversion. And even that is starting to fail as China’s economy is beginning to falter.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

And now Twitter is suing him to force him to buy. Its almost like they dont even understand the game being played. Because its blatantly obvious that Musk is going to respond to that with "Well, if you insist." and take it over...after they spent months fighting to keep him from doing that very thing!

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

That also makes sense. But if it is three years, that could change his outlook and maybe convince him to make the move permanent. But I wouldnt be surprised if he goes back either, since Canada is still his home after all.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +12 / -6

With respect, having also seen the movie and loved it, I think you are just looking for reasons to nitpick.

The "cool, collected" ones still have their own issues. Phoenix has an arrogant streak to her as well, she just keeps it in check better. And while Hangman is indeed a cocky asshole, it is repeatedly shown throughout the movie that, like Mav in the first movie, he is cocky because he has the skill to back it up. He is the only one who can even keep up with Mav in training, with everyone else consistently losing. I also think calling Bob a "pathetic mal-adjusted autistic loser" is not accurate. He is shown to be a mild stick in the mud when first meeting everyone, but in other scenes you see him cut loose and actually get along and join in the party. Also worth mentioning that Bob is more in line with most fighter pilots I have ever met, if that means anything to you.

For authority figures, the black one standing up for him is one. The only other prominent black guy is Mavs personal mechanic. And the black guy is outranked by the white guy who dislikes Mav. And part of the point is that Mav has done tons of shit that he would have gotten him either thrown out of the Navy or even arrested. Its explicitly stated that the only reason he even still has his wings is because Iceman is using his Admiral rank to protect him.

And of course, the dinner scene is nothing like you describe. He is getting gwacked at because he is out of place and covered in scorching. The only one who calls him a "space man" is a little kid who wouldnt know better. I also wouldnt describe the crowd as "backward rednecks." They looked like totally average working class people, nothing more, nothing less.

Dont get me wrong. I think Hollywood will burn before it changes its ways. I just dont think Top Gun is an example of being woke unless you want to make the bar for "woke" be so low as to be useless.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

Not really super surprised. While I dont watch all of his streams, I know that he was extremely blackpilled on the future of Canada after their last election and after his run failed to gain even the mildest of traction. So like probably like many a people, he probably said "Fuck it" and fled to a place that at least has a chance to turn around.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

The United Kingdom actually has the hardest fight of all with the fact that within their borders is the center of Fabian Socialism and it's political and monetary structures of power.

It really is pretty bad. I was listening the the Lotus Eaters break down the potential new PM's, and they were massively blackpilled over the entire situation. Mostly because their options were either obvious WEF/Fabian stooges, people who talked a big game but buckled under pressure, or various other flavors of Uniparty. And unlike in the US, they dont really have anywhere for the Dissident Right to go. So they believe they are stuck there with no cavalry riding to the rescue.

Scotland may be easier to liberate than Ireland. Scotland isn't advocating for it's own demographic replacement of the Scots,

They arent? I could have sworn that the [still ironically named] Scottish Nationalist Party were some of the most hardcore in that regard in the entire Isles?

Poland, Hungary, and Austria

Did I miss something? Granted, it was from a few years ago, but I thought I remembered Austria being even more cucked to the Globalist order than Germany was. But if they arent, great.

The Fabians and Europhiles might have an iron grip on institutions, but their real power over their populations is genuinely diminishing.

Probably doubly so because there is growing resentment for those institutions. People are becoming increasingly angered by the idea of "rule by expert" like this institutions are trying to cram down on everyone, and everyone is demanding they either be reigned in or failing that razed to the ground. And no one is really willing to listen to the old "But they are traditional!" arguments about these institutions when they went from respected places that everyone loved to the direct cause of making their lives hell. And it doesnt help that the Fabians have literally nothing to rely on except appealing to said institutions that more and more people are starting to ignore.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair. But the reformation of State Guard would at least be a start since they are answerable to the Governor rather than the Fed. You would just have to actually knuckle down and enforce some training regimes as well as find friendly arms suppliers. Which honestly may not be that difficult since so many arms makers are becoming fed up with the Left constantly trying to screw them. The harder would come in your heavy ordinance you outlined in the other post (naval and air power). That may require some creativity. Could help rebound the American shipping industry though if done right.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

As far as I know, that is exactly what Florida and Texas have been doing. Florida reestalished their State Guard and is inviting people fired from the military to come join. And then Texas is encouraging disgruntled Border Patrol to join the Texas Rangers, and then has been using said Rangers to enforce border law (since now its Texas law they are breaking), as well as fighting the various cities doing stupid things in a very "One Riot, One Ranger" attitude reborn.

I suppose now, we just need to start convincing other states to do that. And considering most of the local elections are starting to be won by MAGA types, that bodes well for such strategies.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think they are all great points, but I am going to play devils advocate here:

For the last two years, especially in massive cities like NYC, we have been dealing with and seeing situations were situations have gone 0-60 in an instant and people they thought where going to just simply assault them ended up becoming killers, usually because they were "disrespected" or some other stupid, pointless shit. And at the same time, these same locations have seen their police be kneecapped so that they can't actually enforce the laws as required.

So we have been seeing cases where people just do their own justice or defend themselves without really considering proportional force. Because they feel they have no options left so they need to take matters into their own hands.

And its why I like states like mine where the self-defense laws are extremely wide and the local culture favors self-defense. The example I always use was a local farmer shooting three burglars, killing two. And not only did he not get charged, not only did the sheriff issue him an award for "cleaning up the community", the surviving burglar was charged with the deaths on the grounds of "He is the one who convinced them it was a good idea, so its his fault they are dead." And a local jury said "Sounds reasonable. Guilty on all counts."

Now with all that said, I will admit that based on the video and the explanation from that defense expert you showed, I will admit that while I lean toward him being in the right on a gut level, I will admit that it is absolutely a dirty case and I wouldnt not be shocked if he was convicted of anything. Just that it feels wrong to me. Of course, if we actually went hard against crime and punished people to cut down on the crime rate and make it so that people didnt feel the need to escalate, we could avoid this all together. But that would mean and entire upending of the political order in NYC. And considering that that town has been corrupt for centuries by this point....

TheModernDaVinci 19 points ago +19 / -0

Well if it means anything to you, he was apparently also sighted running to a ship with suitcases. So he may well be unironically fleeing.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I found the name of it by the way, because it was bugging me. Its called Things Fall Apart. And I also reread the synopsis to refresh my memory. It was definitely a curious read, but your average SJW type would be horrified by it. You want some real toxic masculinity? How does three wives and thinking that you have to always fight when challenged (and refusing to fight makes you a coward and therefore dishonorable) sound? But obviously, that is how it is over there with the actual culture of a location, rather than the Leftist demand for the Universal Man.

They have no idea that the English and French didn't even understand why Americans were segregating people by race.

Not only that. I remember seeing some training videos that were shown to US soldiers going over to the UK during the war where it was an older British woman inviting a black soldier over for tea, and the white soldier had to explain to the audience "You may not like it, but that is how it is over there."

And when you look at African-American troops in WW1 (like the Harlem Hellfighters), the reason they always have French gear is because the Americans army refused to equip them.

But all white people are totally the same, and every white country has had the same race relations that the US has. And the US was totally universal in its race relations as well, so we must hold everyone to the same standard.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

It was very popular in Nigeria, but unfortunately for upper-middle class American blacks, it was non-western, and tribal. It focused very heavily around Patriarchs struggling to live up to their responsibilities; social obligations to family, society, and faith; and is a bit confusing at times because you are expected to basically unwind entire communal and social networks by memory (such that it's hard for atomized westerners to keep track of).

This sounds extremely familiar to me. Is it the one where yams are their main crop and currency and it ends with the main character committed suicide because he couldnt take it anymore. And some British explorer looked on and was essentially thinking "how quaint" over all of their customs?

Either way, your main point about actual African culture being incompatible with the Black Liberation types in the US and UK is solid. Its the same problem I have whenever games and movies gender and race swap characters in historical settings when there are plenty of stories they could go to that havent even been tapped yet.

Just as an example, I still get steamed under the collar about Battlefield 5 erasing the Norwegian commandos at Telemark and replacing them with some absolute rando mother/daughter team. Meanwhile, I havent really seen anything except a Sabaton song about Milunka Savić, who is the single most decorated female soldier in history and was so good at what she did that she was put into one the elite Serbian assault units, and avoided discharge after her identity was discovered on the grounds of "But she is one of our best soldiers..."

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

When you read the accounts of what the Mayans did from other American sources, it's clear that this was a civilization of actual god damned savages who built an empire of terror,

So much so that when some strange, swarthy people came on moving islands carrying fire sticks and wearing an unknown armor, other tribes threw themselves at these strangers and begged them to help kill the Mayans. Same for the Aztecs. And while there were plenty of American Indian tribes that were reasonable, there were plenty that were just as insane and violent. Which is why so many Westerns have Indians as the bad guys.

But remember, they are just poor, misunderstood, Noble Savages and we should learn from them. (note: this stance makes a lot more sense now that I have gone back and learned more about Rousseau)

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Speaking as someone from that part of the country:

You dont hear about "Big Farm" (outside of Monsanto) because they are to busy doing real shit. They have more important things to be concerned about, and like most farmers and rural people are usually already on top of conservation efforts and making them work in the way it was originally intended (IE: balancing a need for nature and humanities needs, instead of worshiping Gaia or whatever the eco-nuts do). And in this part of the country, an endorsement from the state Farm Bureau can make or break someones political career.

Which all is to say: What they are doing in the Netherlands would never fly here. Because the second you tried, the Farm Bureau, the ranchers, and all of the relevant corps would just laugh in your face and keep doing their thing. Just like we did when Covid hit.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hell, it even applies to those who got the shots but were not histrionic about the whole thing. Almost everyone I know has had at least two shots, no one has had any side effects from them, and no one has had "long covid."

It is an issue that exist solely in the minds of those who were whipped into a frenzy by the media and political establishment.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with Styx analysis that it seems more likely that he was just a blackpilled edgelord. Someone who was probably think something along the lines of "Fuck the Left. Fuck Trump. Fuck Everyone. Its all over. No one will save us. The NWO won. We will never be happy. I may as well just cause some misery and become infamous. Besides, they would thank me for saving them from hellworld."

Because that is indeed an attitude that seems to be growing among a disturbingly large amount of the young population, and it would explain his seemingly all over the place political views.

TheModernDaVinci 16 points ago +16 / -0

There is actually a study I saw that showed that "long covid" does indeed exist...as a psychological issue, not a physical one. As in, people so utterly convince themselves that they have it that they experience all of the symptoms without anything actually being wrong, in much the same way a placebo works.

Can you guess what type of people are usually the ones displaying signs of this issue? Which would also explain the Blue Check Wokeist knowing so many?

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

Incidentally, we are starting to see that very thing happen right now. Cities are emptying out right now, and seeing millions move to different cities that are more sane, or even returning to smaller cities in smaller states. And while there was initial fear that these people would be Leftist infiltrators, new data shows that the overwhelming majority of them are dissidents fleeing the Cult of Progress. When the Leftist flee, they are doing it to the cities that are more radically devoted to the Cult, like Seattle and Portland.

And they are collapsing while the likes of Florida and Texas are thriving. And out here in the Midwest, there is an industrial rebound taking place as companies look to onshore in the face of the collapsing global order. And its surely no coincidence that they are going back to the places that welcome their business and have workers demanding a hard day, and not to the decadent cities of the Cult of Progress.

So I say look to these cities as a warning. And when we win, send the colonist back in to reconquer the land in the name of liberty and Americanism.

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