TentElephant 12 points ago +16 / -4

The same thing that has worked for all high cultures, heterosexual marriage.

TentElephant -8 points ago +6 / -14

He has reduced them to pleasure meat, no different than a good veal.

TentElephant 3 points ago +9 / -6

This particular case isn't a huge problem, but the logic is. The reasoning of consent demonstrably brought us to this point of trans kids dancing on stripper poles, and always will. Hedonism as a value is not healthy for society.

TentElephant 0 points ago +5 / -5

It's not particularly good for the women. Every new partner a woman has impairs her ability to bond, or as Gibbons put it, "the female mind is totally depraved by the loss of chastity."

TentElephant 7 points ago +16 / -9

I'm saying that consent is not a solid foundation of sexual morality. Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong based purely on a consent based system, but most people instinctively recognize that the casting couch is not a good thing. The sexual revolution, and its consequences, have been a disaster for civilization.

TentElephant 8 points ago +18 / -10

but so long as everything is on the table then who cares how a couple of consenting adults date?

If consent is the sole foundation of sexual morality, your moral system is based solely on power and you're on the slope to "but what if the child consents?"

This particular situation isn't a huge problem by itself and I'm rather fond of such a pure display of misogyny, but the reasoning that brought it about isn't sound.

TentElephant 17 points ago +17 / -0

The irony of course is that the police are the reason a not insignificant number of peaceful protestors are still alive. Were it not for the threat of the police arresting people, hastily assembled militias would have given them all a whiff of grape shot.

TentElephant 36 points ago +36 / -0

Random time traveling conspiracy frogs on the internet. I get the news six months to two years in advance.

TentElephant 9 points ago +9 / -0

One party is retarded. One party is evil. Occasionally they get together to do something retardedly evil, and this is what we call bipartisanship.

TentElephant 5 points ago +6 / -1

The midwit instinctively knows what power wants and happily repeats the right words, without understanding, in the hopes of being rewarded with favors. As true NPCs, many will become equally radically right and pretend they always believed such. There were plenty of people that served the Third French Republic, the Vichy government, and de Gaulle with equal zeal.

TentElephant 5 points ago +6 / -1

The vast majority will abandon ship in a heartbeat. When the NSDAP had secured power in Germany, the KPD swelled their ranks, despite the fact that they had been murdering each other in the streets the month before. Those commies had been hardened both in the trenches of WW1 and the streets of Weimar. Our commies only act out as long as they have the power of the state behind them, and it is still pretty pathetic; they couldn't even take a single courthouse in Portland.

TentElephant 37 points ago +37 / -0

Demagogue comes from ancient Greece and means leader of the common people. Given the current state of the elites, demagoguery is the only way out and Trump should be proud of such a title.

TentElephant 10 points ago +10 / -0

The aesthetic is pretty cool imo, but this drooling old man can't pull it off. Nobody believes pudding cup is capable of commanding his sphincter. Can we please stop hyping our enemy as if he is a powerful demagogue?

TentElephant 17 points ago +17 / -0

If only Republicucks were that based. It was a prime opportunity to abolish the pedo indoctrination centers.

TentElephant 3 points ago +3 / -0

A competent regime, as the west had since WW2 until recently, can assimilate most potential elites into its ranks, which was the point of the university system, or ruthlessly crush them in infancy, as what happened to the various militia groups in the 80s and 90s.

TentElephant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Foreign powers instigating regime change is not the people organically rising up because they were disgruntled by material conditions, which is a silly Marxist myth.

by folx
TentElephant 32 points ago +32 / -0

The benefit of the slave is that they are cared for and do not have to worry about food, housing, etc. The benefit of the free man is that he has agency in the world. We have the worst of both worlds where people have neither agency nor someone to provide for them.

TentElephant 4 points ago +6 / -2

The People don't revolt. As long as a regime is strong, starving the masses makes them more compliant, such as in the holodomor. Change requires a weak regime that questions its own legitimacy and a competent replacement elite that feels the right to rule.

TentElephant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, any useful knowledge will be easy to demonstrate, which is why the diplomas need to be made worthless. Employers should also be free to use IQ tests or any other selection criteria they desire, regardless of disparate racial impact.

TentElephant 20 points ago +20 / -0

Student loan abolition is only reasonable after all the university assets are seized, student records destroyed, and diplomas are sold for 5$ a pop.

by folx
TentElephant 15 points ago +16 / -1

Negative reviews are the best indicator of the quality of a product.

This flashlight failed within a month.

Don't buy

This flashlight can't even wash my dog.


by folx
TentElephant 30 points ago +31 / -1

Sounds great! Bring back brutal consequences in video games to gatekeep the trash. No more saving or checkpoints, ever.

TentElephant 18 points ago +18 / -0

He's rightly paranoid that people want his head and getting while the gettings good.

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