No, you guessed my politics extremely poorly.
That coffee guy is mainlining some serious black tar copium, and it's great.
Ah, I wasn't picking up on that.
The only people that could possibly punish that are in the RNC, and they want those twats doing it just as much if not more.
It's significant in that this is so much bigger than the DNC. It's the RNC, Canada, England, Israel, etc. Focusing on the DNC is like blaming a corner boy for global drug trafficking.
This is work for globohomo, not the DNC. They did the same thing with the Arab Spring.
If ACW2 kicks off, the patriot army is going to be stacked.
how incredible it was that [Hitler] was able to accumulate so much power and would talk about all the great things he and the Nazi Party achieved for the German people
Where's the lie though?
expressed his “admiration” for the Nazis and Hitler for their use of propaganda
Papers have been written on Nazi propaganda and the techniques have made their way into the standard leftist playbook. Every progressive political activist is an adherent of the Nazi propaganda style whether they know it or not, although Goebbels put a strong emphasis on spinning the truth and disdained outright lying.
Democracy is a means not a end. The form of any system is far less relevant than the elites that control it. The goal is always a good government that uplifts and protects its people.
The setting itself is tailored such that the IoM is the only reasonable form of government, and there is more freedom tolerated in the IoM than our current western regime. Total homogenization and control over every aspect of life is neither desired nor pursued by the Imperium. Most planets are left to operate in any way they see fit as long they pay their taxes and don't mess with chaos or xenos, although some interaction with xenos is tolerated. The Imperium puts all its effort into protecting its borders and citizens.
If a true democracy was implemented at midnight, the people will have voted for a fascist to abolish it by sunrise.
This is what going public does to a high-quality niche company. Don't let the people own your means of production.
Why does she love White people so much that only they should be protected from this torture? It is against the Geneva convention to intentionally inflict such suffering.
ultimately peace depends upon the wishes of the great powers and the great powers alone
Anyone who denies this self-evident fact should be laughed out of the room the same way one would be for denying apples fall from trees.
If you get in, recommend me for the Uncle Ted Talks.
The good news is that no one in the White House is in charge of anything. The bad news is we don't who is.
I'm not aware of any civilization that didn't have a form of currency. It would be easier to eliminate the wheel, as at least you'd be able to pay people to go around breaking wheels.
They were both Germans, so not much. Catherine invited in a bunch of Germans and Alexander II handed over Russian foreign policy to Germany.
Those examples aren't proving what you think they are.
If having a foreigner as the head of government isn't an indicator of occupation, I don't know what possibly could be.
It's possible for two people to be bad. It's even possible for every PM from Churchill onward to be bad. There's a part of me that thinks Corbyn would have been better, although still generally bad. Being an avowed leftist radical would have prevented him from being as leftist as the Tories have been due to political constraints. At a minimum, his foreign policy would have been better.
It's a pretty good indication Britain is an occupied country.
He's not British.
This is answering the wrong question. "Who is controlling the White House?" is far less important than "where is sovereignty?" Trump demonstrated clearly that the master of the White House is not the sovereign power of the US. On rare occasion it has been, as in the cases of FDR and Lincoln, and it can be again, but the White House has been pushed away from power for a long time.