TaylorLorenz 4 points ago +4 / -0

"There's more to marriage than beating your wife"

TaylorLorenz 19 points ago +19 / -0

Harvard will sacrifice 400 years of academic integrity.

How much is 400 years of academic integrity worth when CURRENTLY its students and professors are chosen for their history of black activism/crime instead of basic merit based qualifications.

How can any sane employer trust a Harvard qualification unless its on an Asian kid.

AA is how they get into university, AA is how they graduate university (as evidenced by Claudine Gay) AND what they expect to do in your office - (sit around and plan lawsuits against your company)

TaylorLorenz 13 points ago +13 / -0

"God gave you eyes, so plagiarize" - Claudine Gay

"We cannot expect black people to be able to achieve a PhD on their own" - Harvard's board right now

TaylorLorenz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pesos, that's a bit beyond me

A bit beyond me too. When you get to a certain age (my 80s) you can't pick up new things.

Here is an economist who explained how it might work and has worked in nearby countries :


TaylorLorenz 18 points ago +18 / -0

/r/Ireland is going overboard with NGO sponsored posts :


"Also this isn't the point of the post but the lad was a foreign national and embodied some of the best of our values"

translation :

"this was the entire point of the post op, I could hear you threatening to burst as soon as I read the title. This thread wouldn't exist if he was Irish. Signal harder lad."

TaylorLorenz 16 points ago +16 / -0

Same thing on reddit -


When a trans man rapes a woman the reddit trans mods always HEAVILY moderate the comments to shape the narrative.

329 comments were posted, but only 100 of the comments were approved (probably certified trans accounts)

If you post ANYTHING, it will never appear to other users. You can verify this by right clicking and 'open in new brave browser tab via tor'. Reddit 2023 : "Free Speech* - *But Only if you have a history of covering up trans rapes"

TaylorLorenz 10 points ago +10 / -0

And then retracted the study when their data error was pointed out.

Ooops. Only vaccine-positive information is allowed to be published! Cover it all up and start P-hacking for a new result.

TaylorLorenz 11 points ago +11 / -0

For years, Erdogan famously FORCED the turkish central bank to keep interest rates ultra low (creating all the inflation Turkey has today)

(If you want to blame women - look at Yellen, the convicted criminal who runs the ECB or the woman who created Covid19)

TaylorLorenz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not 100% related, but Scotland recently changed their trans laws -

If you have harmed a woman, Trans cannot be sent to a woman's prison.

Great - so they acknowledge that trans are lying to sexually abuse women? Why allow them in other vulnerable places?

Hospitals/Other offenders in prison/Nursing homes etc etc

TaylorLorenz 15 points ago +15 / -0

Central bankers don't get enough blame for the inflation that they cause -

"Inflation is always caused by central bankers"


But we see so many politicians lying to protect central bankers : "Putinflation" as Biden's white house jester calls it. (Unfortunately for the thieving liars in charge - US inflation was at +7.9% BEFORE Putin's surprise invasion in February 2022*)

(* https://cpiinflationcalculator.com/2022-cpi-and-inflation-rate-for-the-united-states/ )

If they can get away with this OBVIOUS lie - what else are they also lying about?

TaylorLorenz 7 points ago +7 / -0

Imagine a white person going to Saudi Arabia and changing their national anthem?

Why are white cultures the only ones attacked for defending themselves?

TaylorLorenz 17 points ago +17 / -0

Clown transforming meme:

"Replacement Theory is a dangerous conspiracy"

"Replacement is good and here's why you should accept it"

"London has always been black - whatchu talkin bout?"

TaylorLorenz 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's the way I'm interpreting 'my father was not financially involved in my business'

But Hunter is gambling that Republicans cannot uncover the financial kickbacks he made to his father?

TaylorLorenz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think China's foreign reserves are likely to be seized, as they are mostly held in safe and liquid assets, such as US Treasury bonds.

I can't find anything definitive. But I expect that's exactly what the Russian foreign reserves were invested in. (Central banks are all pretty conservative and copy each other.)


I personally wouldn't like to predict how safe these assets would be if a war breaks out and the US congress starts passing legislation.

If I were China, I wouldn't take that risk for 1%(?) interest income that these legacy bonds are paying. Now would be a good time to take profits as US bonds have just rallied on mere expectations that rates will be cut in future.

TaylorLorenz 7 points ago +7 / -0

Large accumulation of foreign exchange reserves.

I have been thinking about this recently. We saw with Russia what happens to a government's 'foreign reserves'. The ECB stole them all and is even discussing given them to Zelensky! China's $3trillion in foreign reserves could easily end up a $3trillion donation to their biggest enemies in Taiwan.

  • There is another way to weaken a currency - low interest rates.

With CBDCs replacing cash, china could easily roll out negative interest rates. Seize people's savings and what are they going to do about it? withdraw it into cash that was just replaced?

I heard that China's entire Domestic housing market was worth $70 trillion.

So even if they sell all their US bond holdings it wouldn't cover much of their housing debt. If their economy starts to see a massive shift away from property ownership the slide would be unstoppable.

Many of the smartest Chinese citizens are investing in overseas markets (where even as a foreigner they likely have MORE protection than if they buy an asset in china). To the Chinese citizen investing in Vancouver, they don't even care about a small decline in house prices - because if they keep the assets in china they are risking 100% of it being seized by the government.

TaylorLorenz 33 points ago +33 / -0


So why does EVERY BBC article and reddit comment section name Tommy Robinson as Stephen Lennon?

He only changed his name to protect his family from the muslim murderers who have sent him thousands of death threats.

Not like he just wants to groom children and hang around in women's changing rooms!

TaylorLorenz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indians outnumber white people IN THE UK positions of power.

Every region of britain is now run by indians - this is what pre genocide replacement looks like

TaylorLorenz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do people still use tumblr? I thought it died when they banned porn

TaylorLorenz 13 points ago +13 / -0

They are fucked.

Every sane animal looks at its surroundings - food availability/housing availability and makes a calculation as to how many kids it can support. Because the cost of having too many kids is genetically very expensive. (It could easily lead to all of the family starving)

When Japanese people have to have both parents working and they have to take out 100 year mortgages to afford a house - who is to say they didn't accurately perform this calculation?

I would be more worried by third world Somali women who look at their zero food situation, and think 'this is the ideal situation for another 10 kids'

TaylorLorenz 8 points ago +8 / -0


Taylor Lorenz is one of the youngest journalists of the 19th century. It is perfectly acceptable for her to DM and manipulate the young children of Kellyanne Conway

TaylorLorenz 7 points ago +7 / -0

Greatest journalist of our time.

F*ck those frauds like Julian Assange who speak out against the government.

A great journalist says exactly what the government wants, but also able to take photos with her iphone.

TaylorLorenz 71 points ago +74 / -3

Piracy is the only morally justified way to play video games.

Anything else and you support these communists who create NOTHING and are trying to subvert free speech and our society.

edit: also supporting small creators like Lethn of course (;

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