Soup_Navy_Admiral 5 points ago +5 / -0

Never thought I'd say this, but Joe Biden said it better: "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

Soup_Navy_Admiral 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't let him take control during the chaos.

Fight on for socialism.

@elonmusk #Apocalypse #gamergate #WakandaForever #TwitterTakeover #twitch #onlyfanslatinas



Soup_Navy_Admiral 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please stay away from the classics.

The Revolution will not succeed if people keep seeing reminders of how good they had it before.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 1 point ago +1 / -0

They paint the flag on the street and call it hate crimes when people leave tire tracks.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 6 points ago +6 / -0

(“It’s only happened a few times, and I’m not in any way proud of it”) when she’s seen “a picture of me where I feel like I looked like my tummy was too big, or… someone said that I looked pregnant … and that’ll just trigger me to just starve a little bit — just stop eating.”

"Starve a little bit"? She sounds like she's talking about intermittent fasting, not being anorexic.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 24 points ago +24 / -0

Surrounding yourself with enablers, taking drugs and cutting body parts off isn't a viable solution to mental problems?

This is amazing! Unprecedented! Do I smell a Nobel?

(But seriously, glad someone had the guts to say it.)

Soup_Navy_Admiral 8 points ago +8 / -0

A mystery woman inexplicably went from a regular bodega customer to a box cutter-swinging menace on the Lower East Side — with the bizarre episode ending with the woman stripping off her clothes and trying to break into a nearby deli, video obtained by the Daily News shows.

Saved you a click.

by folx
Soup_Navy_Admiral 9 points ago +9 / -0

... because most of them are men.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn't even know there was a sequel but can only imagine how bad it must be.

Especially since the lead actor died before the sequel could be filmed.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well, they probably both agree on stuff like groping women and girls, so they had a lot in common to start with.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, outside of major learning disabilities like dyslexia, I just can't fathom how anyone can have so much trouble with it.

Step 1: Teach every kid the same course plan as you use to teach dyslexics.

Step 2: Get confused why everyone's reading like dyslexics.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny, if you posit another country is a centralized hub of all that's bad in the world, including ideology it's specifically exporting to vulnerable foreign powers, you get called all sorts of names.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 5 points ago +5 / -0

Probably what any old school (or even early new school) Doctor Who fan would say.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ah, the same sharp mind that deals with the Saudis, the Russians, the economy....

Soup_Navy_Admiral 12 points ago +12 / -0

I seem to recall a meme of an old German soldier and an old American soldier, where the German is asking if society as it is now was worth it.

(If I had it, I'd post it. I'd probably wind up posting it a lot, though.)

Soup_Navy_Admiral 3 points ago +3 / -0

Voxility has blackholed the IP serving the 503 error page for the Kiwi Farms explaining how large ISPs are censoring the Internet. This was done at direct request of Liz Fong-Jones and without any explanation.

OK, who the hell IS this bathtub-drug freak that has so much fucking power?

Soup_Navy_Admiral 15 points ago +15 / -0

Oh, good, another reason not to subscribe.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 3 points ago +3 / -0

New post from Null, presented without comment (except that I didn't realize how few big ISPs there were):

I am doing two things right now:

  1. I am looking at strengthening our network for the return to clearnet.
  2. I am going to replicate the backend so that we can never be knocked off Tor again. This is something I can do on my own. I should have done it sooner but I thought I had more time.

The reality of a Tier 1 provider like Zayo censoring the Internet is very dire and I hope you will pay attention.

In the world of ISPs, there are very few real players. There are 15 tier 1 networks in existence. There are many more ISPs, but they generally all connect to a Tier 1 network.

Additionally, there are even fewer ISPs which provide DDoS protection. These companies (Path, Telia, Voxility, Zayo) are more politically charged than a normal ISP. Without them, should you manage to peer, you are not on the Internet if you cannot handle DDoS attacks yourself. DDoS mitigation has never been made a core part of the Internet, and I believe that weakness is deliberately encouraged by governments, as the US government routinely utilizes DDoS attacks to censor networks like Tor.

A DDoS attack can be between 1Gbps and 100Gbps or higher. A 10Gbps line is about $700/mo. This scales pretty linearly, with some bulk discounts. Not all routers can handle 10Gbps, and few routers can handle 100Gbps. Those are also thousands of dollars each. Then you actually have to find a way to scrub the attack bandwidth.

Meanwhile, we are not allowed to conduct ordinary business. Without reason and without appeal, I cannot process credit cards. We would easily make five times what do now if I could simply charge people for services like any other website. That is not possible because of the financial censorship, and as a result I am very limited in what I can realistically afford to do.

So, ultimately, we are reliant on a few companies to continue tolerating us and one of the best ways to be tolerated is to have an established business relationship. If you've been at one datacenter talking to the same people for 20 years, as is often the case in the industry, they are likely to handle things diplomatically. If you are dropped in their lap last weekend like a pot of boiling water, they are unlikely to.

Even the companies that do want to help are often underneath companies that do not want to help. The datacenter Worldstream in the Netherlands has blocked us, and thus any company that operates out of Worldstream cannot support us.

I do like my website, and after spending time on other communities I know that nothing will ever replace it if the circus of sex pests and psychologically disturbed slacktivists have their way.

I also am very sad to see these state of affairs. Without breaking the law, without piracy, and without incident (like Tarrant and Jan 6 with 8chan), we have been censored at some of the highest reaches of the Internet. A handful of very mentally ill people sending nasty emails, threatening the families of datacenter employees, and calling in favors with friends in high places have very effectively snapped the neck of the interconnected world.

Every year the diversity of websites online shrinks, and the centralization of services grow. Those who should want to fight a tech oligarchy instead cheer it on and help consolidate its power. I am helplessly watching the Internet, and the freedom it has brought our entire species, die a slow death. It hurts. The Internet is being murdered by shortsighted parasites, and they will never realize how big a mistake it is until there's no going back.

Soup_Navy_Admiral 4 points ago +4 / -0

(Kylo Ren anyon?)

Anyone else grow up watching the Star Wars cartoons and was constantly getting reminded of the dumpy little space pirate in black armor named Kybo Ren?

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