Fauci has already signaled they'll use the same language here in the US with the "shifting definition" terminology from "full vaccinated" to "up to date"
Over at Reddit they're complaining that "red states" won't support Apple's iPhone updates to digitally carry your vaccination status in the Apple Wallet which won't be fully rolled out until OCTOBER 2022 - 8 MONTHS FROM NOW https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/spdxy5/ios_1531_released/hweziub/
tl;dr - yes.
This isn't true of just Marxists - It's a tactic of any/all totalitarian political movements that desire power over all. (obviously not "free thinking" movements) On the right this usually comes in the form of religious movements but the left is almost always secular communist (which I'd argue is its own religion but that's another argument).
The tactic is the same - control the press, control the message, then use the message to dictate new laws which increase the power grabs until there are no freedoms and the power remains only with a few individuals who will lord from on high.
That's why it isn't a matter of right or wrong or absolute morality - "truth" is whatever they say it is at that moment.
And it works so well that you have morons putting their pronouns in their bios because there are 57 ice cream flavors (at the moment)
That's why they tore down statues, it's why Disney has their "Stories Matter" division where they're rewriting everything and saying "The Force is Female". They have to destroy the past so you have no logical foundation to argue from. YOU are not allowed to think for yourself or have your own ideas - THEY will tell you what to think.
Why do you think wikipedia wants to remove the article about atrocities committed in the names of communism?
For references see - 1984, Twilight Zone "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street", Twilight Zone "The Obsolete Man", Twilight Zone "It's a Good Life"
It's BS.
They're actively scrubbing communist atrocities (while communists are still alive) because we have to be FaIr. They're actively supporting GEORGE SOROS (A Nazi) and applauding his funding of leftist causes. But we can't have the Knot-zees say anything because they're the evil decepticons and we're the heroic autobots.
It's religious, zealotous thinking and is very, VERY dangerous.
To clarify - GoFundMe will donate the funds to charities that the CONVOY organizers specify (pursuant to GoFundMe approving it)
Which still sucks - but at least they're not diverting the funds to BLM.
So a Canadian hacker, who is employed by the RCMP, hacked American financial institutions in support and with the obvious permission of the Canadian government if not outright ordered to.
Like the DNC accused the Russians of doing in 2016 and are carrying out their threats against Russia now - This is an act of war.