Good Lord.
The point of prayer to opening a proceeding (also as part of swearing an oath on a Bible) in western civilization was to honor a COMMON belief in God and respect for the process that was taking place.
I guarantee this group doesn’t share any beliefs about God (if they even believe) let alone spiritual beliefs. On top of that - how can they even share in her prayer when they don’t know what she’s saying?!
It’s obvious from their reactions that religion is nothing more than people in funny clothes making chants about nonsensical things.
They’re nothing more than a cargo cult writ large and these twits have no place being in a position of this authority.
No - those are NOT the good stuff - those are early entries of America's descent into woke-ism.
Pushing such great ideas as it's ok to wipe memories of non-warp drive peoples to uphold the prime directive or that the prime directive is so benevolent that it's OK to have a duck blind in the middle of a growing civilization because "enlightenment".
So much so that Babylon 5 had episodes that direct called out such hypocrisy.
Both TNG and DS9, like TOS, have their good and bad episodes, but they're woke as shit. Voyager goes one step beyond (and kills all the white crewmen in epsiode 1) and it just degenerates from there.
If cheap effects turn you off I'd suggest that you're missing the point. ST:TOS wasn't about "effects" but about story. Yes some oft the fx don't compare to super whiz-bang CG. But that wasn't the point. It's the best they had at the time to represent actions in the story. See the remastered episodes of TOS if it's such a burden on you, but understand that the staying power of TOS (which launched TNG, DS9 , et; al) is its stories and actors and teaching new ways to think.
Yup - After Vivek said on Beanie Man’s show that the only way to truly vote for MAGA was to vote for Vivek because Trump won’t be able to get anything done even if he wins.
But not surprising you’d make an anti-Trump post.
Oh yeah.
Part of it is the algorithm sucks. I clicked on one news story about the fire in Hawaii and ever since You Tube has suggested local tv news articles from across the US.
There was a time for awhile a few months ago when viewing Nerdrotic, Clownfish, etc would immediately recommend renting the movie/related movie they were knocking.
Every once in a while it will try to slip in leftist streams
Leftist hold “peace” music rally in conflict zone to show that they care about people.
Get slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.
Cry wahhhh and sue… Hamas Palestinians Israel - why didn’t evil Israel defend us from the bad guys!!
But she supposedly gets to keep her 800k/year salary
How many servers and bandwidth would one need to run a private US hosted service with its own search engine and serving only US citizens which can stand up to political pressure and push back on this censorship phenomenon.
Saw it real time at my work in the Summer of Love 2020 - leftist/feminist VP at my office was all rah rah for the new DIE and minority support, LGBTQXYZ rights (flags on her bio) and pushed for the new DIE officer who would educate her in the ways of her racism.
She gave witness that someone had told her about the n-words in her office long ago and she had done nothing about the individual, declaring that she was guilty of racism.
Except, while virtue signaling she said the actual n-word.
She was sacked the next day and condemned by the CEO for such blasphemy.
Fake news.
Remember when Trump was a Russian spy?
Remember when Trump had plans to nuke North Korea?
Remember when Trump was committing insurrection by causing election interference with Joe Biden by demanding his Ukraine statements be investigated?