We we have long forgotten that while otaku are obsessive, fujoshi are literally rotten girls.
"If you do not own a sword, sell your cloak and buy one", not "If you do not own a sword, good, the state should control the means of production and the consolidation of force".
"May be", "Prepared to"...
Let me know when something happens, because Nothing Ever Happens.
It's an easy goalpost move: "2.3rds of all graduates are women, but only half of nobel prize winners are women, clearly there is institutional sexisms until 2.3rds of Nobel winners are all women.
But I was promised that my property 30 miles inland would be prime beachfront property any day now thanks to the global warmings!
2003 was over a generation ago. If we've been treating a hard-to-transmit communicable ailment for over 20 years (it's not exactly coughing in the same room as someone 6 hours earlier or something like that, it's blood-to-blood-contact), then both 1) They've had time to make their own treatment programs based on the existing one, and 2) why isn't the situation more or less resolved?
By modern definition, these medicines are vaccines. All these people have been vaccinated by Fauci definition.
Why do we even need "minority" free gibs? Free gibs for all, or free gibs for none.
But... I can see other countries' alcohol in the background... That have significant tariffs on them...
Here I thought the financial plan would be to buy it for some pocket lint and a song, since that's what it'll be worth as an IP if they keep butchering their own lore.
Cup winner gets an anthem for their country. Just like the olympics.
When your people elect a leader THREE TIMES who laughed through corruption charges with practically a "yup, totes corrupt, lol, whatcha gonna do about it? Sue me for less than I made?", it really shouldn't come to any surprise that there's systemic issues in the country that even the neighbors can easily see.
If that answer is too long, "cash" or "$$$" also work.
Dealing/muling should be both a moral crime and a financial one. Some jail time, yes, but also owing all the profits made illegally. "But that financial burden would make them turn to crime!" ...Like the crime they're already doing?
Blind psychopathic dementia patients, or, you know, dwarfs. Basically the same thing, same checklist.
I for one can't wait for the High Guardian Spice tower defense match-3 gatcha game.
Next will be golems, especially ones that turn against their masters.
Much like how in many JRPGs you find super advanced tech long forgotten in ruins, at one point, the West once had the technology to make female characters, but it was lost to time, now only a few select holders of the long lost logia are able to make western games with actual female characters.
That's the next step on the slippery slope (that is never, somehow, a fallacy, they always grab more): People thinking too much about copyrighted content without paying the government their cut!
So... The complaint is something is entirely legal, allowed to be discussed, debated, lobbied, etc, without obstruction of the State to empower one sole side... Is fascism... Because they aren't personally being given money.
And a reminder that it was a sensationalist clickbaity rag that broke the story, because the "respectable" mainstream media refused to run the Watergate story when it first came up. So even in that theoretical example, the Social Media on-the-ground 3rd party reporters are the good guys and the MSM are STILL the bad guys.
I believe two officers committed suicide afterwards, citing their atrocities committed in Jan6 against regular Americans, regret for being part of the authoritarian machine, as their reason. So those could technically also be included in the number.
I thought we need to wait 4 years to see the impacts of the president on the economy. That's what they said when Trump was in charge the first time, and when Biden was in charge: All the bad stuff under Biden was delayed reaction to Trump policies, and all the good economy under Trump was just Obama. So why say now that this is Trump work?
Even accounting for inflation and population/customer base natural growth, a 9% contraction is weak. It's in effect really about a 15% drop since you'd expect year-over-year growth just from population growth alone, but that's still a small drop, when you consider the sheet number of flops.
Not mutually exclusive statements.
Now get rid of Twitch Thots next!