"Drrr, let's reveal our hand to the world in this high stakes game for the presidency!"
bond has always represented masculinity. Is it really appropriate to allow a black female to take on this role? Wouldn't that reinforce the notion that black women tend to be more masculine than other women?
Either fake news or just so incredulous that no one would believe it? Either way, GatewayPundit is usually truthful from what I can tell and their reputation is on the line.
Internal polls are what matter, and they won't show us those. Public polls are there to manipulate public opinion and to encourage or discourage people from voting. People like to vote for the winner, as that makes themselves feel like a winner.
It's really down to who are better cheaters. The democrats with their election fraud or the Repubs with their voter restrictions.
I left the Bay Area SF and couldn't be happier in my mid western Republican state. Sure the weather isn't as good, but gas is cheap, land is cheap, land is plentiful, one can breathe easy and live freely.
Kamala isn't smart enough to be the Joker
Just one spiteful mutant on a car. One could also say that Poland is "based" by showing a picture of a right wing rally.
It's going to be like 2000 with a long delayed result, only during the delay this time there will be lots of nasty riots and protests, mainly in big cities and outside state capitols to pressure elected officials. They will follow the playbook of a "colored revolution," and use "democracy" to justify removing Trump if he is even or ahead in votes. All social media and big media will side with the protesters, and will censor anything pro-Trump or that goes against their narrative. Conservative dissidents will be blocked from even using the internet, and establishment conservatives will cave in to the pressure and reach some kind of compromise by giving a half-hearted nod in exchange for retaining their platform. In the mean time, anything can happen over the next 11 days til the election.
The outcome will be one of the following: : A a decisive Biden victory, B a slow motion coup to remove Trump, C a civil war, D Trump will sell his base out and make a deal to stay president while submitting to the Blue Commies plans.
I think it just means for mixed race people, how you are identified by the UC is determined by the left most column you identify with. For instance, if you were 1/3 Cuban, 1/3 Qatari, and 1/3 Somali, you would be considered Hispanic/Latino by the UC.
It's likely part of Yelps extortion business mode. Compel businesses to pay up the $$$ to remove the alert, while also scoring social justice points.
Prediction: it will be boring, uneventful, with few insignificant highlights. Republicans will say Trump won, Democrats will say Biden won. If anything momentous occurs, it will be buried by the media and largely forgotten by the public a few days later. The seeming stalemate will be a de facto Biden victory.
This is how we get equality between the sexes in the murder rate. Yay equality!
Give them an open ear and listen to them without judgement. Only then would will they might reciprocate and listen to what you have to say.
Biden and Gore envision a scenario where Trump clearly loses the 2020 election and then throws a temper tantrum and refuses to leave the White House. Such a scenario is an absurdity.It is far more plausible that the 2020 election will be hotly contested, and Democratic leaders will simply declare victory, and then turn to the press and big tech to endorse their claims. Then, they will turn to the military to enforce what they have decided. It is also possible that, in a contested election, Democrats will order their “peaceful protesters” to invade and menace the capital. If President Trump orders the use of force to maintain order, the establishment will seize upon this as an excuse for the military to revolt against him.
reminds me of the south park scene from the episode Margaritaville
Also guy with his arm blown off was charged with burglary and not permitted to carry a gun
Here is a good compilation showing in chronological order what happened with the man defending himself from rioters attacking him in Wisconsin
"we will not stop until there are more white homicides then Black"
So never?
From article: "Sweden hoped herd immunity would curb COVID-19. Don't do what we did. It's not working."
They say that as there death count is in the single digits/ day and never had to suffer the consequences of lock down or forcing masks. It's all very suspect and we should not trust them.
"inclusive means exclusive?" What a country!