SendTomBoys 7 points ago +9 / -2

I mean any woman that aborts is a psychopath, you literally have to be broken genetically/mentally to either not have or ignore the primal instinct of protecting your progeny.

the entire biological point of life is procreation. Atheistically, life has NO meaning beyond reproduction and continuance.

To ignore that, or to not even have the lizard brain instinct, is a sign of psychopathy or some genetic break. All IMO, of course, but I think the logic follows.

Anecdotally, I've seen or heard tales from their own mouths, of how women will push children or other people in front of themselves when fearing for their lives, or even in staged situations like a Haunted House around Halloween. So many women drop all pretenses when lives are on the line.

I think millions of women in the USA are psychopaths given how they value only their own lives and kill their progeny.

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

First of all, leave Canada, it's a fucking shithole.

Now that you've drained your finances somewhat, you can start saving again. Since you'll have moved to a based and redpilled location in the USA, you'll have time to meet other intellectuals and work with them or at least be friendly.

Get into politics locally at that point. You may be in a based state, but commies are filthy fucking infiltrators. Do your part to push back on scum for those of us who haven't won any rat races yet.

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

Cotton gin would have made slavery obsolete anyways before the turn of the century

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +9 / -2

Lmao you dumb fuck, check the graph showing every state would be red without females voting and stfu. Simpy bullshit doesn't pass around here

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lol idk if you're the same troll as usual but this is much funnier content, keep it up!

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Funny troll account, at least this time your content makes me laugh a bit

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not even that. It's that there are things more important than "whatever they want" because they will argue for social safety and existence when trying to strip you of individual rights, like Guns and Speech.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I wasn't into Vtube shit for ages because of cringe wannabe sexy dudes, and dirty attention whoring female ones all on the mainstream.

Then I found some like Pippa (based) and that made me change my mind to at least watch some videos from types like her. Pippa cracks me up. No breaks no chill and says randomly redpilled shit all the time

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm gonna go ahead and point out the "even lesbians love the idea of being raped by a man"

Because I've been saying for many years that women love rape. They just don't want to be raped by some ugly Harvey Weinstein looking fuck.

It's in their DNA. Millennia of being raped by invading forces has altered their brains and it's become a dark, filthy fetish to them. This is why the dirtiest of whores want to be fucked like a toy by someone outside their own race, desperately.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good. They deserve it lmao. So fucking useless that sex is their only "talent"

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's crazy cuz there are places in Europe, and especially Japan, that have extremely clean cities and subways.

Japan has an almost supernatural level of personal accountability. Between students cleaning the school daily, to subways and train stations dedicated to employing the elderly to give them work and respect and dignity, or public works dedicated to the beautification and cleanliness of Japans public spaces.. they have issues like any other nation but goddamn am I jealous by of their culture when it comes to things like that. The societal cohesion makes me green with envy.

SendTomBoys 19 points ago +19 / -0

Yup I've seen at least 2 billionaire real estate investors say that New York and California are no go zones for them now when it comes to future endeavors. Leftards are fucking themselves out of money and influence to try and get Trump, all for him to take 90% of these cases to the SC and have them tell the leftoids to eat shit.

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean muzzies have the woman issue right as much as it pains me to say it. Women can't be trusted with power or influence. They should be... Corrected.. when they get out of line.

They admit it themselves when it's time to save their own skins, that they're dumb little retards who shouldn't be held accountable for their actions because they have the same level of decision making as a child, aka "whatever seems fun and benefits me"

The problem is that it's Muslims doing it, and not Western men.

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, self aware leftists exist, they're just called "evil". Vaush, Hasan, Chunk Yogurt come to mind.

SendTomBoys 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's funny how manga and anime consistently embarrass Western media.

They've been doing stronk/powerful female MC for ages and it almost always is done excellently.

Frieren, Princess Mononoke, basically the entire female deuteragonist cast of Mushoku Tensei, Samus Aran, Tifa, bro I could go on and on.

So many Japanese female characters are powerful and helpful and strong in ways that fit them. Some are literally strong as hell, but not to the detriment of males. Usually played as the muscle mommy character that is still somewhat feminine and attractive.

Japan media has much more respect for women and their beauty and nature than western bastards who want to use females as a bludgeoning device.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

Idk man the first Wonder Woman movie with Gadot was pretty good. 2nd was some weird feminist rape fantasy.

SendTomBoys 21 points ago +21 / -0

Niglets and other non-whites are so insecure about their perceived inferiority. This is female levels of "I have a biological need to make you care about me" type shit

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christians need to take a leaf from the muzzie kooran. Start threatening and intimidating people who blaspheme against your religion.

I saw a clip of Trumperts favorite fighter, Sean Strickland, tell a podcast about how he got intimidated, silenced, and practically sexually molested by some muzlim fuck because he said mean thing about Islam.

It pissed me off to see a guy like him laughing it off, like bro you're a top UFC fighter and you got manhandled like a lost woman in a back alley.

But then I realized if they can scare guys like him they can scare anyone. And then I realized that the muzzie was correct in a sense, he truly believed in his god so he should fight to die for his god.

Christians need to take up that kind of action. Or this shit will continue.

SendTomBoys 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's funny to me how people wanna talk about states like Texas or Florida as "super maga" but have to fight like hell to beat the invader counties to go red.

Meanwhile, as you say, Oklahoma didn't fold in a single county out of like, 99 or something.

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