by Lethn
SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

I appreciate it in a setting where it makes sense, like the Dungeons and Dragons movie that came out last year.

Rodriguez being super strong is ok because she's a Barb class and Barbs fuck shit up and muscle it out. She's always been a typecast for strong bad bitch too so it wasn't out of the blue for the actress and the role she got.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmao they won't do fucking shit they're 30 years ahead of the USA on Jew cuckery and haven't lifted a finger

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I'm totally not advocating for violence but I mean if you're going to load a gun to kys you might as well take down a few paper targets first.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +8 / -1

Jesus as a concept either from an outside perspective or within has no reason to draw ire.

A perfect dude who saw the imperfections in all of us and encouraged all to do better and be better because he loves us and cares for us?

A guy who sacrificed himself to save us all? Even if you don't believe, the attempt is admirable. Giving your life to save people who don't even deserve it is a great act of love.

SendTomBoys 0 points ago +1 / -1

"I hate Jesus"

Why? Because you're a dumbfuck edgelord? What about the concept of Jesus would draw ire from anyone but fuckwits, Jews, and petulant edgelord man babies?

So which one is it? I'm leaning on a combination of all 3.

SendTomBoys 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's crazy to me that "all sandniggers should eradicate each other" is an unpopular opinion amongst even those who claim to be based and anti establishment.

I hate both of them. Let them destroy each other and ruin each other's shitholes

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +10 / -1

Faggot glownigger alert

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm lost, do you think anyone wants to be attractive or visible to retards like this bitch?

Birth rates are declining and people aren't getting married because western women are disgusting rat clawed creatures.

SendTomBoys 21 points ago +23 / -2

Ever since October 7th, exponentially, I've come to realize there aren't any good ones. Not enough to pluralize them as a group. Individually I'll look at them and make a decision from now on.

It's like the black people. Their cultures worldwide are disgusting and degenerate and they act like fucking animals. Present me with any decent, educated, properly cultured black person and I'll gladly accept them but I'm not looking happily at the group as a whole.

I thought we had "good ones" on "our side" but said decent events up to the circulating clips of Ben Jewpiro going sicko mode on Christianity, and seeing the Babylon Bee folks calling "Christ is King" white supremacy... I literally can't see any groups as a whole that are good. Where the FUCK are the Jews who call out the likes of Ben Jewpiro and Rabbi jooley??

When pressed into a corner every Jew in the media eventually starts snarling like a rabid dog and rants about race mixing and chosen ones and filthy goys and Christianity.

SendTomBoys -1 points ago +5 / -6

Shut the fuck up retard this is why low IQs shouldn't be allowed internet access

SendTomBoys 18 points ago +20 / -2

Literally, yes.

Cabrakan, Mayan god of Earthquakes and Mountains.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

Back when Xbox was King. What's funny is Xbox being King didn't cause any problems with Sony for the most part, they still produced bangers regularly.

Now Sony is on top and they're putting out garbage copy paste single player games with different skins on them

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

Because women overwhelmingly vote Democrat and love gimmie handouts.

They are naturally inclined to be resource hoarders, they are the gatherer in the Hunter/Gatherer paradigm that humanity went through in history.

Women shouldn't have jobs unless absolutely necessary as well, because as resource hoarders, no matter how much they have they will always look for men who have even more than they do. This has created the issue in Western society where a bunch of girl bosses go to college and get a degree and now make 100k a year and won't settle for any man who makes less than that by a cent.

Women are not natural leaders. They inherently care for only themselves and maybe their offspring, but given the abortion rates in modern society I'm inclined to believe that the self is still paramount.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

If I had feminine feet I'd do it, fuck those retard simps with more money than brains

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

"race obsession is a sickness"

This faggot is a self admitted Jew lover.

Fucking subhuman

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

Uh, yeah, you can? Jesus was literally sent to the Jews to turn them from their old covenant and convert them.

Those spiteful, arrogant, evil shitbags decided they knew better than God himself and killed him and have sent all of their brethren to hell to boil in shit ever since.

A fitting end to a shit religion of shitty people.

SendTomBoys 39 points ago +39 / -0

They deserve everything that's coming.

SendTomBoys 21 points ago +21 / -0

Lmao any language where you have to choke up a loogie and spit it just to properly pronounce words, is the furthest from "elegant" you fucktard

SendTomBoys 16 points ago +17 / -1

Lmao everyone still has you tagged as a sockpuppet retard you're not slick

SendTomBoys 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, haphazardly slapping denuvo on your product because you're sneaking in mtx that not even reviewers knew about is prime go fuck yourself territory.

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