Its probably the filthy weeb in me, but advertising in Japan just always seems 1000x better.
I was in Japan for about two weeks back in 2010. The advertisements I saw on the street, on the television, etc. were so much higher effort than anything I saw in America. The only time we get commercials that approach the level of thought and care put into them is the superbowl, and that has fallen off a cliff in recent years.
This series of Fanta commercials have so much more heart in them than any Fanta advertisement in the states.
This ad for a breakfast drink was another one I saw. A short simple ad, and yet it doesn't ring hollow like the ones over here.
I don't speak Japanese, but it was obvious that even if the people didn't care about the product they were selling, at the very least, they tried to make it seem authentic.
We seem to be missing a lot of sincerity in our culture, and that's something I hope Japan doesn't lose.
The almighty TSA anticipated the terrorist plans.
I thought his comment on cathedrals was rather poignant.
They aren't so much buildings, but many lifetimes of work.
And now they are being handed to the Muslims on a silver platter.
"Infamous terrorist Samu Hydabara supports the white supremacist woke right in horrific xenophobic rant, lgbtqwopbbq most affected."
pls hire me WaPo i need gibs
I only really noticed them being libtards when they did the "directors commentary" videos when they made some apology for making a gay/tranny joke. It was then that I looked up the guy that did YuGiOh abridged and he apparently is one of them.
A shame, but at least they went full retard after rather than before. Ironic, since in Hellsing abridged they had an episode making fun of the tumblr feminists.
They've basically nagged their way into a position of worldwide dominance. It's a very female strategy,
Well, they are matrilineal. You're only a jew if your mom was.
he himself got very emotionally invested in it
He just removed my post that had over 100 votes for rule 12,
It was an israeli music video, produced by jews, about jews using goyim as servants, and he said that was misinformation.
And anyone that does defend this shit should be the first in line to put their personal details out there for everyone to see while they stand by their words.
Odds are they already do this, though not out of principle.
I did watch it in its entirety before posting it
By your own admission, it says goyim don't have souls. That alone is egregious enough, but their own religious book does in fact refer to goyim as animals and slaves.
I am not the OP of the tweet. I simply commented that their production quality was subpar.
If only you spent a fraction of this energy on banning that pedopajeet.
How much is Mossad paying you?
Well he just numbered his days.
badgovernments arebasicallymafias
Blade Runner 2049. It was made with care and Luv.
I don't think we should malign the "alphas" for being "alpha"
I don't think anyone here hates another dude for getting lucky.
What we hate is being treated like subhuman mudworms by others for not being as lucky. We have all seen the OKCupid survey on how women rate 80% of men as below average. hoe_math has a bunch of excellent videos on that topic.
Remember the good looking convict from a few years ago? If that dude looked like John Lithgow he would probably still be in prison. But because he had blue eyes and a chad jawline he made hundreds of thousands of pussies wet to the point that he had a modeling gig even though he literally murdered people.
I personally know a guy from college who makes over $150k a year, and yet he hasn't had a date in years. Part of it is due to the fact that he is Indian and only wants to date other Indians, but he's also like 5'8", has a high pitched voice that cracks all the time like he's still in puberty, and isn't a bodybuilder.
With the amount this dude makes you would think that there would be at least some gold digging whores after him, but even six figures isn't enough nowadays.
Tony is a brown woman. Take a guess.
more and more men get disenfranchised from dating and society.
Historically, a surplus of young ,dissatisfied, sexually frustrated men has not been a good omen for whatever society they live in.
17 year old
So already not allowed to own a gun. Better write some more laws that will totally prevent the next one.
Oof that's not a good look for libtards.
And the mystery is suddenly a lot less mysterious.
Now I know that many of them who don't say anything aren't actually hateful bigots themselves, their silence really won't help them if it comes to the inevitable conclusion that we seem to be headed for.
This speech is incredibly relevant to how I and many other people feel about them. The direction of the "pendulum" so to speak is only shifting further every time some evil shit they do comes to light. Whether it's anti semitism speech laws, or them genociding some tusken raiders, or bringing in all the third world shitholes to our front porch.
The sad part is, they likely won't learn their lesson. In the past, they got kicked out of everywhere they lived because they literally couldn't stop fucking shit up. Now they are so entrenched everywhere that they probably can't be kicked out without some civilization-ending upheaval. And if that comes to pass, where would they go? If every western country kicked them out, they wouldn't likely be welcome anywhere else. It's not as if they can blend in with the Chinese.
The problem is that the ones that aren't bad aren't speaking up about the ones that are. I can count on one hand the amount of "based" Jews (Ron Unz, Bobby Fischer, Dave Smith, Brother Nathaniel, Norman Finklestein) who actively call out shit that Israel/Jews do. Every other one that I have seen online and in real life has this reflexive group devotion.
I don't blame Jews for having an in group bias. I blame them for stripping us of ours.
I would argue that the corrupt seek power rather than the other way around.
If it were true that power corrupts, people like Cincinnatus, Washington, Aurelius, etc. would have tried to abuse their power. Even self serving leaders like Augustus or Khan made sure to benefit the people as well as themselves.
What I would say is the real corruption is the lack of honor and dignity. Just look at Biden pardoning his criminal son, after explicitly saying he wouldn't do that. Or Newsom having fancy dinner parties while everyone was locked in their houses. John Adams would never have dreamed of doing something so shameless, so utterly self serving.
The real failure is not that the corrupt seek power. They have done that since the dawn of civilization. The failure is the people. If medieval king had done half the shit that our congress does on a daily basis, the peasants would have revolted, drawn, and quartered him in the town square. Our founding fathers revolted over a single digit tax increase.
We outnumber the people in power 100:1, and yet we are so content with our air conditioning, our computer games, our SUVs, fast food, sportsball, etc. At this point I think the only way people, especially whites, would revolt is if the food stopped coming.
Those in power seem to operate on Stalin's Chicken theorem, where they can hurt us as much as they want, and all they have to do is give us some bread crumbs and we all fall back in line. And it has worked like a charm so far.
Maybe economic class or religion.
Though with religion, it's really just Christianity as the one being bashed while the others are largely ignored or celebrated by the woke.
With economic class you get the whole "woe is me, I'm poor" and "fuck the rich" stuff, but again, the lack of empathy column would devolve into race on that issue anyway.
I feel like there needs to be more than just three rows, but it's a good start.
They aren't people, not in a philosophical sense. They are physically incapable of empathy for a stranger. They revel in suffering. They live only in the now, not the past, or the future. They don't even consider rape to be wrong. They are below even the midwit NPCs in our society.
A Rottweiler has more inherent morality than these things.
The Nobility punishes peasants who dare to strike back when they are pushed around.
This guy was a retarded nigger who absolutely deserved extra time for attacking yet another person, but lets not pretend that the sentence handed down wasn't influenced by who he attacked.
Like the UHC assassin (or at least the patsy they seem to have found), the amount of effort the aristocrats exert to hunt down those that damage them is exponentially more than the effort they give to stop much more serious threats to the peasants. The last time I saw this level of effort was the Boston Bomber, and he had to kill and injure hundreds more for that. Or the 1/6 protestors, who did basically nothing and yet are treated worse than actual murderers.
Or if it's against a person she finds icky, or is the wrong color, or any number of things that a male judge wouldn't even think of.
It is honestly amazing how many adults I saw in college who read out loud at a fifth grade level. They couldn't read fast, and had trouble pronouncing words that had more than three syllables, and didn't know the meaning of many of the words they read.
It astounds me how these people are allowed into universities.