They tried to rename it ''variole simienne'' instead of ''variole du singe'' ( monkey's pox ) in French.
Can you guess what simienne means? Monkey. It's stupid obfuscation through an uncommon synonym.
Mass-migration is indeed a disaster, but you're not supposed to fuel the disaster with relief funds.
Went from ''it's not happening'' to ''it's happening and it's a good thing'' and ''voicing opposition to the genocide of your own people is terrorism'' real quick.
They could try to financially ruin the people working-on and hosting Pretendo with legal procedures, but there is a significant risk a case would move swiftly because it's clear-cut that Pretendo is preserving functionality that Nintendo no longer offers, for games Nintendo no longer sells. De-Facto abandonwares.
They near-universally don't. ''Lost'' sales argument was always false.
Nintendo lied in the lawsuit.
When Tears of the Kingom was released, it didn't work on any version of Yuzu.
I was unfortunately cursed with an add trailer of the upcomming Joker movie. It looked and sounded like boring shit.
Like some university project movie.
''Moderators'' being partisan for Democrats as usual.
The difference is how brazen and agressive they are about it this time.
Reminder than several countries did a 180° and now they discourage ''socially transitioning'' and will not medically troon minors.
In North America, it's forbidden to even oppose trooning kids.
How litigious do they want to be? Because kicking the whole group for unspecified infraction, in a previous year, by one unspecified person in that group, sounds like a bullshit excuse that might breach contract.
They are going to enact woke policies to prove how anti-racist and inclusive they are so they don't get deplatformed.
A good start to avoid this is the +NIGGER licence.
Eww. On so many levels.
Crybullies WTF moment.
The persistence of ''Europe's multiculturalism'' depended on strict territoriality.
Languages/cultures without strong states of their own were in perpetual danger of dying-out.
Switzerland, sometimes brought-up as a counter-example, has its own problems. Lombard, Arpitan, Jurassian and Romanche native languages are being replaced.
The French / Hochdeutsch/Italian cohabitation works because each language has official status on its ''own'' territory ( actually over former Arpitan and current Alemanic territory ). ''Italian'' territory is actually Lombard territory, and Lombard is being replaced.
I don't know how many people pretended cohabitation ever worked for the Romanche. It never did. It's losing ground, and its speakers have to learn and speak Alemanic and Hochdeutsch.
Otherwise, be it France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, all tried to get rid of their minorities, and don't, and reasonably cannot, accomodate all their indigenous languages to full official status like a self-governing homogenous linguistic group can.
Spain is probably the state I mentionned that most accomodates its native minorities, but still grants no official status to them on the federal level, and its constitution mandates that all its citizens must know Spanish, and have a right to speak it. You're technically not constitutionally allowed to live your whole life speaking, example, Basque or Catalan. You have to speak Spanish when the federal government deals with you. Schools have to teach Spanish ( not only Spanish, but Spanish has to be there, students have to speak it, while minority languages can be absent in schools of their own territory. This has obvious consequences on the vitality / transmission and attraction power of other languages.
Luxemburg touted itself as a ''successful'' meeting ground between Germanic natives and French influence and immigrants. Well Luxemburgish is now dying, with fewer than 30% of kids speaking it now. It was never going to last. It never does.
Partial revivals are always on precarious grounds, and have their roots in... wait for it... strong nationalism and pro-indepdance mouvements ( Ex : Basque and Catalan ). Independance and nationalism aren't always enough though : Ireland kept hemmoraging Irish language and culture for decades after independance and it's still uncertain some form of Irish as a living community language will survive.
Multiculturalism dosen't last, it's a death sentence for smaller languages/cultures within a multicultural state. Multiracialism is a death sentence for White people.
Mass-migration on top of it inevitably results in foreigners agitating for removal of protection policies for minority languages, as they don't want to have to learn multiple languages. They want to learn the dominant language. And thus force the native minority to speak the dominant language more and more untill it dies under pressure.
Multiculturalism is a death sentence for the less prolific demographics and less culturally assertive.
Basically the nice people who open their borders lose their culture and go extinct.
'''We didn't do it.''
''We did it but it's nothing, a tiny mistake.''
''It was a breach of ethics but you're a nazi and we're the Good Guys.''
''Okay fine, we'll shuffle two employees elsewhere. Now shut up and give me your tax money.''
Even if a hypothetical peer-review research was attempted, they would ban Frieren from university and censor her research for Demonphobia.
LeopardsDemonsAteMyFace material.
This looks great when the competition is Dustborn.
''Please clap'' energy.
Treason is now advertized as a virtue.
Goes Dumpsters 2016 somehow managed to age poorly despite starting dead and rotten.
Only saw her as the uptight but caring teacher in HP movies.
Will Mercante send herself a cease and desist letter for suggesting she did engage in sexual activities for money?
That dumbass will be served her own words as proof the comments were not defamatory but reasonable assumption / factual if this reach a trial.
Thanks for the chuckle.
This is a flat-out lie. The only studies falsely or accidentally claiming it did, were done in population where only a minority of children were injected, and thus kept getting periodic exposure to varicella, acting as a natural immunity stimulant.
Once the vast majority if kids are injected, there are fewer natural expositions, so longer periods without exposition, weakening the immune system's response to varicella, so when finally exposed, injected children develop the disease.
And no, you cannot wipe-out varicella. It is too common and adults can shed enough varicella ( shingles breaking out at skin surface is contagious ( you don't catch shingles from it, you get chickenpox. shingles is a flare-up of latent chickenpox crawlking up a nerve ) to give it to someone who dosen't have natural immunity.
Another big pharma scam with net negative consequences on a population level. At best, the varicella vaccine should have been reserved for immunologically-naive kids at actual risk of dying from the infection.