Sweden is a lost cause. Nothing has materially changed over the last two to three decades of becoming aware of this 'problem'. Only that things have gotten worse. The damage is irreversible. They were led by the nose by an unholy alliance of neoliberals and left-progressives and now their country has become intractably complex and considerably worse.
Their only answer to this problem is by heaping all the (economic) burdens on the native population. Going to take at least a century (100 years) for all the (current) immigrants to 'integrate' (whatever that means at this point, rofl).
Sweden is a lost cause. Nothing has materially changed over the last two to three decades of becoming aware of this 'problem'. Only that things have gotten worse. The damage is irreversible. They were led by the nose by an unholy alliance of neoliberals and left-progressives and now their country has become intractably complex and considerably worse.
Their only answer to this problem is by heaping all the (economic) burdens on the native population. Going to take at least a century (100 years) for all the (current) immigrants to 'integrate' (whatever that means at this point, rofl).
and yet it was one of the sanest countries on lockdowns.
More like ''lol, we have no possibility to try to enforce a lockdown, we don't control 35% the country's urban areas anymore''.