Share these stories because the mainstream media won't give it 1% of the attention it would get in the non-existing scenario where the races would be reversed.
A 2 weeks ''emergency'' that was started and extended for over 4 years by corrupt elites and ''experts'' who siezed an opportunity to grab power and caused more deaths and misery with said power than doing nothing would have done.
Tax cuts for children is how you incentivize people who have a stable income, to reproduce.
Welfare for kids incentivizes low-IQ welfare leeches who produces more of the same. It also draws more welfare migrants.
Similar, but Volkswagen's car still worked fine.
They just failed to meet the new NOx emission standarts and set-up a fraudulent scheme to fool testing.
Intel's 13th and 14th gen CPUs don't ''drive'' as fast as advertised ( best case scenario ), the ''car'' shuts-down randomly and dosen't roll straight or steady ( 50%-100% pre code update), or it just fucking dies after a short while. ( 25% - 50% ).
Will it last weeks? Months? Two years? Nobody knows with the Intel Corrosion Roulette!
InB4 Intel saying it's normal for a CPU to die after 2 years. I never had a CPU die on any of my computers since I got one. 10 years +, if it hasen't been sent for recycling yet, it still works but I don't use it anymore because it's too outdated.
Yes. But White men will do the first ''prove it's safe and produces alot of electricity'' work, then incompetent people will be promoted into it for being brown/black/''non-men'', and the catastrophic consequences will be worse than Tchernobyl.
Oh just wait we get the inevitable outcomes of DEI policies in nuclear energy.
Things will be wonderful.
Defending a climate heretic is grounds for excomunication too.
that don't have this problem!
''Trust us bro''
If AMD is an option, they plan to release their new high-end CPUs mid-August.
But what's already out is good. Just avoid Intel 13th and 14th gens, and I wouldn't trust the next one before it's been out and got some mileage either.
Estimated 50% of the chips will either die or have significant performance problems, but up to 100% can't meet the advertized performance without being unstable.
Intel says their manufacturing process had some contamination problems causing corrosion and thus degrading the chips.
But their chips were also pushed way too much to try and score higher than the competition, and they have an upcommming ''micro-code update'' that will ''fix the issues''... and significantly lower performances ( in other words, even if your Intel CPU dosen't die, it won't perform as advertised ).
It is unclear which CPUs among the 13th and 14th gens have these problems, and Intel is not being transparent at all, which is unsurprising but still frustrating.
No matter what, Intel will have to compensate costumers. Either willingly, or after a class-action lawsuit they are guaranteed to lose.
... I had no idea any of this shit was going on.
Illegal lotteries, lol.
P.S. : It really is shadowbanned, won't even show in my video history.
She talks like the most insufferable hypocondriac no doctor wants to deal with, plus accusing everyone of racism for not giving her answers they can't give her.
Black people should only go see black doctors. Problem solved.
Oh and guess what fat lady, I also got sent-out with permanently impaired vision in one eye and told "I don't see anything wrong" by the specialist.
Sometimes they don't know. And they don't want to refer you to other specialists who already have their hands full.
If your problem isn't clearly visible and fitting a diagnostic checkbox, or dosen't respond to the default treatment, you're shit out of luck.
But "muh racism muh racism" fucking Hell letting non-Whites in our countries was a horrible act on vandalism.
The ACLU is "deeply concerned that banks' freedom to block or track your legal firearm purshaces is being infringed-upon by the far-right" in some Red states.
If you want digital games that aren't tied to an account, you have few options like GoG or torrents.
There are old-ish games on abandonware websites too.
Not forgetting console emulation and ROMs.
All your games bought on Steam are linked to your Steam account though.
Imagine doing this and not winning anyway.
That's one hell of an unhealthy obsession. Dying for some silly status symbol. It's not like they saved their people, or developped a cure for some disease. Nope, bragging rights and a shiny medal.
Wait till they figure they all take the same pills and only one gets gold but they die 4 years later anyway.
I know someone who accidentally cut his finger off while using some tool. It was in a bad shape but he made it in time to get it reattached.
It dosen't ''work'' ( a non-problem 99% of the time since it isn't the thumb ) but his hand looks normal.
Complaints like these should only make the titties bigger and whiter.
''Reputable sources'' ( mainstream media ) claimed it was the worst ''terrorist attack'' since 9/11.
This is how they falsify history.
"Refutes the claims" = "it happened, but I didnt think it was bad".
''Here are harsher penalties for secks crimes against children and teenagers.''
What an odd thing to say...
... even Call of Duty is getting slaughtered in the reviews and it's over really basic things like the installation sizes, ...
CoD Black Ops 6 fills 310GB of disk space. I can't fit that on my computer.
N64 Resident Evil 2 fits on a 64MB cartridge, so 0.064GB
It seems some devs don't give a single fuck about optimisation.
Concord happens to be the name of an infamous viaduct that collapsed and wounded + killed a bunch of people a while after it got flagged for careful follow-up, which wasen't done.
Only in Baguette because it happened in Quebec :
TL;DR : The viaduct wasen't up to code, and some structural elements didn't follow the plan, weakening it further. The inquiry after the incident claim the collapse had nothing to do with the previous forgotten recommendation to keep a close eye on the structure of the viaduct and nobody was responsible.
Honk honk.
If the forgotten recommendation has nothing to do with the collapse, then the ones responsible are the crew who built the viaduct, specifically the supervisor in charge of validating the ongoing work lines up with the plan, and the construction company paied to build it.
Capcom, where basic Quality of Life in a full-price game is a DLC.
( Dragon's Dogma 2, (CAD)$95, packed with microtransactions. Made tedious for the sake of microtransactions. Oh and malware DRM always-online single-player game. Fuck Capcom. DD2 has potential once it get fixed on the High Seas. )
And deaths from extreme cold decreased faster than deaths from increased heat rose.
So thanks to everyone who helped make 1°C milder Winters ( greenhouse effect skews night, Fall/Winter and polar regions, all net positives ).