Airstrip One joke goes here.
They have 2 months to kill Trump though.
Joe and Jill Biden must be having a fucking party this morning.
Since no one aside from the Deep State actually wanted Harris anywhere near the White House, her cackling will be gone by early January, thank God.
The White man's unburden.
You joke, but the large Trump lead in most swing states litterally melted down to almost nothing during the night as they are still counting the last few %.
This was narrowly too big to rig.
First Media lie already exposed : Wallstreet isn't crashing as "expert economists" said it would, it's rising.
Fox News called the election for Trump, Georgia called for Trump, PA and WI 3%+ Trump lead, looking good.
Not only looks like Trump will win the electoral college, right now he is at over 51% of the popular vote.
Kamala's spokesman said she will not speak tonight and she is probably getting black-out dunk in her room right now.
This is hillarious.
Edit : Oh my GOD the comments :
"What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?"
"No Neo, I'm saying that after you transition, you won't want to."
I was told that building walls dosen't work because at best it will stop 99.99% of invaders, so might as well never build one.
''Expert economists'' on the news are as reliable as using a coin flip.
Thankfully the report says ''balls, micropenis, XY genotype, male levels of testosterone, no uterus, also his parents were close relatives''.
However, clown world oblige, the report also suggests enabling Khelif's delusions that he is a ''woman'' with therapy, hormonal supression, cross sex hormones, and ''corrective surgery'' ( genital mutilations ).
Litterally 'I man(e) Khelif is male! What a surprise!''
Anyone with a brain said it was a male who had no buisness competing against women in the women division. As such he was banned from other women's professional competitions recently.
Yet the media gaslighted the public yet another time by saying ''the far-right conspiracy theorists falsely claim Imane Khelif is male, but ''she'' is a female boxer!''
If he really thought he was a ''woman'' because of his birth defects... despite going through male puberty, sucks for him, but he will never be a woman, and should never be allowed in women's professional competitions, changing rooms and bathrooms.
Why are they speaking German?
Oh right.
How is the White House going to edit this part out in the transcripts?
The video
when things are this bad, the only way to move forward is to ''assess a nation''.
My fucking sides.
No suspect description.
Coulter's Law.
The stupid part is largely determined at birth considering all the unearned opportunities and funding in education handed to them for 2 generations.
Assisted Suicide request denied in the jurisdiction anyway, either murder or manslaughter.
Made the victim pass out and the tried to killed her by choking her is a supposition, as the lady had a spinal infection in her neck that might explain marks.
Either way he and his staff killed her. I wonder if ''murder'' is the acurate moral classification, as she clearly asked them to die and smashed the kill button herself.
''Pushing to suicide''? There are thousands of doctors and nurses in Canada that should be in jail for that.
And then children who grew up from birth exposed to fluoride in tapwater develop moderate and severe dental fluorosis, which causes permanent structural damage to the teeth.
Moderate and severe dental fluorosis used to be rare, now 25% of US teens have it.
Oh and ''mild'' dental fluorosis ( cosmetic damage and texture change to the teeth ) used to be uncommon, now the vast majority of teens have it.
Short term limited benefit for permanent crippling of the future generations.
Other jurisdictions solved the question : if you're dumb enough, you can buy fluoridated salt to cook with to poison your children with that instead on a voluntary basis.
Fluoride is like hand soap : you're not supposed to swallow it. Wash and rince off.
Well they got the mental illness vibe going.
''They have got the right man for the job.''
'I haven't even seen your woman, but I declare we need to kill babies ASAP!!''
I am so fucking sick of Demoncraps and their false claims that aborting a pregnancy that is killing the woman has been made illegal.
Universities "mourning days" incomming.