I also thought shaming people for their sexuality was unacceptable? #TrumpIsPolyamorous /s
Repelling Roe versus Wade saved tens of thousands of lives in red states up to now.
But they keep lying about it.
Opening with some time-relevant trivia :
The main character is called ''Spirou'' which is Walloon for ''Squirrel''.
So the woke took another beloved squirrel from the public.
1- Fuck these woke censors.
2- What a bunch of groveling cucks who instantly prostrate themselves in apoplogies.
RFK actually wants the position to clean-up the FDA and remove the most harmful food additives, and possibly do a revision with proper double-blind studies on vaccines for children.
They will definetly try to blow his head if he does it.
Not many people are dumb enough to believe babies benefit from mRNA injections ''against CoviD19'', yet it was added to the now extremely long ''routine'' list of injections.
If he has to resort to that, he should do it.
Dismantle the Deep State, drain the swamp.
In a way, it's a good thing that he was cheated out the 2020 presidency : so many traitors who were sabotaging his efforts quickly turned on him to stab him.
Trump banning the revolving door between the FDA and Big Pharma?
Will he do it though?
He will have to ban them holding positions in organisations that are one step next to Big Pharma too, and these shit-weasels will try to cheat and decieve untill they are smacked hard enough they will fear trying again.
Oh definetly do not buy from devs who hate and want to replace White people.
Torrent and patch / mod the game.
What was the saying again?
You don't ''join'' Gamergate.
You get thrown in the pit with the rest of us.
They never stopped hating Trump the 4 years he was out of office, so he will have been haunting them for 12 years instead of 8.
This is a ''PC Normie'' moment from Rogan.
Let's be as nice as possible to avoid ''identity attacks'' Reddit-lite censorship :
Some people, who happened to be jews, not all of them far from it, just a few powerful people, were undermining Spain to such extent that kicking them out immediately started the Spanish Golden Age.
If you get kicked of 110 houses hundreds of times, the problem can't be other people most of the time.
If we can't talk about the problems to fix them, the same problems will cause the same reactions.
We can discuss how the actions of the French in Haiti ( enslaving people ) is largely responsible for the violent revolution in which blacks genocided all White people there from toddler to elder, men and women.
Leftists will applause the genocide part because the victims were White, without being dragged to court and jailed as some people are if they speak the wrong words about WWII. But we can discuss it without saying genocide is an acceptable solution, and still holding people accountable for genocide.
We should be able to discuss other causes and effect in ethnic/racial/religious conflicts and genocides.
We need to be able to discuss problems like how the French police needed weeks to find some of the terrorists of the Paris attacks because they were hidden by their own community hostile to France, inside France. Or is that just an ''islamophobic conspiracy theory'' we shall never discuss too?
And we should be able to discuss how each ethnicity having their own homeland is a solution to avoid endless race grifting, inter-racial violence and recriminations.
Games like Pathfinder: Wrath of The Rightous have an Un Woke mod on Based Mods to massively improve them.
May all games be moded to unshittify them.
https://basedmods.eth.limo/ ( Use Browse and then search by name, direct link to the mod's page dosen't work ).
To paraphrase Vee, they made the bread too expensive and the circus lame and gay. Don't do that.
Imagine how much garbage Trump will be able to remove from the government with his experience in the field.
Not letting groomer brainwash children with Gender Theory is ''trans genocide'' though. Fucking up kids in the head is 90%+ of trans recruitment.
Landslide is a stretch.
''Sweeping all swing-states'' is enough of a description in a ~50.8% vs ~48% ( they are still counting somehow ) thin popular vote victory.
"Kamala lost because Leftists killed Peanut the squirrel."
They hate it because the aprouved Media told them it was a "far-right outrage" and they don't want the Deplorables criticizing government overreach.
Woke ESG globhomo product with an insufferable girlboss brown mystery meat progatonist.
Sounds about right for most of it.
What they mean by that, is they want a formal banning of law enforcement from investigating illegal abortions falsely claimed to be "miscarriages".
At this point just manhandle the sandfolks, sort all of them on either side of the UN Partition Plan and shoot anyone disrupting that or try to cross.
Or turn the whole region into a glass crater after shipping back all their dual-citizens living abroad.
Trump bragged he could end the war between Russia and Ukraine if he had 24h to negociate with Putin and Zelensky.
I'll be amazed if he manages that by March. EIther way if he takes 25 hours the media will spend a week publishing articles and news segments saying ''Trump lied, Trump couldn't deliver a peace deal as promissed ( missed deadline ), etc.
Biden cannot tie his own shoes or discuss internal affairs with his cabinet ( even his cabinet meetings were scripted theater ).
Democrats tacitly agreed he was mentally unfit when they yanked him from the race to crown Kamala as the nominee.
But sure, Biden negociated stopping a war. Lol.
Jill and Joe Biden must have been so happy when Queen of Cackles lost to Trump.
''Maby if I transition I won't look like an obese smelly pervert''
Reddit Admins and Powermods.
Stop harassig and assaulting Trump supporters and stop trying to assassinate Trump, you gaslighting freak.
The Environement
You mean slightly fewer regulations, less Climate Cultism, and less GHG tax scams? Thank you Trump
Trump won the electoral college and the popular vote. So sit down and shut up.
Civil Rights
Freedom of speech is a human ( and civil ) right. You keep violating it. Institutional discrimination against White people and East-Asians is a violation of our human ( and civil ) rights. Democrats are the ones who want to violate our civil rights.
The same as it was 5 minutes ago. Do you think Canadian healthcare is better? It isn't. Poor people in the USA have taxpayer funded coverage and your Healthcare insurace companies along with the hospitals are scammers. In Canada you get offered assisted suicide and 36 months waiting list for a hip replacement.
Food quality
Even in their retarded make-believe world of Orange Man Bad, do they think Kennedy won't do anything for that? He teamed with Trump in large part for that : removing poison from the food industry.
Also, NSFW hat for the bottom left picture.
Inversion of reality is a way of life for Democrats.
They spent the whole campaing lying about everything, with fantasy stories of women dying because a doctor couldn't abort a pregnancy that was killing them. NOWHERE IS IT ILLEGAL TO KILL THE BABY INSIDE A WOMAN TO SAVE HER LIFE.
Say Goodbye to
Kamala. Say goodbye to Kamala.
Ah yes, double-down on wokeness at a time normies are just starting to turn away from your shit propaganda, and people even remotely aware of what's going on actively hate you and set-up SBI Detected to avoid giving money to people who hate them and vandalize our countries and culture.
Real smart move.
Trump never will.
Kennedy might get the opportunity do to real studies with 100% unvaccinated control groups.
And he won't shut up about it if the result show it's not worth the risk, under accusations of being an ''antisemite conspiracy theorist'' or he would have shut up long ago.
They might blow his head though.